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The novel
The novel
Sep 10, 2024 - Sep 11, 2024
Capitolo 1 Mi Vuole Sposare?

Arrivata in Comune, Vivian William rimase completamente sconcertata nel vedere che era stata la prima ad arrivare. L'uomo con cui avrebbe dovuto sposarsi non era ancora arrivato.

Aveva già mezz’ora di ritardo, rispetto all'orario concordato, ma proprio mentre stava per contattarlo, fu lui a chiamarla invece.

Subito udì la sua voce furiosa risuonare attraverso il telefono: "Vivian William, sei una bugiarda! Hai dimenticato tutte le cose vergognose che hai fatto all'università? Come osi anche solo pensare che io possa sposarti adesso? Ora stammi a sentire: non ti sposerò neanche per sogno! Adesso mi è tutto chiaro, eri così pronta a parlare di matrimonio nonostante ci conoscessimo solo da tre giorni! Menomale che la mia ex ragazza studiava nella tua stessa università, altrimenti saresti riuscita a ingannarmi! Sei senza vergogna!"

E poi riattaccò, senza lasciare a Vivian nemmeno una possibilità di spiegarsi. Era rimasta a bocca aperta, senza emettere suono e le sue dita stavano diventando bianche per la stretta che avevano sul telefono che. L'uomo non si era preoccupato di abbassare la voce, e molte persone avevano sentito la telefonata; tutte quelli nella stanza le lanciavano sguardi pieni di disprezzo e disgusto, pungenti come migliaia di aghi.

Era tutto esattamente come quella notte da incubo di due anni fa. Aveva la sensazione l’oscurità la stesse inghiottendo. Non importa quanto si sforzasse, non c'era via di fuga...Gocce di sudore le si formarono sulla fronte mentre diventava sempre più pallida. Senza rendersene conto, tutto il suo corpo aveva iniziato a tremare incontrollabilmente.

Di lato, un paio di occhi scuri e profondi osservavano la donna tremante mentre, con fare pensieroso, batteva le sue dita esili sui braccioli della sedia a rotelle. "Signor Norton." In quel momento, un giovane raggiunse in fretta il fianco di Finnick Norton. Chinandosi, sussurrò: "La signorina Lopez mi ha informato che è ancora bloccata nel traffico. Ha detto che potrebbe impiegare almeno un'ora per arrivare qui."

"Dille pure di tornare a casa. Dille di non disturbarsi più a venire." Finnick non si preoccupò nemmeno di girarsi. Il suo sguardo acuto era fissato su Vivian mentre aggiunse placidamente: "Non mi piacciono le donne ipocrite."

"Ma..." Il giovane, il suo assistente, aveva un'espressione contrariata sul viso. "Suo nonno sta insistendo molto per farla sposare..."

Come se non avesse sentito le parole del suo assistente, Finnick premé il pulsante sulla sua sedia a rotelle per avvicinarsi a Vivian.

"Mi scusi signorina, mi vuole sposare?"

Una voce nitida risuonò, trascinando Vivian fuori dall'oscurità che stava quasi per inghiottirla del tutto. Alzando la testa, fu leggermente sorpresa da ciò che si trovò davanti agli occhi. Non sapeva come, ma un uomo su una sedia a rotelle le si era fermato davanti e le stava parlando.

Aveva dei lineamenti perfetti, da togliere il fiato; sopracciglia estremamente folte che riposavano su un volto con fattezze molto definite che sembrava essere stato scolpito nel marmo. Somigliava ad un’opera d’arte senza neanche un difetto. Nonostante indossasse una semplice camicia bianca, il modello accentuava la sua corporatura snella, ma bella robusta. Il fatto che fosse seduto su una sedia a rotelle non toglieva nulla al suo aspetto nobile e fiero. Al contrario, sembrava solo renderlo più distante e inavvicinabile.

Solo dopo che l'uomo ripeté la domanda, Vivian uscì dallo stordimento in cui era caduta.


"Non ho potuto fare a meno di ascoltare la sua conversazione prima. Ha bisogno di sposarsi, vero?"

Sentendo queste parole il respiro le si bloccò nei polmoni, mentre umiliazione e angoscia la travolgevano.

Non aspettandosi una risposta da parte di Vivian, l'uomo continuò con tono indifferente. "Che coincidenza. Siamo sulla stessa barca. Dato che abbiamo lo stesso obiettivo, perché non ci aiutiamo a vicenda?" Per come ne parlava, sembrava che stesse trattando di affari, non di uno degli eventi più importanti della propria vita.

A questo punto, Vivian capì finalmente che quell'uomo non stava scherzando, e le stava davvero proponendo di sposarla. Però, ci siamo appena conosciuti! Sposarsi subito sarebbe troppo scandaloso!

"Signore, non ci conosciamo nemmeno! Non pensa di essere troppo precipitoso e impulsivo?"

"Penso che lei non conoscesse nemmeno gli uomini con cui andava agli appuntamenti al buio."

La sua risposta fu calma e diretta, Vivian si trovò colta di sorpresa, rimanendo senza parole.

"Oh, capisco. Crede di essere meglio di me perché sono uno storpio, vero?"

"Certo che no!" - fu la sua risposta automatica. Quando vide un piccolo bagliore di divertimento nei suoi occhi scuri, si rese conto che stava facendo esattamente il suo gioco.

"Signorina." Lui incrociò tranquillamente le mani sulle ginocchia, fissandola poi con uno sguardo ardente. "Sono abbastanza sicuro che lei abbia molto bisogno di sposarsi. Se ora perde questa occasione, cosa le fa pensare che ne avrà un'altra?"

Dovetti ammettere che era molto persuasivo. Ha ragione. Ho un disperato bisogno di questo matrimonio. In realtà, è più preciso dire che ho bisogno di far parte di un nucleo familiare di qualcuno che risiede in questa città. Solo allora mi sarà concesso di richiedere l'assicurazione sanitaria, per poter sostenere le costose spese mediche di mia madre.

I secondi passavano in fretta, mentre continuava a fissare quell'uomo. Alla fine, riuscì a dire a stento: "Vive qui in pianta stabile, a Sunshine City?"

Le labbra di lui si piegarono in un piccolo sorriso: "Sì."

Vivian rimase di nuovo in silenzio. Le sue dita continuavano a stringersi attorno al suo registro familiare.

Anche se era storpio, l'uomo che aveva davanti possedeva modi e aspetto che superavano di anni luce quelli degli orribili uomini che aveva incontrato di recente nei suoi appuntamenti al buio. Oh Vivian, non era forse questo il tuo unico obiettivo? Negli ultimi tre mesi non hai fatto altro che cercare un uomo da sposare il prima possibile. Ora, l'opportunità di farlo ti sta praticamente saltando addosso! Perché ancora esiti ancora?

Sentiva delle emozioni contrastanti dentro di lei. Alla fine, si morse il labbro e decise, risoluta. La donna annuì, dicendo: "Va bene, sono d'accordo."

Capitolo 2 Matrimonio All’Improvviso

Un'ora dopo, Vivian uscì dagli Uffici Comunali con il certificato di matrimonio tra le mani. Mentre camminava le sembrava di fluttuare in aria, come se tutto fosse stato solo un sogno. Non avrebbe mai pensato che un giorno si sarebbe sposata da un momento all’altro, con un uomo che aveva incontrato solo per caso. Sarà forse questo il destino?

Abbassò lo sguardo, e vide la loro foto, che li ritraeva seduti uno accanto all'altro, e sotto c’erano scritti i nomi di entrambi. L'espressione dell'uomo era neutra, mentre la sua chiaramente mostrava inquietudine e riserve. Ho appena scoperto il nome di mio marito così, direttamente dal certificato di matrimonio. È assurdo! Finnick Norton. Un nome semplice, ma adatto a un uomo come lui.

"Vivian William?"

Anche l'uomo, Finnick, stava fissando il certificato di matrimonio. Aveva pronunciato il suo nome lentamente, con il timbro basso della sua voce, il nome era scivolato via dalla sua lingua senza intoppi. Sentirlo pronunciare il suo nome le faceva venire dei brividi che le correvano per tutta la schiena.

Era ancora sotto shock per il suo cambiamento di stato civile, quando improvvisamente una mano le apparve davanti agli occhi, con una carta di credito tra le dita.

"Signorina William, sono consapevole che sposarsi e indossare una fede al dito sono alcuni degli eventi più desiderati da una donna. Purtroppo, mi dispiace dirtelo, ma non ho tempo per occuparmene. Se desideri un anello, scegli pure quello che più di piace."

Inclinando la testa all'indietro, Vivian incontrò lo sguardo indecifrabile di Finnick.

"Non ce n’è bisogno." Agitò in modo frenetico le mani rifiutando. "Non mi interessano tali formalità."

Ormai aveva già superato l'età in cui si sarebbe preoccupata di questi gesti romantici. Inoltre, non voleva essere in debito con lui, anche se era legalmente suo marito. "Almeno scegli un anello." Non aveva ancora finito di pronunciare quelle parole, che subito prese le mani e le diede la carta di credito. Allo sfiorarsi delle loro mani, la leggera differenza di temperatura generò un brivido, che attraversò tutta Vivian. Fu piuttosto sorpresa dal suo calore.

"Allora, va bene." Dato che si erano appena sposati, per così dire, non voleva litigare con lui per le sue buone intenzioni. Quindi, prese la carta e la mise nella borsa. “Ho una riunione nel pomeriggio, quindi devo andare via, non posso accompagnarti." Il suo tono di voce era impassibile come sempre.

"Va bene." Non aveva alcuna speranza che lui la trattasse davvero come una vera moglie, qualcuno da amare e viziare. Ecco perché non era né sorpresa e né delusa che la stesse lasciando lì.

All’improvviso si ricordò di una cosa, e disse: "A proposito, dopo ti invierò il mio indirizzo di casa, trasferisciti pure quando ti è più comodo."

Si erano scambiati i numeri di telefono prima, mentre aspettavano il certificato di matrimonio.

"Non vado di fretta!" rispose lei subito.

Anche se per uno uomo e una donna sposati era normale vivere insieme, la verità era semplicemente che non era pronta a vivere sotto lo stesso tetto di uno sconosciuto. Forse il rifiuto che provava era trasparito eccessivamente nel suo tono di voce, visto che Finnick subito alzò la testa per guardarla. Vivian arrossì un po', imbarazzata. Comunque, non disse nulla, tutto ciò che fece fu premere un pulsante sulla sua sedia a rotelle per girarsi subito dopo aver detto: "Se non c'è altro, me ne vado."

"Va bene."

Vivan aspettò che lui fosse salito nella sua auto nera prima di andare via. Appena partita, chiamò immediatamente il dipartimento delle risorse umane della sua azienda. Gli disse che presto sarebbe stata registrata come residente di Sunshine City. Dalle risorse umane le confermarono che avrebbero stipulato un’assicurazione sanitaria locale sia per lei che per la sua famiglia, e allora tirò un sospiro di sollievo. Sebbene sposarsi oggi era stata una decisione piuttosto impulsiva da parte sua, almeno era riuscita a risolvere questo problema, che la tormentava da tempo. Finalmente, non avrebbe più dovuto angosciarsi per le spese mediche di sua madre.

Arrivata alla redazione di Glamour Magazine, dove lavorava come giornalista, Vivian scoprì che era ancora troppo presto per l’intervista che avevano fissato nel pomeriggio. Approfittando del poco tempo libero che aveva, decise di andare al centro commerciale lì accanto, per comprare un paio di fedi nuziali con la carta di Finnick.

Dopo, tornò alla sua scrivania e si mise a ripassare le informazioni sull’intervista di questo pomeriggio per l'ultima volta. Proprio in quel momento, Sarah la raggiunse, avvicinandosi con la sua sedia. Le brillavano gli occhi mentre chiedeva: "Vivian, cos’è quell'anello?"

"Sei proprio una brava osservatrice, eh?" Vivian non aveva intenzione di nascondere nulla. Dopotutto, alle risorse umane sapevano già che aveva cambiato residenza e anche nucleo familiare, presto in redazione tutti avrebbero saputo del suo nuovo stato civile. "Mi sono sposata da poco."

"Congratulazioni, Vivian!" esclamò Sarah mentre guardava attentamente l'anello. "Te l’ha regalato tuo marito? Non è un diamante molto grande, vero? Quanto vi è costato?"

"Poco più di mille."

Vivian, non conoscendo quale fosse la situazione finanziaria di Finnick, aveva scelto uno tra gli anelli più economici e semplici che potesse trovare.

Le sopracciglia di Sarah si aggrottavano mentre dichiarava con un'espressione seria: "Vivian, questo non va affatto bene! L’anello nuziale è un simbolo del vostro matrimonio. Quanto affidabile può essere un uomo se non ti compra nemmeno un anello importante?"

"Guarda, sta facendo del suo meglio," rispose Vivian. Notando lo sguardo compassionevole negli occhi di Sarah, si accorse che pensava che il suo nuovo marito non fosse molto benestante.

"Basta così. Non ne parliamo più." Cambiò rapidamente argomento, non volendo dilungarsi. "Sei pronta per l’intervista che abbiamo dopo?"

"Ahahah, assolutamente!" La tattica di distrazione di Vivian aveva funzionato, poiché Sarah indicando il suo abbigliamento, disse subito: "Vivian, cosa ne pensi? Sono bella?”

Fu solo allora che Vivian notò che la sua collega indossava un completo rosa e bianco. Si era anche acconciata i capelli con molta cura. "Sei stupenda!" si complimentò Vivian. Solleticata dalle sue parole lusinghiere, gli occhi di Sarah si illuminarono di gioia. "Allora, pensi che avrò una possibilità con uno scapolo riccone come il presidente del Gruppo Finnor?"

Capitolo 3 Il Presidente È Mio Marito

Vivian spalancò gli occhi dalla sorpresa, mentre capì perché Sarah si fosse impegnata così tanto per farsi bella. La persona che avrebbero intervistato nel pomeriggio era il presidente del Gruppo Finnor. A Sunshine City, il Gruppo Finnor era considerato una leggenda; l’azienda era nata dal nulla solo tre anni fa. Aveva avuto un’ascesa molto rapida, riuscendo a farsi un nome nell'industria finanziaria, utilizzando metodi estremamente aggressivi. Al momento, era considerata uno dei magnati finanziari di Sunshine City, essendo al pari delle prime tre famiglie della città.

Eppure, ad attirare l'attenzione più di ogni altra cosa era il presidente dell'azienda. Ancora oggi, nessuno conosceva il suo nome, o il suo aspetto; la sua intera identità era un mistero, rendendo la sua figura sempre più affascinante. Non c'era esempio migliore di Sarah, che si era impegnata a vestirsi bene, dopo aver scoperto chi sarebbe stato il protagonista dell’intervista.

Un lampo di divertimento brillò negli occhi di Vivian mentre scherzava: "Sarah, sei sicura di volerlo impressionare così tanto? Non temi che il presidente possa rivelarsi un vecchio uomo calvo e cattivo?"

"Pfft! Non ci credo!" Sarah sbottò infastidita: "Si dice che sia molto giovane!"

In contrasto all'atteggiamento speranzosa e divertente di Sarah, Jenny era completamente seria quando disse: "Questa intervista è un'opportunità unica nella vita, quindi dobbiamo essere preparate al meglio. È la prima volta che il presidente accetta effettivamente un'intervista per un giornale. Le nostre vendite schizzeranno alle stelle se riusciremo a ottenere una sua foto."

Vivian annuì comprensiva.

Era vero che il presidente del Gruppo Finnor non aveva mai accettato un'intervista. Quando Glamour Magazine lo aveva invitato per la prima volta, inizialmente aveva rifiutato, come al solito. Ma, contro ogni aspettativa, ieri era arrivata una telefonata in cui affermava di voler fare l’intervista. Inutile dire che la notizia improvvisa aveva scioccato i caporedattori.

Dopo aver rivisto la struttura dell'intervista per l'ultima volta, Vivian, Sarah e Jenny si diressero al Gruppo Finnor insieme ad un fotografo. Il Gruppo Finnor si trovava nel quartiere finanziario di Sunshine City. Salutarono la receptionist al primo piano, dichiarando il motivo della loro visita e presero l'ascensore fino all'ultimo piano.

"Venite da Glamour Magazine?" La segretaria venne ad accoglierli non appena uscirono dall'ascensore. "Il signor Norton vi sta già aspettando dentro" e li condusse nell'ufficio del presidente.

Vivian si bloccò leggermente sentendo ciò che aveva detto la segretaria.

Signor Norton? Che coincidenza, chi l’avrebbe mai detto, che il presidente del Gruppo Finnor aveva lo stesso cognome del mio nuovo marito?

Appena prima di entrare, Sarah, nervosa, tirò la manica di Vivian, sussurrando: "Come vanno i capelli? Sono disordinati? Oh, meglio che non si siano rovinati..." Sghignazzando leggermente, Vivian rispose sussurrando: "Stanno bene. Non hai un solo capello fuori posto. È tutto…"

In quel momento, guardò per caso nell'ufficio mentre parlava. Appena vide la figura vicino alla finestra, si irrigidì sorpresa e si interruppe. Tutti i pensieri rassicuranti che aveva per Sarah svanirono all’istante. Proprio in quel momento, lo sguardo di Sarah cadde sull'uomo, facendole dimenticare del tutto il suo aspetto. Lo shock era evidente nella sua voce mentre mormorava: "Oh mio dio, il presidente del Gruppo Finnor... Sta davvero seduto su una sedia a rotelle?"

Prima che Vivian potesse dire qualcosa, la sedia a rotelle si girò verso di loro lentamente.

Sarah ansimò: "Wow! È così bello! È più bello di una celebrità!"

La sua una sedia a rotelle era stato completamente eclissata dal suo fascino e quindi Sarah non riuscì più a trattenere i suoi sussurri ammirati.

Vivian non sentì una sola delle sue parole. Anche la sua attenzione era concentrata sull'uomo, ma per motivi completamente diversi. In quel momento, il suo cervello sembrava essersi fermato, mentre lo fissava, era completamente sbalordita. I raggi di luce che entravano dalla finestra davano forma ai lineamenti spigolosi e decisi del volto di quell’uomo nell'ombra, mentre gli occhi scuri rimanevano freddi come sempre.

Era Finnick.

Finnick è il presidente del Gruppo Finnor?

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The novel
The novel
Sep 10, 2024 - Sep 11, 2024
Capitolo 1 Mi Vuole Sposare?

Arrivata in Comune, Vivian William rimase completamente sconcertata nel vedere che era stata la prima ad arrivare. L'uomo con cui avrebbe dovuto sposarsi non era ancora arrivato.

Aveva già mezz’ora di ritardo, rispetto all'orario concordato, ma proprio mentre stava per contattarlo, fu lui a chiamarla invece.

Subito udì la sua voce furiosa risuonare attraverso il telefono: "Vivian William, sei una bugiarda! Hai dimenticato tutte le cose vergognose che hai fatto all'università? Come osi anche solo pensare che io possa sposarti adesso? Ora stammi a sentire: non ti sposerò neanche per sogno! Adesso mi è tutto chiaro, eri così pronta a parlare di matrimonio nonostante ci conoscessimo solo da tre giorni! Menomale che la mia ex ragazza studiava nella tua stessa università, altrimenti saresti riuscita a ingannarmi! Sei senza vergogna!"

E poi riattaccò, senza lasciare a Vivian nemmeno una possibilità di spiegarsi. Era rimasta a bocca aperta, senza emettere suono e le sue dita stavano diventando bianche per la stretta che avevano sul telefono che. L'uomo non si era preoccupato di abbassare la voce, e molte persone avevano sentito la telefonata; tutte quelli nella stanza le lanciavano sguardi pieni di disprezzo e disgusto, pungenti come migliaia di aghi.

Era tutto esattamente come quella notte da incubo di due anni fa. Aveva la sensazione l’oscurità la stesse inghiottendo. Non importa quanto si sforzasse, non c'era via di fuga...Gocce di sudore le si formarono sulla fronte mentre diventava sempre più pallida. Senza rendersene conto, tutto il suo corpo aveva iniziato a tremare incontrollabilmente.

Di lato, un paio di occhi scuri e profondi osservavano la donna tremante mentre, con fare pensieroso, batteva le sue dita esili sui braccioli della sedia a rotelle. "Signor Norton." In quel momento, un giovane raggiunse in fretta il fianco di Finnick Norton. Chinandosi, sussurrò: "La signorina Lopez mi ha informato che è ancora bloccata nel traffico. Ha detto che potrebbe impiegare almeno un'ora per arrivare qui."

"Dille pure di tornare a casa. Dille di non disturbarsi più a venire." Finnick non si preoccupò nemmeno di girarsi. Il suo sguardo acuto era fissato su Vivian mentre aggiunse placidamente: "Non mi piacciono le donne ipocrite."

"Ma..." Il giovane, il suo assistente, aveva un'espressione contrariata sul viso. "Suo nonno sta insistendo molto per farla sposare..."

Come se non avesse sentito le parole del suo assistente, Finnick premé il pulsante sulla sua sedia a rotelle per avvicinarsi a Vivian.

"Mi scusi signorina, mi vuole sposare?"

Una voce nitida risuonò, trascinando Vivian fuori dall'oscurità che stava quasi per inghiottirla del tutto. Alzando la testa, fu leggermente sorpresa da ciò che si trovò davanti agli occhi. Non sapeva come, ma un uomo su una sedia a rotelle le si era fermato davanti e le stava parlando.

Aveva dei lineamenti perfetti, da togliere il fiato; sopracciglia estremamente folte che riposavano su un volto con fattezze molto definite che sembrava essere stato scolpito nel marmo. Somigliava ad un’opera d’arte senza neanche un difetto. Nonostante indossasse una semplice camicia bianca, il modello accentuava la sua corporatura snella, ma bella robusta. Il fatto che fosse seduto su una sedia a rotelle non toglieva nulla al suo aspetto nobile e fiero. Al contrario, sembrava solo renderlo più distante e inavvicinabile.

Solo dopo che l'uomo ripeté la domanda, Vivian uscì dallo stordimento in cui era caduta.


"Non ho potuto fare a meno di ascoltare la sua conversazione prima. Ha bisogno di sposarsi, vero?"

Sentendo queste parole il respiro le si bloccò nei polmoni, mentre umiliazione e angoscia la travolgevano.

Non aspettandosi una risposta da parte di Vivian, l'uomo continuò con tono indifferente. "Che coincidenza. Siamo sulla stessa barca. Dato che abbiamo lo stesso obiettivo, perché non ci aiutiamo a vicenda?" Per come ne parlava, sembrava che stesse trattando di affari, non di uno degli eventi più importanti della propria vita.

