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NEW: Create high-converting ads with 500+ Canva templates

Find and make winning ads 10x faster

Atria is the first AI platform for ad creation workflows.
Inspiration, research, ideation — all in one place.
No credit card required

Trusted by 2500+ teams from

All CitizensBeehiivEveryday DoseRidestoreRyze

Find Top Picks , make performing ads with 500+ templates

Never make ads from scratch again

Exclusive selection of top-performing ads

Curated by Atria and our experts

Ready-made templates on Canva

Fully customizable Canva templates to match your brand identity

Make winning ad copy using AI

Add your brand brief and get tailored ad copy

Outcompete your competitors with data

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World's largest ad library

Search over 6 million winning ads

From the best brands on Meta and TikTok

AI-driven search

Experience search that prioritizes the best brands from your keywords

AI-driven search
Filter by themes

Research top and trending creative strategies

Filter by themes

Create scripts in minutes

Go from idea to final script using AI
Create scripts in minutes

Research & analysis in one place

Customer review mining is a lot faster

Analyze multiple sheets in one session

Actionable suggestions

Summarize by top keywords

Zoom into relevant reviews

Customer review mining is a lot faster
Video transcripts extraction

Extract your favorite video scripts in one click.

Video transcripts extraction
View statistics of your competitor's ads

Check out their media mix and top landing pages

Save ads from Meta and TikTok, forever

Even if the brand stops running them, your saved ads will be kept forever.
Save from Atria library

Save any ads to your own collection in one click

Save from Atria library
Save from our Chrome extension

Even inactive ads are kept forever

Save from our Chrome extension
Organize ads on multi-level boards

Suffer from single-level boards? This is the cure!

Organize ads on multi-level boards
Personalize tags

Use tags to make your saved ads more retrievable.

Personalize tags
Gerson Ramirez

Gerson Ramirez

Creative Strategist @True Classic

“Atria is a game-changing creative strategy tool. It’s an all in one creative ideation + scripting tool. Its amazing theme based ad search makes finding ad inspiration extremely fast. Atria is the best thing to happen to creative strategy since Motion!”

Gerson Ramirez
Dennis Willeboordse

Dennis Willeboordse


“Atria helps my team save crazy hours we’d normally spend in other tools. Atria is a powerful all-in-one platform to discover new ads and to craft superior ads in less time - all driven by its unique AI capabilities.”

Dennis Willeboordse
Nicole Crowell

Nicole Crowell

CEO & Founder @Performance Purple

“Atria's AI platform, with a vast 6 million ad library, acts like a personal assistant, tailoring searches to my needs. Atria is more than an ad tool; it’s a forward-thinking partner, keeping my strategies ahead of the curve.”

Nicole Crowell
Fabio Pereira

Fabio Pereira

Creative Director @Everyday Dose

“The time saving and creative strategy that Atria helps with is immense for our workflow. A true all-in-one tool for creatives, from the AI tools to the amazing library and team component, it’s truly one of best tools we have on our stack.”

Fabio Pereira

Start winning with Atria

No credit card required