A questo punto, Vivian capì finalmente che quell'uomo non stava scherzando, e le stava davvero proponendo di sposarla. Però, ci siamo appena conosciuti! Sposarsi subito sarebbe troppo scandaloso!

"Signore, non ci conosciamo nemmeno! Non pensa di essere troppo precipitoso e impulsivo?"

"Penso che lei non conoscesse nemmeno gli uomini con cui andava agli appuntamenti al buio."

La sua risposta fu calma e diretta, Vivian si trovò colta di sorpresa, rimanendo senza parole.

"Oh, capisco. Crede di essere meglio di me perché sono uno storpio, vero?"

"Certo che no!" - fu la sua risposta automatica. Quando vide un piccolo bagliore di divertimento nei suoi occhi scuri, si rese conto che stava facendo esattamente il suo gioco.

"Signorina." Lui incrociò tranquillamente le mani sulle ginocchia, fissandola poi con uno sguardo ardente. "Sono abbastanza sicuro che lei abbia molto bisogno di sposarsi. Se ora perde questa occasione, cosa le fa pensare che ne avrà un'altra?"

Dovetti ammettere che era molto persuasivo. Ha ragione. Ho un disperato bisogno di questo matrimonio. In realtà, è più preciso dire che ho bisogno di far parte di un nucleo familiare di qualcuno che risiede in questa città. Solo allora mi sarà concesso di richiedere l'assicurazione sanitaria, per poter sostenere le costose spese mediche di mia madre.

I secondi passavano in fretta, mentre continuava a fissare quell'uomo. Alla fine, riuscì a dire a stento: "Vive qui in pianta stabile, a Sunshine City?"

Le labbra di lui si piegarono in un piccolo sorriso: "Sì."

Vivian rimase di nuovo in silenzio. Le sue dita continuavano a stringersi attorno al suo registro familiare.

Anche se era storpio, l'uomo che aveva davanti possedeva modi e aspetto che superavano di anni luce quelli degli orribili uomini che aveva incontrato di recente nei suoi appuntamenti al buio. Oh Vivian, non era forse questo il tuo unico obiettivo? Negli ultimi tre mesi non hai fatto altro che cercare un uomo da sposare il prima possibile. Ora, l'opportunità di farlo ti sta praticamente saltando addosso! Perché ancora esiti ancora?

Sentiva delle emozioni contrastanti dentro di lei. Alla fine, si morse il labbro e decise, risoluta. La donna annuì, dicendo: "Va bene, sono d'accordo."

Capitolo 2 Matrimonio All’Improvviso

Un'ora dopo, Vivian uscì dagli Uffici Comunali con il certificato di matrimonio tra le mani. Mentre camminava le sembrava di fluttuare in aria, come se tutto fosse stato solo un sogno. Non avrebbe mai pensato che un giorno si sarebbe sposata da un momento all’altro, con un uomo che aveva incontrato solo per caso. Sarà forse questo il destino?

Abbassò lo sguardo, e vide la loro foto, che li ritraeva seduti uno accanto all'altro, e sotto c’erano scritti i nomi di entrambi. L'espressione dell'uomo era neutra, mentre la sua chiaramente mostrava inquietudine e riserve. Ho appena scoperto il nome di mio marito così, direttamente dal certificato di matrimonio. È assurdo! Finnick Norton. Un nome semplice, ma adatto a un uomo come lui.

"Vivian William?"

Anche l'uomo, Finnick, stava fissando il certificato di matrimonio. Aveva pronunciato il suo nome lentamente, con il timbro basso della sua voce, il nome era scivolato via dalla sua lingua senza intoppi. Sentirlo pronunciare il suo nome le faceva venire dei brividi che le correvano per tutta la schiena.

Era ancora sotto shock per il suo cambiamento di stato civile, quando improvvisamente una mano le apparve davanti agli occhi, con una carta di credito tra le dita.

"Signorina William, sono consapevole che sposarsi e indossare una fede al dito sono alcuni degli eventi più desiderati da una donna. Purtroppo, mi dispiace dirtelo, ma non ho tempo per occuparmene. Se desideri un anello, scegli pure quello che più di piace."

Inclinando la testa all'indietro, Vivian incontrò lo sguardo indecifrabile di Finnick.

"Non ce n’è bisogno." Agitò in modo frenetico le mani rifiutando. "Non mi interessano tali formalità."

Ormai aveva già superato l'età in cui si sarebbe preoccupata di questi gesti romantici. Inoltre, non voleva essere in debito con lui, anche se era legalmente suo marito. "Almeno scegli un anello." Non aveva ancora finito di pronunciare quelle parole, che subito prese le mani e le diede la carta di credito. Allo sfiorarsi delle loro mani, la leggera differenza di temperatura generò un brivido, che attraversò tutta Vivian. Fu piuttosto sorpresa dal suo calore.

"Allora, va bene." Dato che si erano appena sposati, per così dire, non voleva litigare con lui per le sue buone intenzioni. Quindi, prese la carta e la mise nella borsa. “Ho una riunione nel pomeriggio, quindi devo andare via, non posso accompagnarti." Il suo tono di voce era impassibile come sempre.

"Va bene." Non aveva alcuna speranza che lui la trattasse davvero come una vera moglie, qualcuno da amare e viziare. Ecco perché non era né sorpresa e né delusa che la stesse lasciando lì.

All’improvviso si ricordò di una cosa, e disse: "A proposito, dopo ti invierò il mio indirizzo di casa, trasferisciti pure quando ti è più comodo."

Si erano scambiati i numeri di telefono prima, mentre aspettavano il certificato di matrimonio.

"Non vado di fretta!" rispose lei subito.

Anche se per uno uomo e una donna sposati era normale vivere insieme, la verità era semplicemente che non era pronta a vivere sotto lo stesso tetto di uno sconosciuto. Forse il rifiuto che provava era trasparito eccessivamente nel suo tono di voce, visto che Finnick subito alzò la testa per guardarla. Vivian arrossì un po', imbarazzata. Comunque, non disse nulla, tutto ciò che fece fu premere un pulsante sulla sua sedia a rotelle per girarsi subito dopo aver detto: "Se non c'è altro, me ne vado."

"Va bene."

Vivan aspettò che lui fosse salito nella sua auto nera prima di andare via. Appena partita, chiamò immediatamente il dipartimento delle risorse umane della sua azienda. Gli disse che presto sarebbe stata registrata come residente di Sunshine City. Dalle risorse umane le confermarono che avrebbero stipulato un’assicurazione sanitaria locale sia per lei che per la sua famiglia, e allora tirò un sospiro di sollievo. Sebbene sposarsi oggi era stata una decisione piuttosto impulsiva da parte sua, almeno era riuscita a risolvere questo problema, che la tormentava da tempo. Finalmente, non avrebbe più dovuto angosciarsi per le spese mediche di sua madre.

Arrivata alla redazione di Glamour Magazine, dove lavorava come giornalista, Vivian scoprì che era ancora troppo presto per l’intervista che avevano fissato nel pomeriggio. Approfittando del poco tempo libero che aveva, decise di andare al centro commerciale lì accanto, per comprare un paio di fedi nuziali con la carta di Finnick.

Dopo, tornò alla sua scrivania e si mise a ripassare le informazioni sull’intervista di questo pomeriggio per l'ultima volta. Proprio in quel momento, Sarah la raggiunse, avvicinandosi con la sua sedia. Le brillavano gli occhi mentre chiedeva: "Vivian, cos’è quell'anello?"

"Sei proprio una brava osservatrice, eh?" Vivian non aveva intenzione di nascondere nulla. Dopotutto, alle risorse umane sapevano già che aveva cambiato residenza e anche nucleo familiare, presto in redazione tutti avrebbero saputo del suo nuovo stato civile. "Mi sono sposata da poco."

"Congratulazioni, Vivian!" esclamò Sarah mentre guardava attentamente l'anello. "Te l’ha regalato tuo marito? Non è un diamante molto grande, vero? Quanto vi è costato?"

"Poco più di mille."

Vivian, non conoscendo quale fosse la situazione finanziaria di Finnick, aveva scelto uno tra gli anelli più economici e semplici che potesse trovare.

Le sopracciglia di Sarah si aggrottavano mentre dichiarava con un'espressione seria: "Vivian, questo non va affatto bene! L’anello nuziale è un simbolo del vostro matrimonio. Quanto affidabile può essere un uomo se non ti compra nemmeno un anello importante?"

"Guarda, sta facendo del suo meglio," rispose Vivian. Notando lo sguardo compassionevole negli occhi di Sarah, si accorse che pensava che il suo nuovo marito non fosse molto benestante.

"Basta così. Non ne parliamo più." Cambiò rapidamente argomento, non volendo dilungarsi. "Sei pronta per l’intervista che abbiamo dopo?"

"Ahahah, assolutamente!" La tattica di distrazione di Vivian aveva funzionato, poiché Sarah indicando il suo abbigliamento, disse subito: "Vivian, cosa ne pensi? Sono bella?”

Fu solo allora che Vivian notò che la sua collega indossava un completo rosa e bianco. Si era anche acconciata i capelli con molta cura. "Sei stupenda!" si complimentò Vivian. Solleticata dalle sue parole lusinghiere, gli occhi di Sarah si illuminarono di gioia. "Allora, pensi che avrò una possibilità con uno scapolo riccone come il presidente del Gruppo Finnor?"

Capitolo 3 Il Presidente È Mio Marito

Vivian spalancò gli occhi dalla sorpresa, mentre capì perché Sarah si fosse impegnata così tanto per farsi bella. La persona che avrebbero intervistato nel pomeriggio era il presidente del Gruppo Finnor. A Sunshine City, il Gruppo Finnor era considerato una leggenda; l’azienda era nata dal nulla solo tre anni fa. Aveva avuto un’ascesa molto rapida, riuscendo a farsi un nome nell'industria finanziaria, utilizzando metodi estremamente aggressivi. Al momento, era considerata uno dei magnati finanziari di Sunshine City, essendo al pari delle prime tre famiglie della città.

Eppure, ad attirare l'attenzione più di ogni altra cosa era il presidente dell'azienda. Ancora oggi, nessuno conosceva il suo nome, o il suo aspetto; la sua intera identità era un mistero, rendendo la sua figura sempre più affascinante. Non c'era esempio migliore di Sarah, che si era impegnata a vestirsi bene, dopo aver scoperto chi sarebbe stato il protagonista dell’intervista.

Un lampo di divertimento brillò negli occhi di Vivian mentre scherzava: "Sarah, sei sicura di volerlo impressionare così tanto? Non temi che il presidente possa rivelarsi un vecchio uomo calvo e cattivo?"

"Pfft! Non ci credo!" Sarah sbottò infastidita: "Si dice che sia molto giovane!"

In contrasto all'atteggiamento speranzosa e divertente di Sarah, Jenny era completamente seria quando disse: "Questa intervista è un'opportunità unica nella vita, quindi dobbiamo essere preparate al meglio. È la prima volta che il presidente accetta effettivamente un'intervista per un giornale. Le nostre vendite schizzeranno alle stelle se riusciremo a ottenere una sua foto."

Vivian annuì comprensiva.

Era vero che il presidente del Gruppo Finnor non aveva mai accettato un'intervista. Quando Glamour Magazine lo aveva invitato per la prima volta, inizialmente aveva rifiutato, come al solito. Ma, contro ogni aspettativa, ieri era arrivata una telefonata in cui affermava di voler fare l’intervista. Inutile dire che la notizia improvvisa aveva scioccato i caporedattori.

Dopo aver rivisto la struttura dell'intervista per l'ultima volta, Vivian, Sarah e Jenny si diressero al Gruppo Finnor insieme ad un fotografo. Il Gruppo Finnor si trovava nel quartiere finanziario di Sunshine City. Salutarono la receptionist al primo piano, dichiarando il motivo della loro visita e presero l'ascensore fino all'ultimo piano.

"Venite da Glamour Magazine?" La segretaria venne ad accoglierli non appena uscirono dall'ascensore. "Il signor Norton vi sta già aspettando dentro" e li condusse nell'ufficio del presidente.

Vivian si bloccò leggermente sentendo ciò che aveva detto la segretaria.

Signor Norton? Che coincidenza, chi l’avrebbe mai detto, che il presidente del Gruppo Finnor aveva lo stesso cognome del mio nuovo marito?

Appena prima di entrare, Sarah, nervosa, tirò la manica di Vivian, sussurrando: "Come vanno i capelli? Sono disordinati? Oh, meglio che non si siano rovinati..." Sghignazzando leggermente, Vivian rispose sussurrando: "Stanno bene. Non hai un solo capello fuori posto. È tutto…"

In quel momento, guardò per caso nell'ufficio mentre parlava. Appena vide la figura vicino alla finestra, si irrigidì sorpresa e si interruppe. Tutti i pensieri rassicuranti che aveva per Sarah svanirono all’istante. Proprio in quel momento, lo sguardo di Sarah cadde sull'uomo, facendole dimenticare del tutto il suo aspetto. Lo shock era evidente nella sua voce mentre mormorava: "Oh mio dio, il presidente del Gruppo Finnor... Sta davvero seduto su una sedia a rotelle?"

Prima che Vivian potesse dire qualcosa, la sedia a rotelle si girò verso di loro lentamente.

Sarah ansimò: "Wow! È così bello! È più bello di una celebrità!"

La sua una sedia a rotelle era stato completamente eclissata dal suo fascino e quindi Sarah non riuscì più a trattenere i suoi sussurri ammirati.

Vivian non sentì una sola delle sue parole. Anche la sua attenzione era concentrata sull'uomo, ma per motivi completamente diversi. In quel momento, il suo cervello sembrava essersi fermato, mentre lo fissava, era completamente sbalordita. I raggi di luce che entravano dalla finestra davano forma ai lineamenti spigolosi e decisi del volto di quell’uomo nell'ombra, mentre gli occhi scuri rimanevano freddi come sempre.

Era Finnick.

Finnick è il presidente del Gruppo Finnor?

Leggete subito il capitolo seguente👉Mai in ritardo, mai lontano
📚📚Titolo:Mai in ritardo, mai lontano📚📚Titolo:Mai in ritardo, mai lontano
The novel
The novel
Sep 10, 2024 - Sep 11, 2024
Chapter 1 First Love

A heavy rain began to pour relentlessly.

At the entrance of the hospital.

Standing at the hospital entrance, Cecilia Smith clutched the pregnancy test report in her delicate, frail hand. The result was unmistakable: not pregnant.

“Three years into marriage and you're still not pregnant?”

“You're so useless. If you don't get pregnant soon, the Rainsworth family will kick you out. What will become of the Smith family then?”

Dressed to the nines and teetering on her high heels, Paula Escobar, Cecilia's mother, pointed at her, her face a mask of disappointment.

Cecilia's eyes were empty. The words she longed to speak were stuck in her heart, finally condensing into a single sentence.

“I'm sorry.”

“I don't want you to apologize. What I want is for you to have a child with Nathaniel. Do you understand?”

Cecilia's throat felt parched. She was unsure of how to respond to her.

They had been married for three years, yet her husband, Nathaniel Rainsworth, had never laid a hand on her.

How could there possibly be a child?

Upon seeing her display of helplessness, Paula felt she was nothing like herself.

“If you really can't manage, then help Nathaniel find a woman outside. He will surely remember your kindness.”

Cecilia stared in disbelief at the retreating figure of her mother, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Her biological mother, astonishingly, had asked her to find another woman for her own husband.

A chill instantly froze her heart to its core.

As Cecilia sat in the car heading home, Paula's last words echoed in her mind, accompanied by a sudden, intermittent roaring in her ears.

She knew her illness had worsened.

At that moment, she received a text message.

The message came from Nathaniel, as consistent as ever over the past three years. It read: I won't be coming home tonight.

Throughout their three years of marriage, Nathaniel had never spent a single night at home, nor did he ever touch her.

Cecilia still remembered their wedding night three years ago.

He had said, “Since you from the Smith family dare to trick me into marriage, then be ready to face a lifetime of solitude.”

Three years ago, the Smith and Rainsworth families had formed a business alliance through marriage.

The promise had already been made, a mutual benefit shared between both parties.

However, on the day of the wedding, the Smith family unexpectedly changed their minds. They transferred all of their assets, including the several billion given to Nathaniel for marrying Cecilia, elsewhere.

A shadow crossed Cecilia's eyes, but she responded to Nathaniel's message with a simple “okay” as usual.

Without realizing it, she had crumpled the pregnancy test report in her hand into a wrinkled ball.

When she got home, she tossed it into the trash can.

Every month, at this particular time, she would feel especially drained.

She didn't make any dinner and spent a while leaning on the couch, drifting in and out of a dreamlike state.

She constantly heard a rumbling noise in her ears.

This was also a reason why Nathaniel despised her. She was hard of hearing, which, in high society, was akin to having a disability.

How could Nathaniel possibly allow her to have a child in such a state?

The wall clock emitted a dull sound.

It was five in the morning.

In another hour, Nathaniel would be back.

Only after daybreak did Cecilia realize that she had unknowingly spent the entire night asleep on the couch.

She hurriedly got up to prepare breakfast for Nathaniel, fearing even a moment's delay.

Nathaniel was meticulous in his work, with a stringent regard for time. Once, Cecilia had to attend her father's funeral and forgot to return on time to prepare his breakfast.

Afterward, he didn't send her a single message nor spoke a word to her for an entire month.

At six o'clock, Nathaniel returned punctually.

He was impeccably dressed in a suit, his tall and slender figure exuding a restrained elegance. His handsome features were striking, yet they didn't lack a certain masculine charm.

But in Cecilia's eyes, his reflection was nothing but cold and detached.

Without even looking at Cecilia, he pulled out a chair and sat down. “You don't need to make breakfast for me anymore.”

Cecilia was taken aback.

She wasn't sure if it was instinct or something else, but the words she uttered reflected a humility she herself hadn't even realized.

“Did I do something wrong?”

Nathaniel looked up, his eyes meeting Cecilia's face, which had stayed impassive for the past three years. His lips parted slightly.

“What I want is a wife, not a housekeeper.”

For three years, Cecilia was always seen wearing the same light gray attire. Even when responding to text messages, she would use the same single word, “okay.”

If it weren't for the business alliance and the deception of the Smith family, Nathaniel wouldn't have married such a woman.

She was simply not his match.

What I want is a wife, not a housekeeper.

The ringing in Cecilia's ears grew louder.

A lump formed in her throat, and yet, she uttered the word that Nathaniel disliked the most.


Suddenly, Nathaniel found himself feeling particularly moody, even his favorite breakfast on the table seemed unusually bland and tasteless.

He rose to his feet, pulling the chair back in irritation, ready to leave.

To his surprise, Cecilia mustered her courage and seized his hand.

“Nathaniel, is there someone you like?”

That sudden question caused Nathaniel's eyes to darken. “What do you mean?”

Cecilia looked up at the person standing before her.

Nathaniel was not just her husband of three years, but also the man she had pursued and loved for twelve years.

Swallowing down the bitterness in her throat, Cecilia thought about Paula's words and said, “Nathaniel, if there's someone you like, you can be with—”

Before she could finish her sentence, Nathaniel had already cut her off.

“You're crazy.”

In the end, life is all about continuously letting go.

After Nathaniel left, Cecilia found herself alone on the balcony, staring blankly at the rain outside.

She had to admit that even after twelve years of adoring Nathaniel, she still didn't understand him.

The sound of the rain was sometimes clear and sometimes muffled.

A month ago, the doctor had said, “Ms. Smith, your auditory nerves and central nervous system have undergone pathological changes, which have consequently led to a further decline in your hearing.”

“Isn't there a way to treat it?”

The doctor shook his head. “Long-term sensorineural hearing loss doesn't respond well to medication. My advice would be to continue using the hearing aid for auditory rehabilitation.”

Cecilia understood what the doctor meant; there was no cure available.

She removed her hearing aid.

In Cecilia's world, everything began to settle into tranquility.

She wasn't accustomed to such a quiet world. Upon entering the living room, she turned on the television.

The volume was turned up to the maximum, and only then could a faint sound be barely heard.

The television was airing an interview with Stella Ross, the internationally acclaimed queen of love songs, upon her return to the country.

Cecilia's hand, holding the remote control, trembled.

It wasn't for any other reason, but because Stella was once Nathaniel's first love.

After many years apart, Stella was still as beautiful as ever.

She faced the camera with ease and confidence, no longer the shy and self-conscious Cinderella who once sought the Smith family's financial support.

When reporters asked Stella why she had returned, she boldly replied, “I came back to reclaim my first love.”

The remote control in Cecilia's hand hit the floor.

At the same moment, her heart sank.

The rain outside seemed to have intensified.

Cecilia was scared. She feared that Stella would steal Nathaniel away from her.

Back then, she was the cherished daughter of the Smith family, yet she still couldn't outshine Stella, who had no background at all.

Now, Stella had become an internationally famous love song singer, exuding confidence and positivity. Naturally, she was not her match.

Cecilia panicked and swiftly turned off the television, then proceeded to clean up the untouched breakfast.

When she arrived in the kitchen, she realized that Nathaniel had left his phone behind.

She picked up the phone, accidentally unlocking it, and her eyes landed on an unread text message displayed on the screen.
Current Time 0:00
Duration Time 0:00
Progress: NaN%📚📚When Her "Death" Couldn't Break Him!
The novel
The novel
Sep 10, 2024 - Sep 11, 2024
Capitolo 1 Mi Vuole Sposare?

Arrivata in Comune, Vivian William rimase completamente sconcertata nel vedere che era stata la prima ad arrivare. L'uomo con cui avrebbe dovuto sposarsi non era ancora arrivato.

Aveva già mezz’ora di ritardo, rispetto all'orario concordato, ma proprio mentre stava per contattarlo, fu lui a chiamarla invece.

Subito udì la sua voce furiosa risuonare attraverso il telefono: "Vivian William, sei una bugiarda! Hai dimenticato tutte le cose vergognose che hai fatto all'università? Come osi anche solo pensare che io possa sposarti adesso? Ora stammi a sentire: non ti sposerò neanche per sogno! Adesso mi è tutto chiaro, eri così pronta a parlare di matrimonio nonostante ci conoscessimo solo da tre giorni! Menomale che la mia ex ragazza studiava nella tua stessa università, altrimenti saresti riuscita a ingannarmi! Sei senza vergogna!"

E poi riattaccò, senza lasciare a Vivian nemmeno una possibilità di spiegarsi. Era rimasta a bocca aperta, senza emettere suono e le sue dita stavano diventando bianche per la stretta che avevano sul telefono che. L'uomo non si era preoccupato di abbassare la voce, e molte persone avevano sentito la telefonata; tutte quelli nella stanza le lanciavano sguardi pieni di disprezzo e disgusto, pungenti come migliaia di aghi.

Era tutto esattamente come quella notte da incubo di due anni fa. Aveva la sensazione l’oscurità la stesse inghiottendo. Non importa quanto si sforzasse, non c'era via di fuga...Gocce di sudore le si formarono sulla fronte mentre diventava sempre più pallida. Senza rendersene conto, tutto il suo corpo aveva iniziato a tremare incontrollabilmente.

Di lato, un paio di occhi scuri e profondi osservavano la donna tremante mentre, con fare pensieroso, batteva le sue dita esili sui braccioli della sedia a rotelle. "Signor Norton." In quel momento, un giovane raggiunse in fretta il fianco di Finnick Norton. Chinandosi, sussurrò: "La signorina Lopez mi ha informato che è ancora bloccata nel traffico. Ha detto che potrebbe impiegare almeno un'ora per arrivare qui."

"Dille pure di tornare a casa. Dille di non disturbarsi più a venire." Finnick non si preoccupò nemmeno di girarsi. Il suo sguardo acuto era fissato su Vivian mentre aggiunse placidamente: "Non mi piacciono le donne ipocrite."

"Ma..." Il giovane, il suo assistente, aveva un'espressione contrariata sul viso. "Suo nonno sta insistendo molto per farla sposare..."

Come se non avesse sentito le parole del suo assistente, Finnick premé il pulsante sulla sua sedia a rotelle per avvicinarsi a Vivian.

"Mi scusi signorina, mi vuole sposare?"

Una voce nitida risuonò, trascinando Vivian fuori dall'oscurità che stava quasi per inghiottirla del tutto. Alzando la testa, fu leggermente sorpresa da ciò che si trovò davanti agli occhi. Non sapeva come, ma un uomo su una sedia a rotelle le si era fermato davanti e le stava parlando.

Aveva dei lineamenti perfetti, da togliere il fiato; sopracciglia estremamente folte che riposavano su un volto con fattezze molto definite che sembrava essere stato scolpito nel marmo. Somigliava ad un’opera d’arte senza neanche un difetto. Nonostante indossasse una semplice camicia bianca, il modello accentuava la sua corporatura snella, ma bella robusta. Il fatto che fosse seduto su una sedia a rotelle non toglieva nulla al suo aspetto nobile e fiero. Al contrario, sembrava solo renderlo più distante e inavvicinabile.

Solo dopo che l'uomo ripeté la domanda, Vivian uscì dallo stordimento in cui era caduta.


"Non ho potuto fare a meno di ascoltare la sua conversazione prima. Ha bisogno di sposarsi, vero?"

Sentendo queste parole il respiro le si bloccò nei polmoni, mentre umiliazione e angoscia la travolgevano.

Non aspettandosi una risposta da parte di Vivian, l'uomo continuò con tono indifferente. "Che coincidenza. Siamo sulla stessa barca. Dato che abbiamo lo stesso obiettivo, perché non ci aiutiamo a vicenda?" Per come ne parlava, sembrava che stesse trattando di affari, non di uno degli eventi più importanti della propria vita.

A questo punto, Vivian capì finalmente che quell'uomo non stava scherzando, e le stava davvero proponendo di sposarla. Però, ci siamo appena conosciuti! Sposarsi subito sarebbe troppo scandaloso!

"Signore, non ci conosciamo nemmeno! Non pensa di essere troppo precipitoso e impulsivo?"

"Penso che lei non conoscesse nemmeno gli uomini con cui andava agli appuntamenti al buio."

La sua risposta fu calma e diretta, Vivian si trovò colta di sorpresa, rimanendo senza parole.

"Oh, capisco. Crede di essere meglio di me perché sono uno storpio, vero?"

"Certo che no!" - fu la sua risposta automatica. Quando vide un piccolo bagliore di divertimento nei suoi occhi scuri, si rese conto che stava facendo esattamente il suo gioco.

"Signorina." Lui incrociò tranquillamente le mani sulle ginocchia, fissandola poi con uno sguardo ardente. "Sono abbastanza sicuro che lei abbia molto bisogno di sposarsi. Se ora perde questa occasione, cosa le fa pensare che ne avrà un'altra?"

Dovetti ammettere che era molto persuasivo. Ha ragione. Ho un disperato bisogno di questo matrimonio. In realtà, è più preciso dire che ho bisogno di far parte di un nucleo familiare di qualcuno che risiede in questa città. Solo allora mi sarà concesso di richiedere l'assicurazione sanitaria, per poter sostenere le costose spese mediche di mia madre.

I secondi passavano in fretta, mentre continuava a fissare quell'uomo. Alla fine, riuscì a dire a stento: "Vive qui in pianta stabile, a Sunshine City?"

Le labbra di lui si piegarono in un piccolo sorriso: "Sì."

Vivian rimase di nuovo in silenzio. Le sue dita continuavano a stringersi attorno al suo registro familiare.

Anche se era storpio, l'uomo che aveva davanti possedeva modi e aspetto che superavano di anni luce quelli degli orribili uomini che aveva incontrato di recente nei suoi appuntamenti al buio. Oh Vivian, non era forse questo il tuo unico obiettivo? Negli ultimi tre mesi non hai fatto altro che cercare un uomo da sposare il prima possibile. Ora, l'opportunità di farlo ti sta praticamente saltando addosso! Perché ancora esiti ancora?

Sentiva delle emozioni contrastanti dentro di lei. Alla fine, si morse il labbro e decise, risoluta. La donna annuì, dicendo: "Va bene, sono d'accordo."

Capitolo 2 Matrimonio All’Improvviso

Un'ora dopo, Vivian uscì dagli Uffici Comunali con il certificato di matrimonio tra le mani. Mentre camminava le sembrava di fluttuare in aria, come se tutto fosse stato solo un sogno. Non avrebbe mai pensato che un giorno si sarebbe sposata da un momento all’altro, con un uomo che aveva incontrato solo per caso. Sarà forse questo il destino?

Abbassò lo sguardo, e vide la loro foto, che li ritraeva seduti uno accanto all'altro, e sotto c’erano scritti i nomi di entrambi. L'espressione dell'uomo era neutra, mentre la sua chiaramente mostrava inquietudine e riserve. Ho appena scoperto il nome di mio marito così, direttamente dal certificato di matrimonio. È assurdo! Finnick Norton. Un nome semplice, ma adatto a un uomo come lui.

"Vivian William?"

Anche l'uomo, Finnick, stava fissando il certificato di matrimonio. Aveva pronunciato il suo nome lentamente, con il timbro basso della sua voce, il nome era scivolato via dalla sua lingua senza intoppi. Sentirlo pronunciare il suo nome le faceva venire dei brividi che le correvano per tutta la schiena.

Era ancora sotto shock per il suo cambiamento di stato civile, quando improvvisamente una mano le apparve davanti agli occhi, con una carta di credito tra le dita.

"Signorina William, sono consapevole che sposarsi e indossare una fede al dito sono alcuni degli eventi più desiderati da una donna. Purtroppo, mi dispiace dirtelo, ma non ho tempo per occuparmene. Se desideri un anello, scegli pure quello che più di piace."

Inclinando la testa all'indietro, Vivian incontrò lo sguardo indecifrabile di Finnick.

"Non ce n’è bisogno." Agitò in modo frenetico le mani rifiutando. "Non mi interessano tali formalità."

Ormai aveva già superato l'età in cui si sarebbe preoccupata di questi gesti romantici. Inoltre, non voleva essere in debito con lui, anche se era legalmente suo marito. "Almeno scegli un anello." Non aveva ancora finito di pronunciare quelle parole, che subito prese le mani e le diede la carta di credito. Allo sfiorarsi delle loro mani, la leggera differenza di temperatura generò un brivido, che attraversò tutta Vivian. Fu piuttosto sorpresa dal suo calore.

"Allora, va bene." Dato che si erano appena sposati, per così dire, non voleva litigare con lui per le sue buone intenzioni. Quindi, prese la carta e la mise nella borsa. “Ho una riunione nel pomeriggio, quindi devo andare via, non posso accompagnarti." Il suo tono di voce era impassibile come sempre.

"Va bene." Non aveva alcuna speranza che lui la trattasse davvero come una vera moglie, qualcuno da amare e viziare. Ecco perché non era né sorpresa e né delusa che la stesse lasciando lì.

All’improvviso si ricordò di una cosa, e disse: "A proposito, dopo ti invierò il mio indirizzo di casa, trasferisciti pure quando ti è più comodo."

Si erano scambiati i numeri di telefono prima, mentre aspettavano il certificato di matrimonio.

"Non vado di fretta!" rispose lei subito.

Anche se per uno uomo e una donna sposati era normale vivere insieme, la verità era semplicemente che non era pronta a vivere sotto lo stesso tetto di uno sconosciuto. Forse il rifiuto che provava era trasparito eccessivamente nel suo tono di voce, visto che Finnick subito alzò la testa per guardarla. Vivian arrossì un po', imbarazzata. Comunque, non disse nulla, tutto ciò che fece fu premere un pulsante sulla sua sedia a rotelle per girarsi subito dopo aver detto: "Se non c'è altro, me ne vado."

"Va bene."

Vivan aspettò che lui fosse salito nella sua auto nera prima di andare via. Appena partita, chiamò immediatamente il dipartimento delle risorse umane della sua azienda. Gli disse che presto sarebbe stata registrata come residente di Sunshine City. Dalle risorse umane le confermarono che avrebbero stipulato un’assicurazione sanitaria locale sia per lei che per la sua famiglia, e allora tirò un sospiro di sollievo. Sebbene sposarsi oggi era stata una decisione piuttosto impulsiva da parte sua, almeno era riuscita a risolvere questo problema, che la tormentava da tempo. Finalmente, non avrebbe più dovuto angosciarsi per le spese mediche di sua madre.

Arrivata alla redazione di Glamour Magazine, dove lavorava come giornalista, Vivian scoprì che era ancora troppo presto per l’intervista che avevano fissato nel pomeriggio. Approfittando del poco tempo libero che aveva, decise di andare al centro commerciale lì accanto, per comprare un paio di fedi nuziali con la carta di Finnick.

Dopo, tornò alla sua scrivania e si mise a ripassare le informazioni sull’intervista di questo pomeriggio per l'ultima volta. Proprio in quel momento, Sarah la raggiunse, avvicinandosi con la sua sedia. Le brillavano gli occhi mentre chiedeva: "Vivian, cos’è quell'anello?"

"Sei proprio una brava osservatrice, eh?" Vivian non aveva intenzione di nascondere nulla. Dopotutto, alle risorse umane sapevano già che aveva cambiato residenza e anche nucleo familiare, presto in redazione tutti avrebbero saputo del suo nuovo stato civile. "Mi sono sposata da poco."

"Congratulazioni, Vivian!" esclamò Sarah mentre guardava attentamente l'anello. "Te l’ha regalato tuo marito? Non è un diamante molto grande, vero? Quanto vi è costato?"

"Poco più di mille."

Vivian, non conoscendo quale fosse la situazione finanziaria di Finnick, aveva scelto uno tra gli anelli più economici e semplici che potesse trovare.

Le sopracciglia di Sarah si aggrottavano mentre dichiarava con un'espressione seria: "Vivian, questo non va affatto bene! L’anello nuziale è un simbolo del vostro matrimonio. Quanto affidabile può essere un uomo se non ti compra nemmeno un anello importante?"

"Guarda, sta facendo del suo meglio," rispose Vivian. Notando lo sguardo compassionevole negli occhi di Sarah, si accorse che pensava che il suo nuovo marito non fosse molto benestante.

"Basta così. Non ne parliamo più." Cambiò rapidamente argomento, non volendo dilungarsi. "Sei pronta per l’intervista che abbiamo dopo?"

"Ahahah, assolutamente!" La tattica di distrazione di Vivian aveva funzionato, poiché Sarah indicando il suo abbigliamento, disse subito: "Vivian, cosa ne pensi? Sono bella?”

Fu solo allora che Vivian notò che la sua collega indossava un completo rosa e bianco. Si era anche acconciata i capelli con molta cura. "Sei stupenda!" si complimentò Vivian. Solleticata dalle sue parole lusinghiere, gli occhi di Sarah si illuminarono di gioia. "Allora, pensi che avrò una possibilità con uno scapolo riccone come il presidente del Gruppo Finnor?"

Capitolo 3 Il Presidente È Mio Marito

Vivian spalancò gli occhi dalla sorpresa, mentre capì perché Sarah si fosse impegnata così tanto per farsi bella. La persona che avrebbero intervistato nel pomeriggio era il presidente del Gruppo Finnor. A Sunshine City, il Gruppo Finnor era considerato una leggenda; l’azienda era nata dal nulla solo tre anni fa. Aveva avuto un’ascesa molto rapida, riuscendo a farsi un nome nell'industria finanziaria, utilizzando metodi estremamente aggressivi. Al momento, era considerata uno dei magnati finanziari di Sunshine City, essendo al pari delle prime tre famiglie della città.

Eppure, ad attirare l'attenzione più di ogni altra cosa era il presidente dell'azienda. Ancora oggi, nessuno conosceva il suo nome, o il suo aspetto; la sua intera identità era un mistero, rendendo la sua figura sempre più affascinante. Non c'era esempio migliore di Sarah, che si era impegnata a vestirsi bene, dopo aver scoperto chi sarebbe stato il protagonista dell’intervista.

Un lampo di divertimento brillò negli occhi di Vivian mentre scherzava: "Sarah, sei sicura di volerlo impressionare così tanto? Non temi che il presidente possa rivelarsi un vecchio uomo calvo e cattivo?"

"Pfft! Non ci credo!" Sarah sbottò infastidita: "Si dice che sia molto giovane!"

In contrasto all'atteggiamento speranzosa e divertente di Sarah, Jenny era completamente seria quando disse: "Questa intervista è un'opportunità unica nella vita, quindi dobbiamo essere preparate al meglio. È la prima volta che il presidente accetta effettivamente un'intervista per un giornale. Le nostre vendite schizzeranno alle stelle se riusciremo a ottenere una sua foto."

Vivian annuì comprensiva.

Era vero che il presidente del Gruppo Finnor non aveva mai accettato un'intervista. Quando Glamour Magazine lo aveva invitato per la prima volta, inizialmente aveva rifiutato, come al solito. Ma, contro ogni aspettativa, ieri era arrivata una telefonata in cui affermava di voler fare l’intervista. Inutile dire che la notizia improvvisa aveva scioccato i caporedattori.

Dopo aver rivisto la struttura dell'intervista per l'ultima volta, Vivian, Sarah e Jenny si diressero al Gruppo Finnor insieme ad un fotografo. Il Gruppo Finnor si trovava nel quartiere finanziario di Sunshine City. Salutarono la receptionist al primo piano, dichiarando il motivo della loro visita e presero l'ascensore fino all'ultimo piano.

"Venite da Glamour Magazine?" La segretaria venne ad accoglierli non appena uscirono dall'ascensore. "Il signor Norton vi sta già aspettando dentro" e li condusse nell'ufficio del presidente.

Vivian si bloccò leggermente sentendo ciò che aveva detto la segretaria.

Signor Norton? Che coincidenza, chi l’avrebbe mai detto, che il presidente del Gruppo Finnor aveva lo stesso cognome del mio nuovo marito?

Appena prima di entrare, Sarah, nervosa, tirò la manica di Vivian, sussurrando: "Come vanno i capelli? Sono disordinati? Oh, meglio che non si siano rovinati..." Sghignazzando leggermente, Vivian rispose sussurrando: "Stanno bene. Non hai un solo capello fuori posto. È tutto…"

In quel momento, guardò per caso nell'ufficio mentre parlava. Appena vide la figura vicino alla finestra, si irrigidì sorpresa e si interruppe. Tutti i pensieri rassicuranti che aveva per Sarah svanirono all’istante. Proprio in quel momento, lo sguardo di Sarah cadde sull'uomo, facendole dimenticare del tutto il suo aspetto. Lo shock era evidente nella sua voce mentre mormorava: "Oh mio dio, il presidente del Gruppo Finnor... Sta davvero seduto su una sedia a rotelle?"

Prima che Vivian potesse dire qualcosa, la sedia a rotelle si girò verso di loro lentamente.

Sarah ansimò: "Wow! È così bello! È più bello di una celebrità!"

La sua una sedia a rotelle era stato completamente eclissata dal suo fascino e quindi Sarah non riuscì più a trattenere i suoi sussurri ammirati.

Vivian non sentì una sola delle sue parole. Anche la sua attenzione era concentrata sull'uomo, ma per motivi completamente diversi. In quel momento, il suo cervello sembrava essersi fermato, mentre lo fissava, era completamente sbalordita. I raggi di luce che entravano dalla finestra davano forma ai lineamenti spigolosi e decisi del volto di quell’uomo nell'ombra, mentre gli occhi scuri rimanevano freddi come sempre.

Era Finnick.

Finnick è il presidente del Gruppo Finnor?

Leggete subito il capitolo seguente👉Mai in ritardo, mai lontano
📚📚Titolo:Mai in ritardo, mai lontano📚📚Titolo:Mai in ritardo, mai lontano
The novel
The novel
Sep 10, 2024 - Sep 11, 2024
Chapter 1 First Love

A heavy rain began to pour relentlessly.

At the entrance of the hospital.

Standing at the hospital entrance, Cecilia Smith clutched the pregnancy test report in her delicate, frail hand. The result was unmistakable: not pregnant.

“Three years into marriage and you're still not pregnant?”

“You're so useless. If you don't get pregnant soon, the Rainsworth family will kick you out. What will become of the Smith family then?”

Dressed to the nines and teetering on her high heels, Paula Escobar, Cecilia's mother, pointed at her, her face a mask of disappointment.

Cecilia's eyes were empty. The words she longed to speak were stuck in her heart, finally condensing into a single sentence.

“I'm sorry.”

“I don't want you to apologize. What I want is for you to have a child with Nathaniel. Do you understand?”

Cecilia's throat felt parched. She was unsure of how to respond to her.

They had been married for three years, yet her husband, Nathaniel Rainsworth, had never laid a hand on her.

How could there possibly be a child?

Upon seeing her display of helplessness, Paula felt she was nothing like herself.

“If you really can't manage, then help Nathaniel find a woman outside. He will surely remember your kindness.”

Cecilia stared in disbelief at the retreating figure of her mother, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Her biological mother, astonishingly, had asked her to find another woman for her own husband.

A chill instantly froze her heart to its core.

As Cecilia sat in the car heading home, Paula's last words echoed in her mind, accompanied by a sudden, intermittent roaring in her ears.

She knew her illness had worsened.

At that moment, she received a text message.

The message came from Nathaniel, as consistent as ever over the past three years. It read: I won't be coming home tonight.

Throughout their three years of marriage, Nathaniel had never spent a single night at home, nor did he ever touch her.

Cecilia still remembered their wedding night three years ago.

He had said, “Since you from the Smith family dare to trick me into marriage, then be ready to face a lifetime of solitude.”

Three years ago, the Smith and Rainsworth families had formed a business alliance through marriage.

The promise had already been made, a mutual benefit shared between both parties.

However, on the day of the wedding, the Smith family unexpectedly changed their minds. They transferred all of their assets, including the several billion given to Nathaniel for marrying Cecilia, elsewhere.

A shadow crossed Cecilia's eyes, but she responded to Nathaniel's message with a simple “okay” as usual.

Without realizing it, she had crumpled the pregnancy test report in her hand into a wrinkled ball.

When she got home, she tossed it into the trash can.

Every month, at this particular time, she would feel especially drained.

She didn't make any dinner and spent a while leaning on the couch, drifting in and out of a dreamlike state.

She constantly heard a rumbling noise in her ears.

This was also a reason why Nathaniel despised her. She was hard of hearing, which, in high society, was akin to having a disability.

How could Nathaniel possibly allow her to have a child in such a state?

The wall clock emitted a dull sound.

It was five in the morning.

In another hour, Nathaniel would be back.

Only after daybreak did Cecilia realize that she had unknowingly spent the entire night asleep on the couch.

She hurriedly got up to prepare breakfast for Nathaniel, fearing even a moment's delay.

Nathaniel was meticulous in his work, with a stringent regard for time. Once, Cecilia had to attend her father's funeral and forgot to return on time to prepare his breakfast.

Afterward, he didn't send her a single message nor spoke a word to her for an entire month.

At six o'clock, Nathaniel returned punctually.

He was impeccably dressed in a suit, his tall and slender figure exuding a restrained elegance. His handsome features were striking, yet they didn't lack a certain masculine charm.

But in Cecilia's eyes, his reflection was nothing but cold and detached.

Without even looking at Cecilia, he pulled out a chair and sat down. “You don't need to make breakfast for me anymore.”

Cecilia was taken aback.

She wasn't sure if it was instinct or something else, but the words she uttered reflected a humility she herself hadn't even realized.

“Did I do something wrong?”

Nathaniel looked up, his eyes meeting Cecilia's face, which had stayed impassive for the past three years. His lips parted slightly.

“What I want is a wife, not a housekeeper.”

For three years, Cecilia was always seen wearing the same light gray attire. Even when responding to text messages, she would use the same single word, “okay.”

If it weren't for the business alliance and the deception of the Smith family, Nathaniel wouldn't have married such a woman.

She was simply not his match.

What I want is a wife, not a housekeeper.

The ringing in Cecilia's ears grew louder.

A lump formed in her throat, and yet, she uttered the word that Nathaniel disliked the most.


Suddenly, Nathaniel found himself feeling particularly moody, even his favorite breakfast on the table seemed unusually bland and tasteless.

He rose to his feet, pulling the chair back in irritation, ready to leave.

To his surprise, Cecilia mustered her courage and seized his hand.

“Nathaniel, is there someone you like?”

That sudden question caused Nathaniel's eyes to darken. “What do you mean?”

Cecilia looked up at the person standing before her.

Nathaniel was not just her husband of three years, but also the man she had pursued and loved for twelve years.

Swallowing down the bitterness in her throat, Cecilia thought about Paula's words and said, “Nathaniel, if there's someone you like, you can be with—”

Before she could finish her sentence, Nathaniel had already cut her off.

“You're crazy.”

In the end, life is all about continuously letting go.

After Nathaniel left, Cecilia found herself alone on the balcony, staring blankly at the rain outside.

She had to admit that even after twelve years of adoring Nathaniel, she still didn't understand him.

The sound of the rain was sometimes clear and sometimes muffled.

A month ago, the doctor had said, “Ms. Smith, your auditory nerves and central nervous system have undergone pathological changes, which have consequently led to a further decline in your hearing.”

“Isn't there a way to treat it?”

The doctor shook his head. “Long-term sensorineural hearing loss doesn't respond well to medication. My advice would be to continue using the hearing aid for auditory rehabilitation.”

Cecilia understood what the doctor meant; there was no cure available.

She removed her hearing aid.

In Cecilia's world, everything began to settle into tranquility.

She wasn't accustomed to such a quiet world. Upon entering the living room, she turned on the television.

The volume was turned up to the maximum, and only then could a faint sound be barely heard.

The television was airing an interview with Stella Ross, the internationally acclaimed queen of love songs, upon her return to the country.

Cecilia's hand, holding the remote control, trembled.

It wasn't for any other reason, but because Stella was once Nathaniel's first love.

After many years apart, Stella was still as beautiful as ever.

She faced the camera with ease and confidence, no longer the shy and self-conscious Cinderella who once sought the Smith family's financial support.

When reporters asked Stella why she had returned, she boldly replied, “I came back to reclaim my first love.”

The remote control in Cecilia's hand hit the floor.

At the same moment, her heart sank.

The rain outside seemed to have intensified.

Cecilia was scared. She feared that Stella would steal Nathaniel away from her.

Back then, she was the cherished daughter of the Smith family, yet she still couldn't outshine Stella, who had no background at all.

Now, Stella had become an internationally famous love song singer, exuding confidence and positivity. Naturally, she was not her match.

Cecilia panicked and swiftly turned off the television, then proceeded to clean up the untouched breakfast.

When she arrived in the kitchen, she realized that Nathaniel had left his phone behind.

She picked up the phone, accidentally unlocking it, and her eyes landed on an unread text message displayed on the screen.
Current Time 0:00
Duration Time 0:00
Progress: NaN%📚📚When Her "Death" Couldn't Break Him!
The novel
The novel
Sep 10, 2024 - Sep 11, 2024
Capitolo 1 Mi Vuole Sposare?

Arrivata in Comune, Vivian William rimase completamente sconcertata nel vedere che era stata la prima ad arrivare. L'uomo con cui avrebbe dovuto sposarsi non era ancora arrivato.

Aveva già mezz’ora di ritardo, rispetto all'orario concordato, ma proprio mentre stava per contattarlo, fu lui a chiamarla invece.

Subito udì la sua voce furiosa risuonare attraverso il telefono: "Vivian William, sei una bugiarda! Hai dimenticato tutte le cose vergognose che hai fatto all'università? Come osi anche solo pensare che io possa sposarti adesso? Ora stammi a sentire: non ti sposerò neanche per sogno! Adesso mi è tutto chiaro, eri così pronta a parlare di matrimonio nonostante ci conoscessimo solo da tre giorni! Menomale che la mia ex ragazza studiava nella tua stessa università, altrimenti saresti riuscita a ingannarmi! Sei senza vergogna!"

E poi riattaccò, senza lasciare a Vivian nemmeno una possibilità di spiegarsi. Era rimasta a bocca aperta, senza emettere suono e le sue dita stavano diventando bianche per la stretta che avevano sul telefono che. L'uomo non si era preoccupato di abbassare la voce, e molte persone avevano sentito la telefonata; tutte quelli nella stanza le lanciavano sguardi pieni di disprezzo e disgusto, pungenti come migliaia di aghi.

Era tutto esattamente come quella notte da incubo di due anni fa. Aveva la sensazione l’oscurità la stesse inghiottendo. Non importa quanto si sforzasse, non c'era via di fuga...Gocce di sudore le si formarono sulla fronte mentre diventava sempre più pallida. Senza rendersene conto, tutto il suo corpo aveva iniziato a tremare incontrollabilmente.

Di lato, un paio di occhi scuri e profondi osservavano la donna tremante mentre, con fare pensieroso, batteva le sue dita esili sui braccioli della sedia a rotelle. "Signor Norton." In quel momento, un giovane raggiunse in fretta il fianco di Finnick Norton. Chinandosi, sussurrò: "La signorina Lopez mi ha informato che è ancora bloccata nel traffico. Ha detto che potrebbe impiegare almeno un'ora per arrivare qui."

"Dille pure di tornare a casa. Dille di non disturbarsi più a venire." Finnick non si preoccupò nemmeno di girarsi. Il suo sguardo acuto era fissato su Vivian mentre aggiunse placidamente: "Non mi piacciono le donne ipocrite."

"Ma..." Il giovane, il suo assistente, aveva un'espressione contrariata sul viso. "Suo nonno sta insistendo molto per farla sposare..."

Come se non avesse sentito le parole del suo assistente, Finnick premé il pulsante sulla sua sedia a rotelle per avvicinarsi a Vivian.

"Mi scusi signorina, mi vuole sposare?"

Una voce nitida risuonò, trascinando Vivian fuori dall'oscurità che stava quasi per inghiottirla del tutto. Alzando la testa, fu leggermente sorpresa da ciò che si trovò davanti agli occhi. Non sapeva come, ma un uomo su una sedia a rotelle le si era fermato davanti e le stava parlando.

Aveva dei lineamenti perfetti, da togliere il fiato; sopracciglia estremamente folte che riposavano su un volto con fattezze molto definite che sembrava essere stato scolpito nel marmo. Somigliava ad un’opera d’arte senza neanche un difetto. Nonostante indossasse una semplice camicia bianca, il modello accentuava la sua corporatura snella, ma bella robusta. Il fatto che fosse seduto su una sedia a rotelle non toglieva nulla al suo aspetto nobile e fiero. Al contrario, sembrava solo renderlo più distante e inavvicinabile.

Solo dopo che l'uomo ripeté la domanda, Vivian uscì dallo stordimento in cui era caduta.


"Non ho potuto fare a meno di ascoltare la sua conversazione prima. Ha bisogno di sposarsi, vero?"

Sentendo queste parole il respiro le si bloccò nei polmoni, mentre umiliazione e angoscia la travolgevano.

Non aspettandosi una risposta da parte di Vivian, l'uomo continuò con tono indifferente. "Che coincidenza. Siamo sulla stessa barca. Dato che abbiamo lo stesso obiettivo, perché non ci aiutiamo a vicenda?" Per come ne parlava, sembrava che stesse trattando di affari, non di uno degli eventi più importanti della propria vita.

A questo punto, Vivian capì finalmente che quell'uomo non stava scherzando, e le stava davvero proponendo di sposarla. Però, ci siamo appena conosciuti! Sposarsi subito sarebbe troppo scandaloso!

"Signore, non ci conosciamo nemmeno! Non pensa di essere troppo precipitoso e impulsivo?"

"Penso che lei non conoscesse nemmeno gli uomini con cui andava agli appuntamenti al buio."

La sua risposta fu calma e diretta, Vivian si trovò colta di sorpresa, rimanendo senza parole.

"Oh, capisco. Crede di essere meglio di me perché sono uno storpio, vero?"

"Certo che no!" - fu la sua risposta automatica. Quando vide un piccolo bagliore di divertimento nei suoi occhi scuri, si rese conto che stava facendo esattamente il suo gioco.

"Signorina." Lui incrociò tranquillamente le mani sulle ginocchia, fissandola poi con uno sguardo ardente. "Sono abbastanza sicuro che lei abbia molto bisogno di sposarsi. Se ora perde questa occasione, cosa le fa pensare che ne avrà un'altra?"

Dovetti ammettere che era molto persuasivo. Ha ragione. Ho un disperato bisogno di questo matrimonio. In realtà, è più preciso dire che ho bisogno di far parte di un nucleo familiare di qualcuno che risiede in questa città. Solo allora mi sarà concesso di richiedere l'assicurazione sanitaria, per poter sostenere le costose spese mediche di mia madre.

I secondi passavano in fretta, mentre continuava a fissare quell'uomo. Alla fine, riuscì a dire a stento: "Vive qui in pianta stabile, a Sunshine City?"

Le labbra di lui si piegarono in un piccolo sorriso: "Sì."

Vivian rimase di nuovo in silenzio. Le sue dita continuavano a stringersi attorno al suo registro familiare.

Anche se era storpio, l'uomo che aveva davanti possedeva modi e aspetto che superavano di anni luce quelli degli orribili uomini che aveva incontrato di recente nei suoi appuntamenti al buio. Oh Vivian, non era forse questo il tuo unico obiettivo? Negli ultimi tre mesi non hai fatto altro che cercare un uomo da sposare il prima possibile. Ora, l'opportunità di farlo ti sta praticamente saltando addosso! Perché ancora esiti ancora?

Sentiva delle emozioni contrastanti dentro di lei. Alla fine, si morse il labbro e decise, risoluta. La donna annuì, dicendo: "Va bene, sono d'accordo."

Capitolo 2 Matrimonio All’Improvviso

Un'ora dopo, Vivian uscì dagli Uffici Comunali con il certificato di matrimonio tra le mani. Mentre camminava le sembrava di fluttuare in aria, come se tutto fosse stato solo un sogno. Non avrebbe mai pensato che un giorno si sarebbe sposata da un momento all’altro, con un uomo che aveva incontrato solo per caso. Sarà forse questo il destino?

Abbassò lo sguardo, e vide la loro foto, che li ritraeva seduti uno accanto all'altro, e sotto c’erano scritti i nomi di entrambi. L'espressione dell'uomo era neutra, mentre la sua chiaramente mostrava inquietudine e riserve. Ho appena scoperto il nome di mio marito così, direttamente dal certificato di matrimonio. È assurdo! Finnick Norton. Un nome semplice, ma adatto a un uomo come lui.

"Vivian William?"

Anche l'uomo, Finnick, stava fissando il certificato di matrimonio. Aveva pronunciato il suo nome lentamente, con il timbro basso della sua voce, il nome era scivolato via dalla sua lingua senza intoppi. Sentirlo pronunciare il suo nome le faceva venire dei brividi che le correvano per tutta la schiena.

Era ancora sotto shock per il suo cambiamento di stato civile, quando improvvisamente una mano le apparve davanti agli occhi, con una carta di credito tra le dita.

"Signorina William, sono consapevole che sposarsi e indossare una fede al dito sono alcuni degli eventi più desiderati da una donna. Purtroppo, mi dispiace dirtelo, ma non ho tempo per occuparmene. Se desideri un anello, scegli pure quello che più di piace."

Inclinando la testa all'indietro, Vivian incontrò lo sguardo indecifrabile di Finnick.

"Non ce n’è bisogno." Agitò in modo frenetico le mani rifiutando. "Non mi interessano tali formalità."

Ormai aveva già superato l'età in cui si sarebbe preoccupata di questi gesti romantici. Inoltre, non voleva essere in debito con lui, anche se era legalmente suo marito. "Almeno scegli un anello." Non aveva ancora finito di pronunciare quelle parole, che subito prese le mani e le diede la carta di credito. Allo sfiorarsi delle loro mani, la leggera differenza di temperatura generò un brivido, che attraversò tutta Vivian. Fu piuttosto sorpresa dal suo calore.

"Allora, va bene." Dato che si erano appena sposati, per così dire, non voleva litigare con lui per le sue buone intenzioni. Quindi, prese la carta e la mise nella borsa. “Ho una riunione nel pomeriggio, quindi devo andare via, non posso accompagnarti." Il suo tono di voce era impassibile come sempre.

"Va bene." Non aveva alcuna speranza che lui la trattasse davvero come una vera moglie, qualcuno da amare e viziare. Ecco perché non era né sorpresa e né delusa che la stesse lasciando lì.

All’improvviso si ricordò di una cosa, e disse: "A proposito, dopo ti invierò il mio indirizzo di casa, trasferisciti pure quando ti è più comodo."

Si erano scambiati i numeri di telefono prima, mentre aspettavano il certificato di matrimonio.

"Non vado di fretta!" rispose lei subito.

Anche se per uno uomo e una donna sposati era normale vivere insieme, la verità era semplicemente che non era pronta a vivere sotto lo stesso tetto di uno sconosciuto. Forse il rifiuto che provava era trasparito eccessivamente nel suo tono di voce, visto che Finnick subito alzò la testa per guardarla. Vivian arrossì un po', imbarazzata. Comunque, non disse nulla, tutto ciò che fece fu premere un pulsante sulla sua sedia a rotelle per girarsi subito dopo aver detto: "Se non c'è altro, me ne vado."

"Va bene."

Vivan aspettò che lui fosse salito nella sua auto nera prima di andare via. Appena partita, chiamò immediatamente il dipartimento delle risorse umane della sua azienda. Gli disse che presto sarebbe stata registrata come residente di Sunshine City. Dalle risorse umane le confermarono che avrebbero stipulato un’assicurazione sanitaria locale sia per lei che per la sua famiglia, e allora tirò un sospiro di sollievo. Sebbene sposarsi oggi era stata una decisione piuttosto impulsiva da parte sua, almeno era riuscita a risolvere questo problema, che la tormentava da tempo. Finalmente, non avrebbe più dovuto angosciarsi per le spese mediche di sua madre.

Arrivata alla redazione di Glamour Magazine, dove lavorava come giornalista, Vivian scoprì che era ancora troppo presto per l’intervista che avevano fissato nel pomeriggio. Approfittando del poco tempo libero che aveva, decise di andare al centro commerciale lì accanto, per comprare un paio di fedi nuziali con la carta di Finnick.

Dopo, tornò alla sua scrivania e si mise a ripassare le informazioni sull’intervista di questo pomeriggio per l'ultima volta. Proprio in quel momento, Sarah la raggiunse, avvicinandosi con la sua sedia. Le brillavano gli occhi mentre chiedeva: "Vivian, cos’è quell'anello?"

"Sei proprio una brava osservatrice, eh?" Vivian non aveva intenzione di nascondere nulla. Dopotutto, alle risorse umane sapevano già che aveva cambiato residenza e anche nucleo familiare, presto in redazione tutti avrebbero saputo del suo nuovo stato civile. "Mi sono sposata da poco."

"Congratulazioni, Vivian!" esclamò Sarah mentre guardava attentamente l'anello. "Te l’ha regalato tuo marito? Non è un diamante molto grande, vero? Quanto vi è costato?"

"Poco più di mille."

Vivian, non conoscendo quale fosse la situazione finanziaria di Finnick, aveva scelto uno tra gli anelli più economici e semplici che potesse trovare.

Le sopracciglia di Sarah si aggrottavano mentre dichiarava con un'espressione seria: "Vivian, questo non va affatto bene! L’anello nuziale è un simbolo del vostro matrimonio. Quanto affidabile può essere un uomo se non ti compra nemmeno un anello importante?"

"Guarda, sta facendo del suo meglio," rispose Vivian. Notando lo sguardo compassionevole negli occhi di Sarah, si accorse che pensava che il suo nuovo marito non fosse molto benestante.

"Basta così. Non ne parliamo più." Cambiò rapidamente argomento, non volendo dilungarsi. "Sei pronta per l’intervista che abbiamo dopo?"

"Ahahah, assolutamente!" La tattica di distrazione di Vivian aveva funzionato, poiché Sarah indicando il suo abbigliamento, disse subito: "Vivian, cosa ne pensi? Sono bella?”

Fu solo allora che Vivian notò che la sua collega indossava un completo rosa e bianco. Si era anche acconciata i capelli con molta cura. "Sei stupenda!" si complimentò Vivian. Solleticata dalle sue parole lusinghiere, gli occhi di Sarah si illuminarono di gioia. "Allora, pensi che avrò una possibilità con uno scapolo riccone come il presidente del Gruppo Finnor?"

Capitolo 3 Il Presidente È Mio Marito

Vivian spalancò gli occhi dalla sorpresa, mentre capì perché Sarah si fosse impegnata così tanto per farsi bella. La persona che avrebbero intervistato nel pomeriggio era il presidente del Gruppo Finnor. A Sunshine City, il Gruppo Finnor era considerato una leggenda; l’azienda era nata dal nulla solo tre anni fa. Aveva avuto un’ascesa molto rapida, riuscendo a farsi un nome nell'industria finanziaria, utilizzando metodi estremamente aggressivi. Al momento, era considerata uno dei magnati finanziari di Sunshine City, essendo al pari delle prime tre famiglie della città.

Eppure, ad attirare l'attenzione più di ogni altra cosa era il presidente dell'azienda. Ancora oggi, nessuno conosceva il suo nome, o il suo aspetto; la sua intera identità era un mistero, rendendo la sua figura sempre più affascinante. Non c'era esempio migliore di Sarah, che si era impegnata a vestirsi bene, dopo aver scoperto chi sarebbe stato il protagonista dell’intervista.

Un lampo di divertimento brillò negli occhi di Vivian mentre scherzava: "Sarah, sei sicura di volerlo impressionare così tanto? Non temi che il presidente possa rivelarsi un vecchio uomo calvo e cattivo?"

"Pfft! Non ci credo!" Sarah sbottò infastidita: "Si dice che sia molto giovane!"

In contrasto all'atteggiamento speranzosa e divertente di Sarah, Jenny era completamente seria quando disse: "Questa intervista è un'opportunità unica nella vita, quindi dobbiamo essere preparate al meglio. È la prima volta che il presidente accetta effettivamente un'intervista per un giornale. Le nostre vendite schizzeranno alle stelle se riusciremo a ottenere una sua foto."

Vivian annuì comprensiva.

Era vero che il presidente del Gruppo Finnor non aveva mai accettato un'intervista. Quando Glamour Magazine lo aveva invitato per la prima volta, inizialmente aveva rifiutato, come al solito. Ma, contro ogni aspettativa, ieri era arrivata una telefonata in cui affermava di voler fare l’intervista. Inutile dire che la notizia improvvisa aveva scioccato i caporedattori.

Dopo aver rivisto la struttura dell'intervista per l'ultima volta, Vivian, Sarah e Jenny si diressero al Gruppo Finnor insieme ad un fotografo. Il Gruppo Finnor si trovava nel quartiere finanziario di Sunshine City. Salutarono la receptionist al primo piano, dichiarando il motivo della loro visita e presero l'ascensore fino all'ultimo piano.

"Venite da Glamour Magazine?" La segretaria venne ad accoglierli non appena uscirono dall'ascensore. "Il signor Norton vi sta già aspettando dentro" e li condusse nell'ufficio del presidente.

Vivian si bloccò leggermente sentendo ciò che aveva detto la segretaria.

Signor Norton? Che coincidenza, chi l’avrebbe mai detto, che il presidente del Gruppo Finnor aveva lo stesso cognome del mio nuovo marito?

Appena prima di entrare, Sarah, nervosa, tirò la manica di Vivian, sussurrando: "Come vanno i capelli? Sono disordinati? Oh, meglio che non si siano rovinati..." Sghignazzando leggermente, Vivian rispose sussurrando: "Stanno bene. Non hai un solo capello fuori posto. È tutto…"

In quel momento, guardò per caso nell'ufficio mentre parlava. Appena vide la figura vicino alla finestra, si irrigidì sorpresa e si interruppe. Tutti i pensieri rassicuranti che aveva per Sarah svanirono all’istante. Proprio in quel momento, lo sguardo di Sarah cadde sull'uomo, facendole dimenticare del tutto il suo aspetto. Lo shock era evidente nella sua voce mentre mormorava: "Oh mio dio, il presidente del Gruppo Finnor... Sta davvero seduto su una sedia a rotelle?"

Prima che Vivian potesse dire qualcosa, la sedia a rotelle si girò verso di loro lentamente.

Sarah ansimò: "Wow! È così bello! È più bello di una celebrità!"

La sua una sedia a rotelle era stato completamente eclissata dal suo fascino e quindi Sarah non riuscì più a trattenere i suoi sussurri ammirati.

Vivian non sentì una sola delle sue parole. Anche la sua attenzione era concentrata sull'uomo, ma per motivi completamente diversi. In quel momento, il suo cervello sembrava essersi fermato, mentre lo fissava, era completamente sbalordita. I raggi di luce che entravano dalla finestra davano forma ai lineamenti spigolosi e decisi del volto di quell’uomo nell'ombra, mentre gli occhi scuri rimanevano freddi come sempre.

Era Finnick.

Finnick è il presidente del Gruppo Finnor?

Leggete subito il capitolo seguente👉Mai in ritardo, mai lontano
📚📚Titolo:Mai in ritardo, mai lontano📚📚Titolo:Mai in ritardo, mai lontano
The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 Losing My Baby

Laura's POV

A sharp feeling shot through my head and my eyes peeled open instantly.

My body was drenched in sweat, as if I had just got out of a bath and the feeling of discomfort all over my body was excruciating.

I glanced around and realized I was in a dishevelled room with cobwebs hanging around the corners of the wall.

"What am I doing here?" I pondered aloud.

I struggled to my feet but soon fell back flat on my butt as I felt my knees turn jelly. My brain was all jumbled up as I tried to recall the event of the previous day and what might have actually brought me to this godforsaken room.

No matter how hard I tried, nothing came up. I lowered my head, feeling an odd sense of resignation enveloping me but at that same minute, the door open to reveal the handsome face of a man wearing a white suit.

I quickly assumed he was a doctor.

When he saw me trying to stand up, he ran to me, looking so worried. "Luna, you can't get up yet."

"What am I doing here?" I asked and my throat burned from the mere effort.

Instead of answering, he handed me a paper. My hands trembled slightly as my gaze landed on the heading written in bold letters.


I felt my heart freeze a hundred degrees as my hands flew inadvertently to my stomach. My baby! No! I screamed inwardly. Nothing could be wrong with my baby.

And now everything seemed to snap back in. The memories of yesterday flooded my brain. I had been scheduled for delivery and had asked my husband and the Lycan king of the Crescent moon pack, Julian to accompany me but he had said he was busy.

Then I had gone on my own but someone had kidnapped me and the last thing I remembered was being injected with poison.

My gaze flew back to the doctor's face. His face looked somewhat familiar, but I was past caring now.

The miscarrige must have something to do with the poison!

"Where did you see me? How did you bring me here?" My words were coming too fast to be steady so I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Doctor, who brought me in here?"

He gave me a warm smile. "Luna Laura, you have to calm down. You were found in the rain yesterday and words were sent to the Lycans king but he claimed he was busy and the hospital wouldn't attend to you until you paid." He paused, looking away sharply.

"So, I brought you to the abandoned pack's clinic to test you but unfortunately, you lost the child." He hesitated now, suddenly picking up interest in his shoes.

I took a deep breath. "Talk to me, what's wrong with me?"

He gave me an apologetic look before speaking. "You've been diagnosed with lung cancer and the possibility of you living up to three months is very slim."

I felt like a sharp thing had pierced through my heart as he finished. How could all this be happening to me at once? The baby was the only hope I had to get my marriage back on its feet.

I had thought if I could give Julian a child, then maybe he could change from being cold and indifferent to how he once was to me. I thought we could go back to being the lovely husband and wife admired and envied by everyone.

But now, even worse than that, I had a terminal illness and could die soon. Just why did the Moon goddess have to make things happen this way?

I muttered a silent thank you to the doctor as he stated towards the door. As he slammed the door shut behind him, so did my heart slam violently against my ribcage. I felt a spasm of suffocation shoot from my chest to my head and I clutched the bedspread until my knuckles turned white.

I looked around for my phone and found it. With trembling hands, I dialed Julian's number but as usual, it kept ringing continuously.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had wrapped around my entire being. The least he could have done was admit me to the hospital and stay with me through this moment.

I crumpled the test results and stuffed the ball of paper into my pocket as I summoned the little strength left in my frail body and stood up. Julian would definitely be at the pack's government house.

He was probably not with his phone. That could be the only reasonable explanation as to why he wasn't answering my call.

I walked out of the abandoned clinic and passed by the pack's hospital. I was crossing the gate when something caught my eye and made me stop in my tracks.

It was a car!

Julian's car to be precise. What was he doing in the hospital? Was he sick? I approached him as a worried frown creased my eyebrows.

Or did he come to see me?

But when I saw him get out of his car, walk around to the passenger seat and help a woman out, a ball of dread dropped into my gut and my mind emptied.

Sarah was back!

I felt a harsh squeeze in my chest as I watched him wrap his arms around her waist and pat her head. He was so gentle to her, something he had never been around me in a long time.

I felt a stinging in my nose as a lump rose in my throat. Sarah was back and that was why Julian had claimed he was busy. He was busy taking care of his first love.

I turned to leave as I felt something moist touch the corners of my eyes. I couldn't break down right in front of him like this.


Julian's voice sounded behind me and I froze. I felt like the earth should open and swallow me as I heard his footsteps draw closer to me.

Now, I could feel him so close. His musk drifted into my nostrils and I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the sweet memories of the past between us.

Slowly, I turned to face him, plastering a forced smile on my face. I looked behind him and quickly figured Sarah must have gone inside.

"What brings you here, Alpha?"

An indecipherable expression crossed his features but it soon disappeared as he looked away for a brief moment.

"I brought Sarah for a medical checkup. She' just gave birth." He explained and I felt a sharp feeling jab at my already shattered heart.

"What are you doing here?" He added.

I gritted my teeth, trying to swallow the emotions that were gnawing at me. How could he just discard what he'd just said as if it meant nothing?

Sarah, his first love was back and to make it worse, she had just given birth to his child. Surely, he couldn't bring her for a check-up if the baby wasn't his.

Had they been seeing each other behind my back? How come she had his baby?

I swallowed hard in my throat. "Nothing really. I was a bit sick."

I could immediately detect the flicker of worry in his eyes. I balled my eyes into a fist, trying to calm my nerves down.

This was it! This was what Julian loved doing. Confusing me every time with his feelings. One time, he's cold and another, he's worried.

Why was he worried about me when he had abandoned me for his first love?

"Let's get a divorce!"

As the words rumbled off my lips, Julian's face darkened and an almost murderous glint shone in his eyes.

Chapter 2 I Want A Divorce

Laura's POV

"What do you mean by that, Laura." His voice was terse and his face grim.

His eyes sparkled with an intensity that was far too frightening. I could detect the hint of danger that lay beneath the surface. It made me want to buckle, to submit to the force of his power. Like I've always done.

But I wouldn't!

I've had enough these past three years, submitting to him every single time and letting him treat me the way he wanted without complaining.

Taking a calm breath, I levelled my gaze on his. "I said I want a divorce!"

The coldness of his hazel orbs was enough to freeze the world and it made me shiver down to my bones as I felt as though my soul was being sucked away.

He suddenly cackled with laughter. "Smart girl." He breathed. "Sarah is back and you already figured we'll have to get a divorce. Unfortunately, I'm the Lycan king. and we can't just get a divorce without the rejection ritual. So, I'm afraid you'll have to continue your Luna duties till the goddess of festival."

His face was void of any emotion as he spoke and I felt a slight ache in my heart. The divorce wasn't going to affect him in any way. He wasn't even going to feel anything when our mate's bond is finally severed.

This was what he wanted! He must have already been tired of me but had been putting up with me.

The lumps in my throat were already rising in my mouth and I tried to hold the tears back. I shifted my gaze to his face and realized he was studying my stomach.

Before I could speak, he was already saying something.

"I heard you lost the baby." He said as he trained his gaze back on my face. "I'm not going to punish you for it since I have a child now. So, all you have to do is wait till the festival and we'll get a divorce then so that Sarah can take her place as Mrs Shawn."

"Punish me? You think you have the right to punish me?"

He moved closer to me. "I have every right to punish you for losing the Lycan king's child. What you did is as grave as murder!" He bellowed.

"But, I'll let it slide!"

He didn't wait for me to say anything else before he turned to leave. As I watched him leave, I couldn't stop the tears from sliding through the corners and landing on my cheeks.

To tell the truth, Sarah was a better and ideal wife to Julian than I was. She was of the elite class in the pack while I was just the disgraced daughter of a fallen alpha who had gotten his pack massacred overnight.

I wiped at the corner of my eyes as I went out of the hospital gate. I should have known sooner or later that Sarah would come back but I had been too stubborn, thinking that the marriage would work out fine.

Three years ago, after I found out that Julian was my mate, I had approached him and appealed him. At that time, I did it not just because he was my mate but because I needed his help because my pack had been falling apart then.

And since he was the almighty Lycan king, he had helped me and everything was resolved fine and good. Julian had always been known for his aloof nature and indifference towards women and the rumor had said that the only person he loved was his first love, Sarah.

But I had been too stubborn to listen back then and had slept with him. He had marked me and had surprisingly proposed to me but little did I know, it would lead to the downfall of my pack.

A year after our marriage, Julian became a completely different person--- so cold and indifferent towards me and I realized that the life I had imagined and fantasized about with him was only wishful thinking on my part.

My pack was massacred overnight, leaving only my father seriously injured. That time, Sarah had also been taking a school program in my pack's college and she'd been affected by the massacre too.

Due to space constraints can only update here, click to see more exciting follow-up.🤩🤩
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The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 A Cruel Dare


Tonight was the night of the New Year’s Eve dance—and it was also the night that I was supposed to finally sleep with my boyfriend, Max. But as I looked around the crowded ballroom, I couldn’t seem to find him.

I grabbed my skirt and looked everywhere for him, all the while praying that Linda wouldn’t find me tonight. Linda O’Malley: one of the most popular girls on campus… and my biggest bully. She targeted me just because I was the only human amongst an entire academy full of werewolves.

She had tried to shave my head several times because I was born with a streak of silver hair, which is considered ominous to werewolves. I had begun dying it black ever since.

Strangely, she wasn’t anywhere to be found tonight, either; which was odd considering that she always loved to be the center of attention. I was relieved, to say the least.

Linda’s bullying had come to a head three months ago, when she was bullying me in the storeroom. Max had rushed in and interrupted her; that was how we met. He said it was love at first sight.

He was my hero.

“Your dress is so cute, Audrey.” I looked up at the sound of a familiar voice to see my best friend, Tina, swaying slightly in front of me with a glass in her hand. Her compliment made me blush. I had made my dress myself—as I often did with all my clothes.

But this dress was special. To make my first time together with Max memorable, I had even made my own lingerie, which I was wearing beneath my dress.

“Thanks, Tina,” I replied with a smile. “Have you seen Max, by the way?”

Tina furrowed her brow, then shook her head. “No. I figured he was with you.”

I frowned. The dance had started, and everyone was dancing with their partners. Meanwhile, I had just spent the past ten minutes hiding in the corner, texting Max to ask where he was. But he never replied.

Tina, noticing my frustration, reached out to touch my arm. “Maybe he’s just in the bathroom,” she suggested. “Maybe he drank too much.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but then shut it again with a sigh. I hoped that Tina was right, and that was all it was; Max had been growing a bit distant lately, but I had chalked it up to school getting to him.

“Well, I need to use the bathroom,” Tina said, finishing the last of her drink. “We’ll see if we can find Max along the way.”

“You’re the best, Tina.”

“I know I am.”

With a grin and a shake of my head, I took Tina’s arm and followed her out of the crowded ballroom. The air was less stifling out here in the quiet, dimly lit hallway, and I felt like I could breathe.

But that all changed when we heard the sound of two familiar voices floating out of a nearby utility closet. Max and… Linda.

“...only dating her because of that joke of a dare.”

“It’s gone on for so long now. How could you put up with her all this time?”

“It was hard. But it’s almost over…”

Tina’s hand tightened around mine. “Audrey—” she began, but I cut her off with a shake of my head and gestured for her to go to the bathroom without me. She pursed her lips for a moment, watching me worriedly, before she left.

As I watched her go, my curled up into a tight fist around my skirt—so hard that I thought my nails might rip straight through the lace.

Everyone at this academy hated me, everyone except for Tina. I had accepted it at this point.

But not from Max. Not from the sweet boy who supposedly fell head over heels for me three months ago. I had thought that he was… different from the others. That someone had finally seen me for me and didn’t care that I was a human, or that I was a bookworm, or that I was a fashion addict.

Apparently, I had been dead wrong.

“I’d never truly be interested in someone like her,” Max’s voice rang out. “Honestly, I thought she was super smart, too; so I’m surprised she actually fell for it.”

“Ah, well. I guess all those books she constantly has her nose in don’t teach her what men actually want.”

My heart clenched in my chest, and at that moment, all I wanted to do was get away. Somewhere safe, somewhere secluded, anywhere but here.

But I was too slow. Before I had a chance to run, the door suddenly creaked open the rest of the way. I whirled around, my heart pounding, to see Max standing in the doorway just as I suspected.

His brown eyes widened into saucers the moment he saw my tear-streaked face. “Audrey!” he gasped. “What are you—”

I didn’t give him a chance to finish. Pulling back my shoulders, I tilted my chin up at him in the most defiant pose I could muster.

“We’re through,” I said.

And before he could even come up with an answer, I spun on my heel, picked up my skirt, and ran away.

Thank the Goddess it never came to that, I thought to myself wryly as I slipped into the Academy’s private bar. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if I slept with him; likely he would tell everyone, use it against me in some way.

Hastily wiping my tears away, I slid onto one of the barstools and ordered a drink—rum and coke. I didn’t like alcohol that much, but I needed it tonight.

I sighed softly as I leaned on the bar, sniffling. A moment later, the bartender shoved my glass over to me. I took it with a muttered “Thanks”, and took a sip.

My phone buzzed in my purse, and I slipped it out with a sigh. Multiple texts: some from Tina asking where I was, which I quickly replied to. The others, however, were from Max.

“Audrey, it’s not what you think,” he pleaded. “Please, let’s just talk.”

I shut off my phone with a huff and stuffed it back into my purse. Talk. Yeah, right.

I had no interest in hearing more of his lies. All I wanted to do was take a deep gulp of the liquid in my cup, and I did exactly that.

But I wasn’t sitting there for long, however, when I suddenly felt someone bump into me. Before I could steady myself, I lurched forward—and spilled my drink on the sleeve of a man sitting beside me.

“Oh! I’m so sorry,” I breathed, momentarily forgetting my heartbreak. I quickly grabbed a nearby napkin and began dabbing at his jacket without even thinking twice about it. “Here, let me get that for you—”


The man’s gruff voice, combined with the sudden sensation of his cool fingers around my wrist, left me too breathless to even speak.

It seemed as though I didn’t need to. Because not even a moment after the man’s striking gray eyes met mine from beneath his shock of black hair, a voice rang out across the bar.

“Audrey! There you are. What are you—”

Max’s eyes narrowed as he stormed up to us, a look of jealousy and anger flashing through his features. Before I could even tell him to buzz off, Max was reaching for my wrist to yank me away from the stranger who he clearly thought was his replacement.

But when Max met those gray eyes, he froze, his mouth hanging open.

“S-Sir,” he stammered, taking a step back as he bowed his head in respect. “I didn’t know that was you.”

Chapter 2 After Midnight


I shot a puzzled glance between the dark-haired stranger and Max. There was no way I recognized who this man was. But Max didn’t elaborate on how or why he recognized him.

When the man didn’t respond, Max stepped forward and placed himself between the two of us.

“I’m so sorry for the trouble, sir,” he said, grabbing my hand. “My girlfriend must be pestering you. I—”

“Ex-girlfriend,” I corrected Max through my teeth. Ripping my hand out of his grip, I stood and folded my arms across my chest. “I thought I told you that we were through.”

There was a long, tense silence between the three of us then—Max looking at me with panic, the dark-haired stranger blinking bemusedly from behind his glass of whiskey, and me staring daggers at Max.

Then, with a self-satisfied smirk, I stepped up to the man and grabbed his arm. I curled the fingers of both hands around his forearm, feeling a slight blush color my cheeks as I felt sinewy muscle beneath.

“This is my new date,” I said, jutting my chin out at Max. “And I would appreciate it if you would leave us alone.”

Max’s eyes widened at my words. “A new date?” he echoed. “You expect me to believe that?”

I merely gritted my teeth in response and inwardly prayed that this man wouldn’t expose me—that he would just play along until Max left me alone.

“Don’t make a scene, Audrey,” Max said, his voice almost lost beneath the din. “Let’s go—”

“She said, no.” The man suddenly stood then to his full towering height. He was easily over a foot taller than me, his muscular frame crowding around me. I felt my cheeks turn an even deeper red as he looped one arm around my shoulders, tugging me closer.

Max blanched. “I really don’t believe—”

The man’s arm tightened around me, and then suddenly the room was tilting beneath me. He was dipping me, his strong arms cradling me not even a foot above the floor.

“Just play along,” he whispered, placing our faces close and using his body to block Max’s view so that it looked like we were kissing.

At that moment, the sound of bells chiming erupted through the bar. The other patrons cheered and clinked their glasses, couples kissing and friends hugging.

It was officially the new year.

“I…” I murmured, unable to find any words. Here, this close, with his long, dark hair cascading around us, with the scent of his masculine cologne and the sweet tang of whiskey on his breath…

I couldn’t help it. I had to taste him.

Without a second thought, I cupped his stubbly face in my hands, pulled him the extra distance, and pressed our lips together.

He tasted like liquor, and his stubble bit at the soft skin on my cheeks. But neither of us pulled away. Not until the bells had stopped ringing.

When we finally pulled our lips apart, there was an undeniable heat between us. His gray eyes had gone husky looking at me, his fingers digging into the silk sash around my waist. For a moment, the world seemed to stand still.

And then he placed me upright once again, and I felt as though the wind had been knocked out of me.

“Well?” he asked. “It’s officially after midnight, my dear. Shall we…?” He nodded his head to the door, indicating for us to leave. Together.

I nodded hastily—just wanting to get out of here. Getting out of here with him wasn’t the most unappealing idea, either.

“Yes,” I said. “Let’s—”

Before I could finish, the world was moving again—only this time, the man was picking me up in his arms princess-style, my skirt trailing over his elbow. Then, without so much as a second glance, he strode toward the door and kicked it open.

As we emerged out into the snowy courtyard, all I could see over the man’s broad shoulders was Max watching with a stunned expression.

Due to space constraints can only update here, click to see more exciting follow-up.🤩🤩
👉Free reading with📚《One Night With My Alpha Professor》😍👉Free reading with📚《One Night With My Alpha Professor》😍
The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 Losing My Baby

Laura's POV

A sharp feeling shot through my head and my eyes peeled open instantly.

My body was drenched in sweat, as if I had just got out of a bath and the feeling of discomfort all over my body was excruciating.

I glanced around and realized I was in a dishevelled room with cobwebs hanging around the corners of the wall.

"What am I doing here?" I pondered aloud.

I struggled to my feet but soon fell back flat on my butt as I felt my knees turn jelly. My brain was all jumbled up as I tried to recall the event of the previous day and what might have actually brought me to this godforsaken room.

No matter how hard I tried, nothing came up. I lowered my head, feeling an odd sense of resignation enveloping me but at that same minute, the door open to reveal the handsome face of a man wearing a white suit.

I quickly assumed he was a doctor.

When he saw me trying to stand up, he ran to me, looking so worried. "Luna, you can't get up yet."

"What am I doing here?" I asked and my throat burned from the mere effort.

Instead of answering, he handed me a paper. My hands trembled slightly as my gaze landed on the heading written in bold letters.


I felt my heart freeze a hundred degrees as my hands flew inadvertently to my stomach. My baby! No! I screamed inwardly. Nothing could be wrong with my baby.

And now everything seemed to snap back in. The memories of yesterday flooded my brain. I had been scheduled for delivery and had asked my husband and the Lycan king of the Crescent moon pack, Julian to accompany me but he had said he was busy.

Then I had gone on my own but someone had kidnapped me and the last thing I remembered was being injected with poison.

My gaze flew back to the doctor's face. His face looked somewhat familiar, but I was past caring now.

The miscarrige must have something to do with the poison!

"Where did you see me? How did you bring me here?" My words were coming too fast to be steady so I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Doctor, who brought me in here?"

He gave me a warm smile. "Luna Laura, you have to calm down. You were found in the rain yesterday and words were sent to the Lycans king but he claimed he was busy and the hospital wouldn't attend to you until you paid." He paused, looking away sharply.

"So, I brought you to the abandoned pack's clinic to test you but unfortunately, you lost the child." He hesitated now, suddenly picking up interest in his shoes.

I took a deep breath. "Talk to me, what's wrong with me?"

He gave me an apologetic look before speaking. "You've been diagnosed with lung cancer and the possibility of you living up to three months is very slim."

I felt like a sharp thing had pierced through my heart as he finished. How could all this be happening to me at once? The baby was the only hope I had to get my marriage back on its feet.

I had thought if I could give Julian a child, then maybe he could change from being cold and indifferent to how he once was to me. I thought we could go back to being the lovely husband and wife admired and envied by everyone.

But now, even worse than that, I had a terminal illness and could die soon. Just why did the Moon goddess have to make things happen this way?

I muttered a silent thank you to the doctor as he stated towards the door. As he slammed the door shut behind him, so did my heart slam violently against my ribcage. I felt a spasm of suffocation shoot from my chest to my head and I clutched the bedspread until my knuckles turned white.

I looked around for my phone and found it. With trembling hands, I dialed Julian's number but as usual, it kept ringing continuously.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had wrapped around my entire being. The least he could have done was admit me to the hospital and stay with me through this moment.

I crumpled the test results and stuffed the ball of paper into my pocket as I summoned the little strength left in my frail body and stood up. Julian would definitely be at the pack's government house.

He was probably not with his phone. That could be the only reasonable explanation as to why he wasn't answering my call.

I walked out of the abandoned clinic and passed by the pack's hospital. I was crossing the gate when something caught my eye and made me stop in my tracks.

It was a car!

Julian's car to be precise. What was he doing in the hospital? Was he sick? I approached him as a worried frown creased my eyebrows.

Or did he come to see me?

But when I saw him get out of his car, walk around to the passenger seat and help a woman out, a ball of dread dropped into my gut and my mind emptied.

Sarah was back!

I felt a harsh squeeze in my chest as I watched him wrap his arms around her waist and pat her head. He was so gentle to her, something he had never been around me in a long time.

I felt a stinging in my nose as a lump rose in my throat. Sarah was back and that was why Julian had claimed he was busy. He was busy taking care of his first love.

I turned to leave as I felt something moist touch the corners of my eyes. I couldn't break down right in front of him like this.


Julian's voice sounded behind me and I froze. I felt like the earth should open and swallow me as I heard his footsteps draw closer to me.

Now, I could feel him so close. His musk drifted into my nostrils and I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the sweet memories of the past between us.

Slowly, I turned to face him, plastering a forced smile on my face. I looked behind him and quickly figured Sarah must have gone inside.

"What brings you here, Alpha?"

An indecipherable expression crossed his features but it soon disappeared as he looked away for a brief moment.

"I brought Sarah for a medical checkup. She' just gave birth." He explained and I felt a sharp feeling jab at my already shattered heart.

"What are you doing here?" He added.

I gritted my teeth, trying to swallow the emotions that were gnawing at me. How could he just discard what he'd just said as if it meant nothing?

Sarah, his first love was back and to make it worse, she had just given birth to his child. Surely, he couldn't bring her for a check-up if the baby wasn't his.

Had they been seeing each other behind my back? How come she had his baby?

I swallowed hard in my throat. "Nothing really. I was a bit sick."

I could immediately detect the flicker of worry in his eyes. I balled my eyes into a fist, trying to calm my nerves down.

This was it! This was what Julian loved doing. Confusing me every time with his feelings. One time, he's cold and another, he's worried.

Why was he worried about me when he had abandoned me for his first love?

"Let's get a divorce!"

As the words rumbled off my lips, Julian's face darkened and an almost murderous glint shone in his eyes.

Chapter 2 I Want A Divorce

Laura's POV

"What do you mean by that, Laura." His voice was terse and his face grim.

His eyes sparkled with an intensity that was far too frightening. I could detect the hint of danger that lay beneath the surface. It made me want to buckle, to submit to the force of his power. Like I've always done.

But I wouldn't!

I've had enough these past three years, submitting to him every single time and letting him treat me the way he wanted without complaining.

Taking a calm breath, I levelled my gaze on his. "I said I want a divorce!"

The coldness of his hazel orbs was enough to freeze the world and it made me shiver down to my bones as I felt as though my soul was being sucked away.

He suddenly cackled with laughter. "Smart girl." He breathed. "Sarah is back and you already figured we'll have to get a divorce. Unfortunately, I'm the Lycan king. and we can't just get a divorce without the rejection ritual. So, I'm afraid you'll have to continue your Luna duties till the goddess of festival."

His face was void of any emotion as he spoke and I felt a slight ache in my heart. The divorce wasn't going to affect him in any way. He wasn't even going to feel anything when our mate's bond is finally severed.

This was what he wanted! He must have already been tired of me but had been putting up with me.

The lumps in my throat were already rising in my mouth and I tried to hold the tears back. I shifted my gaze to his face and realized he was studying my stomach.

Before I could speak, he was already saying something.

"I heard you lost the baby." He said as he trained his gaze back on my face. "I'm not going to punish you for it since I have a child now. So, all you have to do is wait till the festival and we'll get a divorce then so that Sarah can take her place as Mrs Shawn."

"Punish me? You think you have the right to punish me?"

He moved closer to me. "I have every right to punish you for losing the Lycan king's child. What you did is as grave as murder!" He bellowed.

"But, I'll let it slide!"

He didn't wait for me to say anything else before he turned to leave. As I watched him leave, I couldn't stop the tears from sliding through the corners and landing on my cheeks.

To tell the truth, Sarah was a better and ideal wife to Julian than I was. She was of the elite class in the pack while I was just the disgraced daughter of a fallen alpha who had gotten his pack massacred overnight.

I wiped at the corner of my eyes as I went out of the hospital gate. I should have known sooner or later that Sarah would come back but I had been too stubborn, thinking that the marriage would work out fine.

Three years ago, after I found out that Julian was my mate, I had approached him and appealed him. At that time, I did it not just because he was my mate but because I needed his help because my pack had been falling apart then.

And since he was the almighty Lycan king, he had helped me and everything was resolved fine and good. Julian had always been known for his aloof nature and indifference towards women and the rumor had said that the only person he loved was his first love, Sarah.

But I had been too stubborn to listen back then and had slept with him. He had marked me and had surprisingly proposed to me but little did I know, it would lead to the downfall of my pack.

A year after our marriage, Julian became a completely different person--- so cold and indifferent towards me and I realized that the life I had imagined and fantasized about with him was only wishful thinking on my part.

My pack was massacred overnight, leaving only my father seriously injured. That time, Sarah had also been taking a school program in my pack's college and she'd been affected by the massacre too.

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The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 A Cruel Dare


Tonight was the night of the New Year’s Eve dance—and it was also the night that I was supposed to finally sleep with my boyfriend, Max. But as I looked around the crowded ballroom, I couldn’t seem to find him.

I grabbed my skirt and looked everywhere for him, all the while praying that Linda wouldn’t find me tonight. Linda O’Malley: one of the most popular girls on campus… and my biggest bully. She targeted me just because I was the only human amongst an entire academy full of werewolves.

She had tried to shave my head several times because I was born with a streak of silver hair, which is considered ominous to werewolves. I had begun dying it black ever since.

Strangely, she wasn’t anywhere to be found tonight, either; which was odd considering that she always loved to be the center of attention. I was relieved, to say the least.

Linda’s bullying had come to a head three months ago, when she was bullying me in the storeroom. Max had rushed in and interrupted her; that was how we met. He said it was love at first sight.

He was my hero.

“Your dress is so cute, Audrey.” I looked up at the sound of a familiar voice to see my best friend, Tina, swaying slightly in front of me with a glass in her hand. Her compliment made me blush. I had made my dress myself—as I often did with all my clothes.

But this dress was special. To make my first time together with Max memorable, I had even made my own lingerie, which I was wearing beneath my dress.

“Thanks, Tina,” I replied with a smile. “Have you seen Max, by the way?”

Tina furrowed her brow, then shook her head. “No. I figured he was with you.”

I frowned. The dance had started, and everyone was dancing with their partners. Meanwhile, I had just spent the past ten minutes hiding in the corner, texting Max to ask where he was. But he never replied.

Tina, noticing my frustration, reached out to touch my arm. “Maybe he’s just in the bathroom,” she suggested. “Maybe he drank too much.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but then shut it again with a sigh. I hoped that Tina was right, and that was all it was; Max had been growing a bit distant lately, but I had chalked it up to school getting to him.

“Well, I need to use the bathroom,” Tina said, finishing the last of her drink. “We’ll see if we can find Max along the way.”

“You’re the best, Tina.”

“I know I am.”

With a grin and a shake of my head, I took Tina’s arm and followed her out of the crowded ballroom. The air was less stifling out here in the quiet, dimly lit hallway, and I felt like I could breathe.

But that all changed when we heard the sound of two familiar voices floating out of a nearby utility closet. Max and… Linda.

“...only dating her because of that joke of a dare.”

“It’s gone on for so long now. How could you put up with her all this time?”

“It was hard. But it’s almost over…”

Tina’s hand tightened around mine. “Audrey—” she began, but I cut her off with a shake of my head and gestured for her to go to the bathroom without me. She pursed her lips for a moment, watching me worriedly, before she left.

As I watched her go, my curled up into a tight fist around my skirt—so hard that I thought my nails might rip straight through the lace.

Everyone at this academy hated me, everyone except for Tina. I had accepted it at this point.

But not from Max. Not from the sweet boy who supposedly fell head over heels for me three months ago. I had thought that he was… different from the others. That someone had finally seen me for me and didn’t care that I was a human, or that I was a bookworm, or that I was a fashion addict.

Apparently, I had been dead wrong.

“I’d never truly be interested in someone like her,” Max’s voice rang out. “Honestly, I thought she was super smart, too; so I’m surprised she actually fell for it.”

“Ah, well. I guess all those books she constantly has her nose in don’t teach her what men actually want.”

My heart clenched in my chest, and at that moment, all I wanted to do was get away. Somewhere safe, somewhere secluded, anywhere but here.

But I was too slow. Before I had a chance to run, the door suddenly creaked open the rest of the way. I whirled around, my heart pounding, to see Max standing in the doorway just as I suspected.

His brown eyes widened into saucers the moment he saw my tear-streaked face. “Audrey!” he gasped. “What are you—”

I didn’t give him a chance to finish. Pulling back my shoulders, I tilted my chin up at him in the most defiant pose I could muster.

“We’re through,” I said.

And before he could even come up with an answer, I spun on my heel, picked up my skirt, and ran away.

Thank the Goddess it never came to that, I thought to myself wryly as I slipped into the Academy’s private bar. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if I slept with him; likely he would tell everyone, use it against me in some way.

Hastily wiping my tears away, I slid onto one of the barstools and ordered a drink—rum and coke. I didn’t like alcohol that much, but I needed it tonight.

I sighed softly as I leaned on the bar, sniffling. A moment later, the bartender shoved my glass over to me. I took it with a muttered “Thanks”, and took a sip.

My phone buzzed in my purse, and I slipped it out with a sigh. Multiple texts: some from Tina asking where I was, which I quickly replied to. The others, however, were from Max.

“Audrey, it’s not what you think,” he pleaded. “Please, let’s just talk.”

I shut off my phone with a huff and stuffed it back into my purse. Talk. Yeah, right.

I had no interest in hearing more of his lies. All I wanted to do was take a deep gulp of the liquid in my cup, and I did exactly that.

But I wasn’t sitting there for long, however, when I suddenly felt someone bump into me. Before I could steady myself, I lurched forward—and spilled my drink on the sleeve of a man sitting beside me.

“Oh! I’m so sorry,” I breathed, momentarily forgetting my heartbreak. I quickly grabbed a nearby napkin and began dabbing at his jacket without even thinking twice about it. “Here, let me get that for you—”


The man’s gruff voice, combined with the sudden sensation of his cool fingers around my wrist, left me too breathless to even speak.

It seemed as though I didn’t need to. Because not even a moment after the man’s striking gray eyes met mine from beneath his shock of black hair, a voice rang out across the bar.

“Audrey! There you are. What are you—”

Max’s eyes narrowed as he stormed up to us, a look of jealousy and anger flashing through his features. Before I could even tell him to buzz off, Max was reaching for my wrist to yank me away from the stranger who he clearly thought was his replacement.

But when Max met those gray eyes, he froze, his mouth hanging open.

“S-Sir,” he stammered, taking a step back as he bowed his head in respect. “I didn’t know that was you.”

Chapter 2 After Midnight


I shot a puzzled glance between the dark-haired stranger and Max. There was no way I recognized who this man was. But Max didn’t elaborate on how or why he recognized him.

When the man didn’t respond, Max stepped forward and placed himself between the two of us.

“I’m so sorry for the trouble, sir,” he said, grabbing my hand. “My girlfriend must be pestering you. I—”

“Ex-girlfriend,” I corrected Max through my teeth. Ripping my hand out of his grip, I stood and folded my arms across my chest. “I thought I told you that we were through.”

There was a long, tense silence between the three of us then—Max looking at me with panic, the dark-haired stranger blinking bemusedly from behind his glass of whiskey, and me staring daggers at Max.

Then, with a self-satisfied smirk, I stepped up to the man and grabbed his arm. I curled the fingers of both hands around his forearm, feeling a slight blush color my cheeks as I felt sinewy muscle beneath.

“This is my new date,” I said, jutting my chin out at Max. “And I would appreciate it if you would leave us alone.”

Max’s eyes widened at my words. “A new date?” he echoed. “You expect me to believe that?”

I merely gritted my teeth in response and inwardly prayed that this man wouldn’t expose me—that he would just play along until Max left me alone.

“Don’t make a scene, Audrey,” Max said, his voice almost lost beneath the din. “Let’s go—”

“She said, no.” The man suddenly stood then to his full towering height. He was easily over a foot taller than me, his muscular frame crowding around me. I felt my cheeks turn an even deeper red as he looped one arm around my shoulders, tugging me closer.

Max blanched. “I really don’t believe—”

The man’s arm tightened around me, and then suddenly the room was tilting beneath me. He was dipping me, his strong arms cradling me not even a foot above the floor.

“Just play along,” he whispered, placing our faces close and using his body to block Max’s view so that it looked like we were kissing.

At that moment, the sound of bells chiming erupted through the bar. The other patrons cheered and clinked their glasses, couples kissing and friends hugging.

It was officially the new year.

“I…” I murmured, unable to find any words. Here, this close, with his long, dark hair cascading around us, with the scent of his masculine cologne and the sweet tang of whiskey on his breath…

I couldn’t help it. I had to taste him.

Without a second thought, I cupped his stubbly face in my hands, pulled him the extra distance, and pressed our lips together.

He tasted like liquor, and his stubble bit at the soft skin on my cheeks. But neither of us pulled away. Not until the bells had stopped ringing.

When we finally pulled our lips apart, there was an undeniable heat between us. His gray eyes had gone husky looking at me, his fingers digging into the silk sash around my waist. For a moment, the world seemed to stand still.

And then he placed me upright once again, and I felt as though the wind had been knocked out of me.

“Well?” he asked. “It’s officially after midnight, my dear. Shall we…?” He nodded his head to the door, indicating for us to leave. Together.

I nodded hastily—just wanting to get out of here. Getting out of here with him wasn’t the most unappealing idea, either.

“Yes,” I said. “Let’s—”

Before I could finish, the world was moving again—only this time, the man was picking me up in his arms princess-style, my skirt trailing over his elbow. Then, without so much as a second glance, he strode toward the door and kicked it open.

As we emerged out into the snowy courtyard, all I could see over the man’s broad shoulders was Max watching with a stunned expression.

Due to space constraints can only update here, click to see more exciting follow-up.🤩🤩
👉Free reading with📚《One Night With My Alpha Professor》😍👉Free reading with📚《One Night With My Alpha Professor》😍
The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 Losing My Baby

Laura's POV

A sharp feeling shot through my head and my eyes peeled open instantly.

My body was drenched in sweat, as if I had just got out of a bath and the feeling of discomfort all over my body was excruciating.

I glanced around and realized I was in a dishevelled room with cobwebs hanging around the corners of the wall.

"What am I doing here?" I pondered aloud.

I struggled to my feet but soon fell back flat on my butt as I felt my knees turn jelly. My brain was all jumbled up as I tried to recall the event of the previous day and what might have actually brought me to this godforsaken room.

No matter how hard I tried, nothing came up. I lowered my head, feeling an odd sense of resignation enveloping me but at that same minute, the door open to reveal the handsome face of a man wearing a white suit.

I quickly assumed he was a doctor.

When he saw me trying to stand up, he ran to me, looking so worried. "Luna, you can't get up yet."

"What am I doing here?" I asked and my throat burned from the mere effort.

Instead of answering, he handed me a paper. My hands trembled slightly as my gaze landed on the heading written in bold letters.


I felt my heart freeze a hundred degrees as my hands flew inadvertently to my stomach. My baby! No! I screamed inwardly. Nothing could be wrong with my baby.

And now everything seemed to snap back in. The memories of yesterday flooded my brain. I had been scheduled for delivery and had asked my husband and the Lycan king of the Crescent moon pack, Julian to accompany me but he had said he was busy.

Then I had gone on my own but someone had kidnapped me and the last thing I remembered was being injected with poison.

My gaze flew back to the doctor's face. His face looked somewhat familiar, but I was past caring now.

The miscarrige must have something to do with the poison!

"Where did you see me? How did you bring me here?" My words were coming too fast to be steady so I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Doctor, who brought me in here?"

He gave me a warm smile. "Luna Laura, you have to calm down. You were found in the rain yesterday and words were sent to the Lycans king but he claimed he was busy and the hospital wouldn't attend to you until you paid." He paused, looking away sharply.

"So, I brought you to the abandoned pack's clinic to test you but unfortunately, you lost the child." He hesitated now, suddenly picking up interest in his shoes.

I took a deep breath. "Talk to me, what's wrong with me?"

He gave me an apologetic look before speaking. "You've been diagnosed with lung cancer and the possibility of you living up to three months is very slim."

I felt like a sharp thing had pierced through my heart as he finished. How could all this be happening to me at once? The baby was the only hope I had to get my marriage back on its feet.

I had thought if I could give Julian a child, then maybe he could change from being cold and indifferent to how he once was to me. I thought we could go back to being the lovely husband and wife admired and envied by everyone.

But now, even worse than that, I had a terminal illness and could die soon. Just why did the Moon goddess have to make things happen this way?

I muttered a silent thank you to the doctor as he stated towards the door. As he slammed the door shut behind him, so did my heart slam violently against my ribcage. I felt a spasm of suffocation shoot from my chest to my head and I clutched the bedspread until my knuckles turned white.

I looked around for my phone and found it. With trembling hands, I dialed Julian's number but as usual, it kept ringing continuously.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had wrapped around my entire being. The least he could have done was admit me to the hospital and stay with me through this moment.

I crumpled the test results and stuffed the ball of paper into my pocket as I summoned the little strength left in my frail body and stood up. Julian would definitely be at the pack's government house.

He was probably not with his phone. That could be the only reasonable explanation as to why he wasn't answering my call.

I walked out of the abandoned clinic and passed by the pack's hospital. I was crossing the gate when something caught my eye and made me stop in my tracks.

It was a car!

Julian's car to be precise. What was he doing in the hospital? Was he sick? I approached him as a worried frown creased my eyebrows.

Or did he come to see me?

But when I saw him get out of his car, walk around to the passenger seat and help a woman out, a ball of dread dropped into my gut and my mind emptied.

Sarah was back!

I felt a harsh squeeze in my chest as I watched him wrap his arms around her waist and pat her head. He was so gentle to her, something he had never been around me in a long time.

I felt a stinging in my nose as a lump rose in my throat. Sarah was back and that was why Julian had claimed he was busy. He was busy taking care of his first love.

I turned to leave as I felt something moist touch the corners of my eyes. I couldn't break down right in front of him like this.


Julian's voice sounded behind me and I froze. I felt like the earth should open and swallow me as I heard his footsteps draw closer to me.

Now, I could feel him so close. His musk drifted into my nostrils and I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the sweet memories of the past between us.

Slowly, I turned to face him, plastering a forced smile on my face. I looked behind him and quickly figured Sarah must have gone inside.

"What brings you here, Alpha?"

An indecipherable expression crossed his features but it soon disappeared as he looked away for a brief moment.

"I brought Sarah for a medical checkup. She' just gave birth." He explained and I felt a sharp feeling jab at my already shattered heart.

"What are you doing here?" He added.

I gritted my teeth, trying to swallow the emotions that were gnawing at me. How could he just discard what he'd just said as if it meant nothing?

Sarah, his first love was back and to make it worse, she had just given birth to his child. Surely, he couldn't bring her for a check-up if the baby wasn't his.

Had they been seeing each other behind my back? How come she had his baby?

I swallowed hard in my throat. "Nothing really. I was a bit sick."

I could immediately detect the flicker of worry in his eyes. I balled my eyes into a fist, trying to calm my nerves down.

This was it! This was what Julian loved doing. Confusing me every time with his feelings. One time, he's cold and another, he's worried.

Why was he worried about me when he had abandoned me for his first love?

"Let's get a divorce!"

As the words rumbled off my lips, Julian's face darkened and an almost murderous glint shone in his eyes.

Chapter 2 I Want A Divorce

Laura's POV

"What do you mean by that, Laura." His voice was terse and his face grim.

His eyes sparkled with an intensity that was far too frightening. I could detect the hint of danger that lay beneath the surface. It made me want to buckle, to submit to the force of his power. Like I've always done.

But I wouldn't!

I've had enough these past three years, submitting to him every single time and letting him treat me the way he wanted without complaining.

Taking a calm breath, I levelled my gaze on his. "I said I want a divorce!"

The coldness of his hazel orbs was enough to freeze the world and it made me shiver down to my bones as I felt as though my soul was being sucked away.

He suddenly cackled with laughter. "Smart girl." He breathed. "Sarah is back and you already figured we'll have to get a divorce. Unfortunately, I'm the Lycan king. and we can't just get a divorce without the rejection ritual. So, I'm afraid you'll have to continue your Luna duties till the goddess of festival."

His face was void of any emotion as he spoke and I felt a slight ache in my heart. The divorce wasn't going to affect him in any way. He wasn't even going to feel anything when our mate's bond is finally severed.

This was what he wanted! He must have already been tired of me but had been putting up with me.

The lumps in my throat were already rising in my mouth and I tried to hold the tears back. I shifted my gaze to his face and realized he was studying my stomach.

Before I could speak, he was already saying something.

"I heard you lost the baby." He said as he trained his gaze back on my face. "I'm not going to punish you for it since I have a child now. So, all you have to do is wait till the festival and we'll get a divorce then so that Sarah can take her place as Mrs Shawn."

"Punish me? You think you have the right to punish me?"

He moved closer to me. "I have every right to punish you for losing the Lycan king's child. What you did is as grave as murder!" He bellowed.

"But, I'll let it slide!"

He didn't wait for me to say anything else before he turned to leave. As I watched him leave, I couldn't stop the tears from sliding through the corners and landing on my cheeks.

To tell the truth, Sarah was a better and ideal wife to Julian than I was. She was of the elite class in the pack while I was just the disgraced daughter of a fallen alpha who had gotten his pack massacred overnight.

I wiped at the corner of my eyes as I went out of the hospital gate. I should have known sooner or later that Sarah would come back but I had been too stubborn, thinking that the marriage would work out fine.

Three years ago, after I found out that Julian was my mate, I had approached him and appealed him. At that time, I did it not just because he was my mate but because I needed his help because my pack had been falling apart then.

And since he was the almighty Lycan king, he had helped me and everything was resolved fine and good. Julian had always been known for his aloof nature and indifference towards women and the rumor had said that the only person he loved was his first love, Sarah.

But I had been too stubborn to listen back then and had slept with him. He had marked me and had surprisingly proposed to me but little did I know, it would lead to the downfall of my pack.

A year after our marriage, Julian became a completely different person--- so cold and indifferent towards me and I realized that the life I had imagined and fantasized about with him was only wishful thinking on my part.

My pack was massacred overnight, leaving only my father seriously injured. That time, Sarah had also been taking a school program in my pack's college and she'd been affected by the massacre too.

Due to space constraints can only update here, click to see more exciting follow-up.🤩🤩
👉Free reading with📚《One Night With My Alpha Professor》😍👉Free reading with📚《One Night With My Alpha Professor》😍
The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 Losing My Baby

Laura's POV

A sharp feeling shot through my head and my eyes peeled open instantly.

My body was drenched in sweat, as if I had just got out of a bath and the feeling of discomfort all over my body was excruciating.

I glanced around and realized I was in a dishevelled room with cobwebs hanging around the corners of the wall.

"What am I doing here?" I pondered aloud.

I struggled to my feet but soon fell back flat on my butt as I felt my knees turn jelly. My brain was all jumbled up as I tried to recall the event of the previous day and what might have actually brought me to this godforsaken room.

No matter how hard I tried, nothing came up. I lowered my head, feeling an odd sense of resignation enveloping me but at that same minute, the door open to reveal the handsome face of a man wearing a white suit.

I quickly assumed he was a doctor.

When he saw me trying to stand up, he ran to me, looking so worried. "Luna, you can't get up yet."

"What am I doing here?" I asked and my throat burned from the mere effort.

Instead of answering, he handed me a paper. My hands trembled slightly as my gaze landed on the heading written in bold letters.


I felt my heart freeze a hundred degrees as my hands flew inadvertently to my stomach. My baby! No! I screamed inwardly. Nothing could be wrong with my baby.

And now everything seemed to snap back in. The memories of yesterday flooded my brain. I had been scheduled for delivery and had asked my husband and the Lycan king of the Crescent moon pack, Julian to accompany me but he had said he was busy.

Then I had gone on my own but someone had kidnapped me and the last thing I remembered was being injected with poison.

My gaze flew back to the doctor's face. His face looked somewhat familiar, but I was past caring now.

The miscarrige must have something to do with the poison!

"Where did you see me? How did you bring me here?" My words were coming too fast to be steady so I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Doctor, who brought me in here?"

He gave me a warm smile. "Luna Laura, you have to calm down. You were found in the rain yesterday and words were sent to the Lycans king but he claimed he was busy and the hospital wouldn't attend to you until you paid." He paused, looking away sharply.

"So, I brought you to the abandoned pack's clinic to test you but unfortunately, you lost the child." He hesitated now, suddenly picking up interest in his shoes.

I took a deep breath. "Talk to me, what's wrong with me?"

He gave me an apologetic look before speaking. "You've been diagnosed with lung cancer and the possibility of you living up to three months is very slim."

I felt like a sharp thing had pierced through my heart as he finished. How could all this be happening to me at once? The baby was the only hope I had to get my marriage back on its feet.

I had thought if I could give Julian a child, then maybe he could change from being cold and indifferent to how he once was to me. I thought we could go back to being the lovely husband and wife admired and envied by everyone.

But now, even worse than that, I had a terminal illness and could die soon. Just why did the Moon goddess have to make things happen this way?

I muttered a silent thank you to the doctor as he stated towards the door. As he slammed the door shut behind him, so did my heart slam violently against my ribcage. I felt a spasm of suffocation shoot from my chest to my head and I clutched the bedspread until my knuckles turned white.

I looked around for my phone and found it. With trembling hands, I dialed Julian's number but as usual, it kept ringing continuously.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had wrapped around my entire being. The least he could have done was admit me to the hospital and stay with me through this moment.

I crumpled the test results and stuffed the ball of paper into my pocket as I summoned the little strength left in my frail body and stood up. Julian would definitely be at the pack's government house.

He was probably not with his phone. That could be the only reasonable explanation as to why he wasn't answering my call.

I walked out of the abandoned clinic and passed by the pack's hospital. I was crossing the gate when something caught my eye and made me stop in my tracks.

It was a car!

Julian's car to be precise. What was he doing in the hospital? Was he sick? I approached him as a worried frown creased my eyebrows.

Or did he come to see me?

But when I saw him get out of his car, walk around to the passenger seat and help a woman out, a ball of dread dropped into my gut and my mind emptied.

Sarah was back!

I felt a harsh squeeze in my chest as I watched him wrap his arms around her waist and pat her head. He was so gentle to her, something he had never been around me in a long time.

I felt a stinging in my nose as a lump rose in my throat. Sarah was back and that was why Julian had claimed he was busy. He was busy taking care of his first love.

I turned to leave as I felt something moist touch the corners of my eyes. I couldn't break down right in front of him like this.


Julian's voice sounded behind me and I froze. I felt like the earth should open and swallow me as I heard his footsteps draw closer to me.

Now, I could feel him so close. His musk drifted into my nostrils and I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the sweet memories of the past between us.

Slowly, I turned to face him, plastering a forced smile on my face. I looked behind him and quickly figured Sarah must have gone inside.

"What brings you here, Alpha?"

An indecipherable expression crossed his features but it soon disappeared as he looked away for a brief moment.

"I brought Sarah for a medical checkup. She' just gave birth." He explained and I felt a sharp feeling jab at my already shattered heart.

"What are you doing here?" He added.

I gritted my teeth, trying to swallow the emotions that were gnawing at me. How could he just discard what he'd just said as if it meant nothing?

Sarah, his first love was back and to make it worse, she had just given birth to his child. Surely, he couldn't bring her for a check-up if the baby wasn't his.

Had they been seeing each other behind my back? How come she had his baby?

I swallowed hard in my throat. "Nothing really. I was a bit sick."

I could immediately detect the flicker of worry in his eyes. I balled my eyes into a fist, trying to calm my nerves down.

This was it! This was what Julian loved doing. Confusing me every time with his feelings. One time, he's cold and another, he's worried.

Why was he worried about me when he had abandoned me for his first love?

"Let's get a divorce!"

As the words rumbled off my lips, Julian's face darkened and an almost murderous glint shone in his eyes.

Chapter 2 I Want A Divorce

Laura's POV

"What do you mean by that, Laura." His voice was terse and his face grim.

His eyes sparkled with an intensity that was far too frightening. I could detect the hint of danger that lay beneath the surface. It made me want to buckle, to submit to the force of his power. Like I've always done.

But I wouldn't!

I've had enough these past three years, submitting to him every single time and letting him treat me the way he wanted without complaining.

Taking a calm breath, I levelled my gaze on his. "I said I want a divorce!"

The coldness of his hazel orbs was enough to freeze the world and it made me shiver down to my bones as I felt as though my soul was being sucked away.

He suddenly cackled with laughter. "Smart girl." He breathed. "Sarah is back and you already figured we'll have to get a divorce. Unfortunately, I'm the Lycan king. and we can't just get a divorce without the rejection ritual. So, I'm afraid you'll have to continue your Luna duties till the goddess of festival."

His face was void of any emotion as he spoke and I felt a slight ache in my heart. The divorce wasn't going to affect him in any way. He wasn't even going to feel anything when our mate's bond is finally severed.

This was what he wanted! He must have already been tired of me but had been putting up with me.

The lumps in my throat were already rising in my mouth and I tried to hold the tears back. I shifted my gaze to his face and realized he was studying my stomach.

Before I could speak, he was already saying something.

"I heard you lost the baby." He said as he trained his gaze back on my face. "I'm not going to punish you for it since I have a child now. So, all you have to do is wait till the festival and we'll get a divorce then so that Sarah can take her place as Mrs Shawn."

"Punish me? You think you have the right to punish me?"

He moved closer to me. "I have every right to punish you for losing the Lycan king's child. What you did is as grave as murder!" He bellowed.

"But, I'll let it slide!"

He didn't wait for me to say anything else before he turned to leave. As I watched him leave, I couldn't stop the tears from sliding through the corners and landing on my cheeks.

To tell the truth, Sarah was a better and ideal wife to Julian than I was. She was of the elite class in the pack while I was just the disgraced daughter of a fallen alpha who had gotten his pack massacred overnight.

I wiped at the corner of my eyes as I went out of the hospital gate. I should have known sooner or later that Sarah would come back but I had been too stubborn, thinking that the marriage would work out fine.

Three years ago, after I found out that Julian was my mate, I had approached him and appealed him. At that time, I did it not just because he was my mate but because I needed his help because my pack had been falling apart then.

And since he was the almighty Lycan king, he had helped me and everything was resolved fine and good. Julian had always been known for his aloof nature and indifference towards women and the rumor had said that the only person he loved was his first love, Sarah.

But I had been too stubborn to listen back then and had slept with him. He had marked me and had surprisingly proposed to me but little did I know, it would lead to the downfall of my pack.

A year after our marriage, Julian became a completely different person--- so cold and indifferent towards me and I realized that the life I had imagined and fantasized about with him was only wishful thinking on my part.

My pack was massacred overnight, leaving only my father seriously injured. That time, Sarah had also been taking a school program in my pack's college and she'd been affected by the massacre too.

Due to space constraints can only update here, click to see more exciting follow-up.🤩🤩
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Progress: NaN%👉Free reading with📚《One Night With My Alpha Professor》😍
The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 Losing My Baby

Laura's POV

A sharp feeling shot through my head and my eyes peeled open instantly.

My body was drenched in sweat, as if I had just got out of a bath and the feeling of discomfort all over my body was excruciating.

I glanced around and realized I was in a dishevelled room with cobwebs hanging around the corners of the wall.

"What am I doing here?" I pondered aloud.

I struggled to my feet but soon fell back flat on my butt as I felt my knees turn jelly. My brain was all jumbled up as I tried to recall the event of the previous day and what might have actually brought me to this godforsaken room.

No matter how hard I tried, nothing came up. I lowered my head, feeling an odd sense of resignation enveloping me but at that same minute, the door open to reveal the handsome face of a man wearing a white suit.

I quickly assumed he was a doctor.

When he saw me trying to stand up, he ran to me, looking so worried. "Luna, you can't get up yet."

"What am I doing here?" I asked and my throat burned from the mere effort.

Instead of answering, he handed me a paper. My hands trembled slightly as my gaze landed on the heading written in bold letters.


I felt my heart freeze a hundred degrees as my hands flew inadvertently to my stomach. My baby! No! I screamed inwardly. Nothing could be wrong with my baby.

And now everything seemed to snap back in. The memories of yesterday flooded my brain. I had been scheduled for delivery and had asked my husband and the Lycan king of the Crescent moon pack, Julian to accompany me but he had said he was busy.

Then I had gone on my own but someone had kidnapped me and the last thing I remembered was being injected with poison.

My gaze flew back to the doctor's face. His face looked somewhat familiar, but I was past caring now.

The miscarrige must have something to do with the poison!

"Where did you see me? How did you bring me here?" My words were coming too fast to be steady so I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Doctor, who brought me in here?"

He gave me a warm smile. "Luna Laura, you have to calm down. You were found in the rain yesterday and words were sent to the Lycans king but he claimed he was busy and the hospital wouldn't attend to you until you paid." He paused, looking away sharply.

"So, I brought you to the abandoned pack's clinic to test you but unfortunately, you lost the child." He hesitated now, suddenly picking up interest in his shoes.

I took a deep breath. "Talk to me, what's wrong with me?"

He gave me an apologetic look before speaking. "You've been diagnosed with lung cancer and the possibility of you living up to three months is very slim."

I felt like a sharp thing had pierced through my heart as he finished. How could all this be happening to me at once? The baby was the only hope I had to get my marriage back on its feet.

I had thought if I could give Julian a child, then maybe he could change from being cold and indifferent to how he once was to me. I thought we could go back to being the lovely husband and wife admired and envied by everyone.

But now, even worse than that, I had a terminal illness and could die soon. Just why did the Moon goddess have to make things happen this way?

I muttered a silent thank you to the doctor as he stated towards the door. As he slammed the door shut behind him, so did my heart slam violently against my ribcage. I felt a spasm of suffocation shoot from my chest to my head and I clutched the bedspread until my knuckles turned white.

I looked around for my phone and found it. With trembling hands, I dialed Julian's number but as usual, it kept ringing continuously.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had wrapped around my entire being. The least he could have done was admit me to the hospital and stay with me through this moment.

I crumpled the test results and stuffed the ball of paper into my pocket as I summoned the little strength left in my frail body and stood up. Julian would definitely be at the pack's government house.

He was probably not with his phone. That could be the only reasonable explanation as to why he wasn't answering my call.

I walked out of the abandoned clinic and passed by the pack's hospital. I was crossing the gate when something caught my eye and made me stop in my tracks.

It was a car!

Julian's car to be precise. What was he doing in the hospital? Was he sick? I approached him as a worried frown creased my eyebrows.

Or did he come to see me?

But when I saw him get out of his car, walk around to the passenger seat and help a woman out, a ball of dread dropped into my gut and my mind emptied.

Sarah was back!

I felt a harsh squeeze in my chest as I watched him wrap his arms around her waist and pat her head. He was so gentle to her, something he had never been around me in a long time.

I felt a stinging in my nose as a lump rose in my throat. Sarah was back and that was why Julian had claimed he was busy. He was busy taking care of his first love.

I turned to leave as I felt something moist touch the corners of my eyes. I couldn't break down right in front of him like this.


Julian's voice sounded behind me and I froze. I felt like the earth should open and swallow me as I heard his footsteps draw closer to me.

Now, I could feel him so close. His musk drifted into my nostrils and I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the sweet memories of the past between us.

Slowly, I turned to face him, plastering a forced smile on my face. I looked behind him and quickly figured Sarah must have gone inside.

"What brings you here, Alpha?"

An indecipherable expression crossed his features but it soon disappeared as he looked away for a brief moment.

"I brought Sarah for a medical checkup. She' just gave birth." He explained and I felt a sharp feeling jab at my already shattered heart.

"What are you doing here?" He added.

I gritted my teeth, trying to swallow the emotions that were gnawing at me. How could he just discard what he'd just said as if it meant nothing?

Sarah, his first love was back and to make it worse, she had just given birth to his child. Surely, he couldn't bring her for a check-up if the baby wasn't his.

Had they been seeing each other behind my back? How come she had his baby?

I swallowed hard in my throat. "Nothing really. I was a bit sick."

I could immediately detect the flicker of worry in his eyes. I balled my eyes into a fist, trying to calm my nerves down.

This was it! This was what Julian loved doing. Confusing me every time with his feelings. One time, he's cold and another, he's worried.

Why was he worried about me when he had abandoned me for his first love?

"Let's get a divorce!"

As the words rumbled off my lips, Julian's face darkened and an almost murderous glint shone in his eyes.

Chapter 2 I Want A Divorce

Laura's POV

"What do you mean by that, Laura." His voice was terse and his face grim.

His eyes sparkled with an intensity that was far too frightening. I could detect the hint of danger that lay beneath the surface. It made me want to buckle, to submit to the force of his power. Like I've always done.

But I wouldn't!

I've had enough these past three years, submitting to him every single time and letting him treat me the way he wanted without complaining.

Taking a calm breath, I levelled my gaze on his. "I said I want a divorce!"

The coldness of his hazel orbs was enough to freeze the world and it made me shiver down to my bones as I felt as though my soul was being sucked away.

He suddenly cackled with laughter. "Smart girl." He breathed. "Sarah is back and you already figured we'll have to get a divorce. Unfortunately, I'm the Lycan king. and we can't just get a divorce without the rejection ritual. So, I'm afraid you'll have to continue your Luna duties till the goddess of festival."

His face was void of any emotion as he spoke and I felt a slight ache in my heart. The divorce wasn't going to affect him in any way. He wasn't even going to feel anything when our mate's bond is finally severed.

This was what he wanted! He must have already been tired of me but had been putting up with me.

The lumps in my throat were already rising in my mouth and I tried to hold the tears back. I shifted my gaze to his face and realized he was studying my stomach.

Before I could speak, he was already saying something.

"I heard you lost the baby." He said as he trained his gaze back on my face. "I'm not going to punish you for it since I have a child now. So, all you have to do is wait till the festival and we'll get a divorce then so that Sarah can take her place as Mrs Shawn."

"Punish me? You think you have the right to punish me?"

He moved closer to me. "I have every right to punish you for losing the Lycan king's child. What you did is as grave as murder!" He bellowed.

"But, I'll let it slide!"

He didn't wait for me to say anything else before he turned to leave. As I watched him leave, I couldn't stop the tears from sliding through the corners and landing on my cheeks.

To tell the truth, Sarah was a better and ideal wife to Julian than I was. She was of the elite class in the pack while I was just the disgraced daughter of a fallen alpha who had gotten his pack massacred overnight.

I wiped at the corner of my eyes as I went out of the hospital gate. I should have known sooner or later that Sarah would come back but I had been too stubborn, thinking that the marriage would work out fine.

Three years ago, after I found out that Julian was my mate, I had approached him and appealed him. At that time, I did it not just because he was my mate but because I needed his help because my pack had been falling apart then.

And since he was the almighty Lycan king, he had helped me and everything was resolved fine and good. Julian had always been known for his aloof nature and indifference towards women and the rumor had said that the only person he loved was his first love, Sarah.

But I had been too stubborn to listen back then and had slept with him. He had marked me and had surprisingly proposed to me but little did I know, it would lead to the downfall of my pack.

A year after our marriage, Julian became a completely different person--- so cold and indifferent towards me and I realized that the life I had imagined and fantasized about with him was only wishful thinking on my part.

My pack was massacred overnight, leaving only my father seriously injured. That time, Sarah had also been taking a school program in my pack's college and she'd been affected by the massacre too.

Due to space constraints can only update here, click to see more exciting follow-up.🤩🤩
👉Free reading with📚《One Night With My Alpha Professor》😍👉Free reading with📚《One Night With My Alpha Professor》😍
The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 Losing My Baby

Laura's POV

A sharp feeling shot through my head and my eyes peeled open instantly.

My body was drenched in sweat, as if I had just got out of a bath and the feeling of discomfort all over my body was excruciating.

I glanced around and realized I was in a dishevelled room with cobwebs hanging around the corners of the wall.

"What am I doing here?" I pondered aloud.

I struggled to my feet but soon fell back flat on my butt as I felt my knees turn jelly. My brain was all jumbled up as I tried to recall the event of the previous day and what might have actually brought me to this godforsaken room.

No matter how hard I tried, nothing came up. I lowered my head, feeling an odd sense of resignation enveloping me but at that same minute, the door open to reveal the handsome face of a man wearing a white suit.

I quickly assumed he was a doctor.

When he saw me trying to stand up, he ran to me, looking so worried. "Luna, you can't get up yet."

"What am I doing here?" I asked and my throat burned from the mere effort.

Instead of answering, he handed me a paper. My hands trembled slightly as my gaze landed on the heading written in bold letters.


I felt my heart freeze a hundred degrees as my hands flew inadvertently to my stomach. My baby! No! I screamed inwardly. Nothing could be wrong with my baby.

And now everything seemed to snap back in. The memories of yesterday flooded my brain. I had been scheduled for delivery and had asked my husband and the Lycan king of the Crescent moon pack, Julian to accompany me but he had said he was busy.

Then I had gone on my own but someone had kidnapped me and the last thing I remembered was being injected with poison.

My gaze flew back to the doctor's face. His face looked somewhat familiar, but I was past caring now.

The miscarrige must have something to do with the poison!

"Where did you see me? How did you bring me here?" My words were coming too fast to be steady so I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Doctor, who brought me in here?"

He gave me a warm smile. "Luna Laura, you have to calm down. You were found in the rain yesterday and words were sent to the Lycans king but he claimed he was busy and the hospital wouldn't attend to you until you paid." He paused, looking away sharply.

"So, I brought you to the abandoned pack's clinic to test you but unfortunately, you lost the child." He hesitated now, suddenly picking up interest in his shoes.

I took a deep breath. "Talk to me, what's wrong with me?"

He gave me an apologetic look before speaking. "You've been diagnosed with lung cancer and the possibility of you living up to three months is very slim."

I felt like a sharp thing had pierced through my heart as he finished. How could all this be happening to me at once? The baby was the only hope I had to get my marriage back on its feet.

I had thought if I could give Julian a child, then maybe he could change from being cold and indifferent to how he once was to me. I thought we could go back to being the lovely husband and wife admired and envied by everyone.

But now, even worse than that, I had a terminal illness and could die soon. Just why did the Moon goddess have to make things happen this way?

I muttered a silent thank you to the doctor as he stated towards the door. As he slammed the door shut behind him, so did my heart slam violently against my ribcage. I felt a spasm of suffocation shoot from my chest to my head and I clutched the bedspread until my knuckles turned white.

I looked around for my phone and found it. With trembling hands, I dialed Julian's number but as usual, it kept ringing continuously.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had wrapped around my entire being. The least he could have done was admit me to the hospital and stay with me through this moment.

I crumpled the test results and stuffed the ball of paper into my pocket as I summoned the little strength left in my frail body and stood up. Julian would definitely be at the pack's government house.

He was probably not with his phone. That could be the only reasonable explanation as to why he wasn't answering my call.

I walked out of the abandoned clinic and passed by the pack's hospital. I was crossing the gate when something caught my eye and made me stop in my tracks.

It was a car!

Julian's car to be precise. What was he doing in the hospital? Was he sick? I approached him as a worried frown creased my eyebrows.

Or did he come to see me?

But when I saw him get out of his car, walk around to the passenger seat and help a woman out, a ball of dread dropped into my gut and my mind emptied.

Sarah was back!

I felt a harsh squeeze in my chest as I watched him wrap his arms around her waist and pat her head. He was so gentle to her, something he had never been around me in a long time.

I felt a stinging in my nose as a lump rose in my throat. Sarah was back and that was why Julian had claimed he was busy. He was busy taking care of his first love.

I turned to leave as I felt something moist touch the corners of my eyes. I couldn't break down right in front of him like this.


Julian's voice sounded behind me and I froze. I felt like the earth should open and swallow me as I heard his footsteps draw closer to me.

Now, I could feel him so close. His musk drifted into my nostrils and I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the sweet memories of the past between us.

Slowly, I turned to face him, plastering a forced smile on my face. I looked behind him and quickly figured Sarah must have gone inside.

"What brings you here, Alpha?"

An indecipherable expression crossed his features but it soon disappeared as he looked away for a brief moment.

"I brought Sarah for a medical checkup. She' just gave birth." He explained and I felt a sharp feeling jab at my already shattered heart.

"What are you doing here?" He added.

I gritted my teeth, trying to swallow the emotions that were gnawing at me. How could he just discard what he'd just said as if it meant nothing?

Sarah, his first love was back and to make it worse, she had just given birth to his child. Surely, he couldn't bring her for a check-up if the baby wasn't his.

Had they been seeing each other behind my back? How come she had his baby?

I swallowed hard in my throat. "Nothing really. I was a bit sick."

I could immediately detect the flicker of worry in his eyes. I balled my eyes into a fist, trying to calm my nerves down.

This was it! This was what Julian loved doing. Confusing me every time with his feelings. One time, he's cold and another, he's worried.

Why was he worried about me when he had abandoned me for his first love?

"Let's get a divorce!"

As the words rumbled off my lips, Julian's face darkened and an almost murderous glint shone in his eyes.

Chapter 2 I Want A Divorce

Laura's POV

"What do you mean by that, Laura." His voice was terse and his face grim.

His eyes sparkled with an intensity that was far too frightening. I could detect the hint of danger that lay beneath the surface. It made me want to buckle, to submit to the force of his power. Like I've always done.

But I wouldn't!

I've had enough these past three years, submitting to him every single time and letting him treat me the way he wanted without complaining.

Taking a calm breath, I levelled my gaze on his. "I said I want a divorce!"

The coldness of his hazel orbs was enough to freeze the world and it made me shiver down to my bones as I felt as though my soul was being sucked away.

He suddenly cackled with laughter. "Smart girl." He breathed. "Sarah is back and you already figured we'll have to get a divorce. Unfortunately, I'm the Lycan king. and we can't just get a divorce without the rejection ritual. So, I'm afraid you'll have to continue your Luna duties till the goddess of festival."

His face was void of any emotion as he spoke and I felt a slight ache in my heart. The divorce wasn't going to affect him in any way. He wasn't even going to feel anything when our mate's bond is finally severed.

This was what he wanted! He must have already been tired of me but had been putting up with me.

The lumps in my throat were already rising in my mouth and I tried to hold the tears back. I shifted my gaze to his face and realized he was studying my stomach.

Before I could speak, he was already saying something.

"I heard you lost the baby." He said as he trained his gaze back on my face. "I'm not going to punish you for it since I have a child now. So, all you have to do is wait till the festival and we'll get a divorce then so that Sarah can take her place as Mrs Shawn."

"Punish me? You think you have the right to punish me?"

He moved closer to me. "I have every right to punish you for losing the Lycan king's child. What you did is as grave as murder!" He bellowed.

"But, I'll let it slide!"

He didn't wait for me to say anything else before he turned to leave. As I watched him leave, I couldn't stop the tears from sliding through the corners and landing on my cheeks.

To tell the truth, Sarah was a better and ideal wife to Julian than I was. She was of the elite class in the pack while I was just the disgraced daughter of a fallen alpha who had gotten his pack massacred overnight.

I wiped at the corner of my eyes as I went out of the hospital gate. I should have known sooner or later that Sarah would come back but I had been too stubborn, thinking that the marriage would work out fine.

Three years ago, after I found out that Julian was my mate, I had approached him and appealed him. At that time, I did it not just because he was my mate but because I needed his help because my pack had been falling apart then.

And since he was the almighty Lycan king, he had helped me and everything was resolved fine and good. Julian had always been known for his aloof nature and indifference towards women and the rumor had said that the only person he loved was his first love, Sarah.

But I had been too stubborn to listen back then and had slept with him. He had marked me and had surprisingly proposed to me but little did I know, it would lead to the downfall of my pack.

A year after our marriage, Julian became a completely different person--- so cold and indifferent towards me and I realized that the life I had imagined and fantasized about with him was only wishful thinking on my part.

My pack was massacred overnight, leaving only my father seriously injured. That time, Sarah had also been taking a school program in my pack's college and she'd been affected by the massacre too.

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The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
"Papà, aiuta la mamma!" Cinque anni dopo il divorzio, ricevette una chiamata dall'ex moglie.
Capitolo 1 : Liberato Dal Carcere

"Finalmente sono fuori," esclamò Jared Chance, respirando profondamente l'aria fresca.

Dietro di lui c'era il carcere di Horington, dove aveva passato gli ultimi tre anni. Oggi era il giorno della sua liberazione.

"Chissà come stanno i miei genitori."

Con una borsa di tela strappata sulla schiena, Jared si diresse subito verso casa. Negli ultimi tre anni, i suoi genitori non lo avevano mai visitato, il che lo preoccupava.

Lungo la strada, Jared continuava a guardare l'anello di bronzo che indossava. Vi era un drago realistico intagliato sopra con un simbolo speciale sulla testa.

L'anello gli era stato regalato da Draco, un amico incontrato in prigione. Draco era una persona strana, che parlava spesso di essere il leader della Setta del Drago e di conoscere tutto, dall'astrologia alla medicina. Sosteneva perfino di poter riportare in vita le persone.

Tutti pensavano che Draco fosse pazzo e lo evitavano. Solo Jared parlava con lui e condivideva il cibo. Draco raccontava storie strane sulla Setta del Drago e sull'Isola del Drago, nomi che Jared non aveva mai sentito.

Draco coinvolgeva Jared nella meditazione e nell'allenamento di arti marziali. Essendo annoiato in prigione, Jared lo seguiva volentieri.

Dopo tre anni, Jared aveva imparato molte tecniche di arti marziali e conoscenze mediche da Draco.

Il giorno della liberazione, Draco diede a Jared l'anello e gli disse di recarsi all'Isola Senza Nome nel Mar Orientale il quindici luglio. Doveva mostrare l'anello a qualcuno che lo avrebbe incontrato, e sarebbe stata un'opportunità meravigliosa.

Considerando tutto ciò che aveva imparato, Jared prese sul serio le parole di Draco e promise di seguire le istruzioni. Tuttavia, mancavano ancora alcuni mesi prima di luglio.

Senza rendersene conto, Jared arrivò all'ingresso di casa sua. Vedendo la casa cadente, provò un senso di amarezza. Non sapeva come i suoi genitori avessero affrontato quei tre anni. A causa delle sue azioni avventate, i suoi genitori dovevano aver sofferto molto.

Ripensando a tre anni prima, Jared fu pieno di rabbia. All'epoca, lui e la sua fidanzata, Sandy Gibson, stavano discutendo di matrimonio. Erano compagni di classe all'università e stavano insieme da due anni.

Un giorno, mentre accompagnava Sandy a casa, incontrarono Leyton Scott, che era ubriaco. Leyton era un ragazzo ricco di Horington, noto per le sue malefatte. Vedendo quanto fosse carina Sandy, ebbe intenzioni lussuriose e iniziò a toccarla. Essendo ricco e famoso, Leyton non si preoccupò nemmeno di Jared.

Furioso nel vedere la sua ragazza molestata, Jared prese un mattone e lo scagliò contro la testa di Leyton. Non ci voleva molto per prevedere il risultato. Leyton chiamò la polizia e Jared fu arrestato, condannato a tre anni per aggressione.

Dopo un momento di esitazione, Jared bussò dolcemente alla porta.

"Chi è?"

Quando la porta si aprì, una vecchia signora curva con capelli bianchi spuntò la testa fuori. Tendendo una mano per sentire chi fosse, chiese: "Chi è? Chi sta bussando?"

Gli occhi della vecchia erano chiusi. Era evidente che fosse cieca.

Jared rimase scioccato. Gli occhi si spalancarono mentre il suo corpo tremava leggermente. Non poteva credere che quella vecchia signora fosse sua madre, Hannah Thompson.

Come aveva fatto sua madre a ridursi così in soli tre anni?

"Mamma, sono io. Jared!" chiamò Jared emotivamente mentre si avvicinava per sostenerla.

"Jared? Sei davvero tu?"

Mentre Hannah toccava il viso di Jared, le lacrime scesero sulle sue guance.

"Mamma, sono io. Sono davvero io."

Anche gli occhi di Jared si riempirono di lacrime. "Mamma, cosa ti è successo?"

Jared non capiva come sua madre, che era sana, fosse diventata cieca in soli tre anni.

"È una lunga storia. Entra e ti spiegherò."

Hannah tirò Jared dentro casa. Vedendo quanto fosse vuota e cadente la casa, Jared rimase scioccato. Anche se non erano ricchi, suo padre aveva un lavoro fisso e vivevano una vita semplice ma confortevole.

"Mamma, cosa è successo alla nostra casa?" chiese Jared con orrore.

Hannah sospirò. "Dopo che te ne sei andato..."

Sua madre gli raccontò tutto. Dopo che Jared fu imprigionato, la famiglia Scott chiese un milione di compensazione. I genitori di Jared vendettero la casa e presero in prestito denaro, ma non bastava. Alla fine, dovettero pagare gli ultimi trecentomila a rate.

Il padre di Jared perse il lavoro e trovò impiego solo come spazzino. Sua madre, piangendo tutto il giorno, divenne cieca. Ecco perché i suoi genitori non lo avevano mai visitato.

Ascoltando sua madre, Jared serrò i pugni mentre i suoi occhi brillavano di rabbia. Non avrebbe mai immaginato che la famiglia Scott non avesse pietà.

"Mamma, Sandy non ti ha aiutato?" chiese Jared perplesso.

Hannah sospirò. "Non parliamone. La famiglia Gibson ci ha ignorato e non ha restituito il regalo di fidanzamento. Hanno detto che non era colpa loro se il matrimonio è saltato perché sei finito in prigione. Si sono rifiutati di restituirlo."

"Quando tuo padre ha discusso con loro, è stato persino picchiato."

Più Hannah parlava, più si deprimava, finché le sue lacrime non smisero di scorrere.

Capitolo 2 : Essere Tradito

"I Gibson hanno davvero fatto così?" Jared aggrottò le sopracciglia, incredulo all'idea che Sandy potesse comportarsi in quel modo.

Quando era stato arrestato, Sandy aveva pianto, giurando che lo avrebbe aspettato e che si sarebbero sposati dopo la sua scarcerazione.

"Come è potuto finire così?" Jared decise di trovare Sandy per chiederle spiegazioni.

All'improvviso, qualcuno bussò pesantemente alla porta, quasi sfondandola.

Non appena sentì il colpo, il viso di Hannah impallidì dal terrore.

"Mamma, chi è?" Jared chiese, notando la reazione di sua madre.

"Non ti coinvolgere. Vai subito nella tua stanza e non uscire per nessun motivo!"

Hannah spinse Jared nella sua stanza, poi andò ad aprire la porta, visibilmente ansiosa.

Appena aprì, un uomo calvo entrò con un gruppo di uomini dall'aspetto minaccioso, coperti di tatuaggi.

"Hai preparato i soldi?" chiese l'uomo calvo, fissando Hannah.

"Calvo, sì. Sono qui."

Hannah annuì ripetutamente mentre cercava una borsa nell'angolo.

Molti vicini si erano radunati fuori, ma tenevano le distanze vedendo il Calvo.

"Questi ragazzi vengono a chiedere soldi ogni mese. Che brutta gente!"

"Esatto. Dov'è la legge?"

"Shh, non così forte. Sono stati mandati dalla famiglia Scott per raccogliere i soldi."

I vicini sussurravano tra loro, ma nessuno osava interferire.

Il Calvo strappò la borsa dalle mani di Hannah e la aprì per controllare.

"Che cavolo è questo?" gridò il Calvo, rovesciando la borsa. Caddero fuori biglietti strappati e spiccioli. C'erano banconote da cento, cinquanta e uno, e molte monete.

"Questo arriva a diecimila?" tuonò il Calvo.

"Calvo, è tutto lì, e l'abbiamo contato. Se non mi credi, puoi contare tu stesso."

Hannah annuì con un sorriso ossequioso.

"Sciocchezze!" Il Calvo diede un calcio ad Hannah, facendola cadere a terra. "Come osi chiedermi di contare? Cambiali tutti in banconote da cento!"

"Mamma!" Jared uscì dalla sua stanza e aiutò Hannah a rialzarsi.

Poi, lanciò uno sguardo gelido al Calvo e ai suoi uomini, facendo loro rabbrividire.

"Jared, non dovresti essere qui fuori. Torna nella tua stanza e non ti coinvolgere!"

Hannah cercò disperatamente di spingerlo indietro.

"Mamma, ora che sono a casa, lascia che me ne occupi io. Tu stai tranquilla."

Jared sistemò Hannah su una sedia, poi si voltò per fissare il Calvo.

Dopo averlo scrutato, il Calvo sghignazzò. "Non sei tu quello che ha colpito il signor Scott con un mattone ed è stato imprigionato per tre anni? Sono sorpreso che tu sia fuori! Il tuo tempismo è perfetto. Oggi è il giorno del matrimonio della tua ragazza con il signor Scott. Non pensi di partecipare?"

Il Calvo e i suoi uomini scoppiarono a ridere.

"Cosa hai detto?"

Jared era incredulo.

"Ho detto che la ragazza per cui sei andato in prigione sta per sposare il signor Scott oggi. Il matrimonio si tiene all'Hotel Glamor. Non pensi di dare un'occhiata?"

Il Calvo sorrise a Jared.

Jared stringeva i pugni mentre la sua rabbia cresceva.

Dietro di lui, Hannah tremava mentre la sua espressione cambiava drasticamente.

Non poteva credere che Sandy stesse sposando il nemico per cui Jared era finito in prigione.

"Inginocchiati e scusati con mia madre. Fallo, e risparmierò le vostre vite."

Lo sguardo di Jared si fece gelido mentre un'aura minacciosa emanava dal suo corpo.

Il Calvo e i suoi uomini smisero di ridere, sentendo la tensione nell'aria.

"Dici a me di inginocchiarmi e scusarmi?" Il Calvo lanciò un pugno verso Jared.

Pensando che Jared fosse magro e debole, credeva che un solo pugno lo avrebbe messo fuori gioco.

Con sorpresa di tutti, Jared rispose con un calcio, colpendo il Calvo all'inguine.

Il Calvo crollò a terra, coperto di sudore e gridando dal dolore.

"Jared, non puoi permetterti di combattere di nuovo!" urlò Hannah.

"Jared è stato imprigionato per aggressione. E se venisse arrestato di nuovo?"

"Picchiatelo a morte!" ruggì il Calvo.

I suoi uomini si scagliarono contro Jared.

Dopo un'occhiata a sua madre, Jared scosse le mani, scatenando scintille di luce. I suoi aggressori sentirono le gambe cedere prima di cadere in ginocchio.

Sorpreso, il Calvo fissò Jared incredulo.

Anche i vicini erano sbalorditi.

"Chiedi scusa a mia madre!" ripeté Jared.

Il Calvo esitò, poi si inginocchiò, incontrando lo sguardo penetrante di Jared.

"Ci dispiace," disse il Calvo con i suoi uomini.

"Andatevene!" gridò Jared.

Mentre il Calvo e i suoi uomini uscivano, il Calvo lanciò uno sguardo minaccioso a Jared. Tuttavia, Jared non temeva la sua vendetta.
Leggi subito il capitolo successivo 👉Il decreto dell'uomo
📚📚Titolo:ll decreto dell'uomo📚📚Titolo:ll decreto dell'uomo
The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
"Papà, aiuta la mamma!" Cinque anni dopo il divorzio, ricevette una chiamata dall'ex moglie.
Capitolo 1 : Liberato Dal Carcere

"Finalmente sono fuori," esclamò Jared Chance, respirando profondamente l'aria fresca.

Dietro di lui c'era il carcere di Horington, dove aveva passato gli ultimi tre anni. Oggi era il giorno della sua liberazione.

"Chissà come stanno i miei genitori."

Con una borsa di tela strappata sulla schiena, Jared si diresse subito verso casa. Negli ultimi tre anni, i suoi genitori non lo avevano mai visitato, il che lo preoccupava.

Lungo la strada, Jared continuava a guardare l'anello di bronzo che indossava. Vi era un drago realistico intagliato sopra con un simbolo speciale sulla testa.

L'anello gli era stato regalato da Draco, un amico incontrato in prigione. Draco era una persona strana, che parlava spesso di essere il leader della Setta del Drago e di conoscere tutto, dall'astrologia alla medicina. Sosteneva perfino di poter riportare in vita le persone.

Tutti pensavano che Draco fosse pazzo e lo evitavano. Solo Jared parlava con lui e condivideva il cibo. Draco raccontava storie strane sulla Setta del Drago e sull'Isola del Drago, nomi che Jared non aveva mai sentito.

Draco coinvolgeva Jared nella meditazione e nell'allenamento di arti marziali. Essendo annoiato in prigione, Jared lo seguiva volentieri.

Dopo tre anni, Jared aveva imparato molte tecniche di arti marziali e conoscenze mediche da Draco.

Il giorno della liberazione, Draco diede a Jared l'anello e gli disse di recarsi all'Isola Senza Nome nel Mar Orientale il quindici luglio. Doveva mostrare l'anello a qualcuno che lo avrebbe incontrato, e sarebbe stata un'opportunità meravigliosa.

Considerando tutto ciò che aveva imparato, Jared prese sul serio le parole di Draco e promise di seguire le istruzioni. Tuttavia, mancavano ancora alcuni mesi prima di luglio.

Senza rendersene conto, Jared arrivò all'ingresso di casa sua. Vedendo la casa cadente, provò un senso di amarezza. Non sapeva come i suoi genitori avessero affrontato quei tre anni. A causa delle sue azioni avventate, i suoi genitori dovevano aver sofferto molto.

Ripensando a tre anni prima, Jared fu pieno di rabbia. All'epoca, lui e la sua fidanzata, Sandy Gibson, stavano discutendo di matrimonio. Erano compagni di classe all'università e stavano insieme da due anni.

Un giorno, mentre accompagnava Sandy a casa, incontrarono Leyton Scott, che era ubriaco. Leyton era un ragazzo ricco di Horington, noto per le sue malefatte. Vedendo quanto fosse carina Sandy, ebbe intenzioni lussuriose e iniziò a toccarla. Essendo ricco e famoso, Leyton non si preoccupò nemmeno di Jared.

Furioso nel vedere la sua ragazza molestata, Jared prese un mattone e lo scagliò contro la testa di Leyton. Non ci voleva molto per prevedere il risultato. Leyton chiamò la polizia e Jared fu arrestato, condannato a tre anni per aggressione.

Dopo un momento di esitazione, Jared bussò dolcemente alla porta.

"Chi è?"

Quando la porta si aprì, una vecchia signora curva con capelli bianchi spuntò la testa fuori. Tendendo una mano per sentire chi fosse, chiese: "Chi è? Chi sta bussando?"

Gli occhi della vecchia erano chiusi. Era evidente che fosse cieca.

Jared rimase scioccato. Gli occhi si spalancarono mentre il suo corpo tremava leggermente. Non poteva credere che quella vecchia signora fosse sua madre, Hannah Thompson.

Come aveva fatto sua madre a ridursi così in soli tre anni?

"Mamma, sono io. Jared!" chiamò Jared emotivamente mentre si avvicinava per sostenerla.

"Jared? Sei davvero tu?"

Mentre Hannah toccava il viso di Jared, le lacrime scesero sulle sue guance.

"Mamma, sono io. Sono davvero io."

Anche gli occhi di Jared si riempirono di lacrime. "Mamma, cosa ti è successo?"

Jared non capiva come sua madre, che era sana, fosse diventata cieca in soli tre anni.

"È una lunga storia. Entra e ti spiegherò."

Hannah tirò Jared dentro casa. Vedendo quanto fosse vuota e cadente la casa, Jared rimase scioccato. Anche se non erano ricchi, suo padre aveva un lavoro fisso e vivevano una vita semplice ma confortevole.

"Mamma, cosa è successo alla nostra casa?" chiese Jared con orrore.

Hannah sospirò. "Dopo che te ne sei andato..."

Sua madre gli raccontò tutto. Dopo che Jared fu imprigionato, la famiglia Scott chiese un milione di compensazione. I genitori di Jared vendettero la casa e presero in prestito denaro, ma non bastava. Alla fine, dovettero pagare gli ultimi trecentomila a rate.

Il padre di Jared perse il lavoro e trovò impiego solo come spazzino. Sua madre, piangendo tutto il giorno, divenne cieca. Ecco perché i suoi genitori non lo avevano mai visitato.

Ascoltando sua madre, Jared serrò i pugni mentre i suoi occhi brillavano di rabbia. Non avrebbe mai immaginato che la famiglia Scott non avesse pietà.

"Mamma, Sandy non ti ha aiutato?" chiese Jared perplesso.

Hannah sospirò. "Non parliamone. La famiglia Gibson ci ha ignorato e non ha restituito il regalo di fidanzamento. Hanno detto che non era colpa loro se il matrimonio è saltato perché sei finito in prigione. Si sono rifiutati di restituirlo."

"Quando tuo padre ha discusso con loro, è stato persino picchiato."

Più Hannah parlava, più si deprimava, finché le sue lacrime non smisero di scorrere.

Capitolo 2 : Essere Tradito

"I Gibson hanno davvero fatto così?" Jared aggrottò le sopracciglia, incredulo all'idea che Sandy potesse comportarsi in quel modo.

Quando era stato arrestato, Sandy aveva pianto, giurando che lo avrebbe aspettato e che si sarebbero sposati dopo la sua scarcerazione.

"Come è potuto finire così?" Jared decise di trovare Sandy per chiederle spiegazioni.

All'improvviso, qualcuno bussò pesantemente alla porta, quasi sfondandola.

Non appena sentì il colpo, il viso di Hannah impallidì dal terrore.

"Mamma, chi è?" Jared chiese, notando la reazione di sua madre.

"Non ti coinvolgere. Vai subito nella tua stanza e non uscire per nessun motivo!"

Hannah spinse Jared nella sua stanza, poi andò ad aprire la porta, visibilmente ansiosa.

Appena aprì, un uomo calvo entrò con un gruppo di uomini dall'aspetto minaccioso, coperti di tatuaggi.

"Hai preparato i soldi?" chiese l'uomo calvo, fissando Hannah.

"Calvo, sì. Sono qui."

Hannah annuì ripetutamente mentre cercava una borsa nell'angolo.

Molti vicini si erano radunati fuori, ma tenevano le distanze vedendo il Calvo.

"Questi ragazzi vengono a chiedere soldi ogni mese. Che brutta gente!"

"Esatto. Dov'è la legge?"

"Shh, non così forte. Sono stati mandati dalla famiglia Scott per raccogliere i soldi."

I vicini sussurravano tra loro, ma nessuno osava interferire.

Il Calvo strappò la borsa dalle mani di Hannah e la aprì per controllare.

"Che cavolo è questo?" gridò il Calvo, rovesciando la borsa. Caddero fuori biglietti strappati e spiccioli. C'erano banconote da cento, cinquanta e uno, e molte monete.

"Questo arriva a diecimila?" tuonò il Calvo.

"Calvo, è tutto lì, e l'abbiamo contato. Se non mi credi, puoi contare tu stesso."

Hannah annuì con un sorriso ossequioso.

"Sciocchezze!" Il Calvo diede un calcio ad Hannah, facendola cadere a terra. "Come osi chiedermi di contare? Cambiali tutti in banconote da cento!"

"Mamma!" Jared uscì dalla sua stanza e aiutò Hannah a rialzarsi.

Poi, lanciò uno sguardo gelido al Calvo e ai suoi uomini, facendo loro rabbrividire.

"Jared, non dovresti essere qui fuori. Torna nella tua stanza e non ti coinvolgere!"

Hannah cercò disperatamente di spingerlo indietro.

"Mamma, ora che sono a casa, lascia che me ne occupi io. Tu stai tranquilla."

Jared sistemò Hannah su una sedia, poi si voltò per fissare il Calvo.

Dopo averlo scrutato, il Calvo sghignazzò. "Non sei tu quello che ha colpito il signor Scott con un mattone ed è stato imprigionato per tre anni? Sono sorpreso che tu sia fuori! Il tuo tempismo è perfetto. Oggi è il giorno del matrimonio della tua ragazza con il signor Scott. Non pensi di partecipare?"

Il Calvo e i suoi uomini scoppiarono a ridere.

"Cosa hai detto?"

Jared era incredulo.

"Ho detto che la ragazza per cui sei andato in prigione sta per sposare il signor Scott oggi. Il matrimonio si tiene all'Hotel Glamor. Non pensi di dare un'occhiata?"

Il Calvo sorrise a Jared.

Jared stringeva i pugni mentre la sua rabbia cresceva.

Dietro di lui, Hannah tremava mentre la sua espressione cambiava drasticamente.

Non poteva credere che Sandy stesse sposando il nemico per cui Jared era finito in prigione.

"Inginocchiati e scusati con mia madre. Fallo, e risparmierò le vostre vite."

Lo sguardo di Jared si fece gelido mentre un'aura minacciosa emanava dal suo corpo.

Il Calvo e i suoi uomini smisero di ridere, sentendo la tensione nell'aria.

"Dici a me di inginocchiarmi e scusarmi?" Il Calvo lanciò un pugno verso Jared.

Pensando che Jared fosse magro e debole, credeva che un solo pugno lo avrebbe messo fuori gioco.

Con sorpresa di tutti, Jared rispose con un calcio, colpendo il Calvo all'inguine.

Il Calvo crollò a terra, coperto di sudore e gridando dal dolore.

"Jared, non puoi permetterti di combattere di nuovo!" urlò Hannah.

"Jared è stato imprigionato per aggressione. E se venisse arrestato di nuovo?"

"Picchiatelo a morte!" ruggì il Calvo.

I suoi uomini si scagliarono contro Jared.

Dopo un'occhiata a sua madre, Jared scosse le mani, scatenando scintille di luce. I suoi aggressori sentirono le gambe cedere prima di cadere in ginocchio.

Sorpreso, il Calvo fissò Jared incredulo.

Anche i vicini erano sbalorditi.

"Chiedi scusa a mia madre!" ripeté Jared.

Il Calvo esitò, poi si inginocchiò, incontrando lo sguardo penetrante di Jared.

"Ci dispiace," disse il Calvo con i suoi uomini.

"Andatevene!" gridò Jared.

Mentre il Calvo e i suoi uomini uscivano, il Calvo lanciò uno sguardo minaccioso a Jared. Tuttavia, Jared non temeva la sua vendetta.
Leggi subito il capitolo successivo 👉Il decreto dell'uomo
📚📚Titolo:ll decreto dell'uomo📚📚Titolo:ll decreto dell'uomo
The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 Finally Divorced

"Yesterday, Austin Robson, the CEO of the Robson Group, was spotted on a yacht with his new lover, the recently debuted June Mccoy. There were even intimate photos taken of them."

Every TV channel broadcast this news, and it spread like wildfire throughout Atrila.

A woman sitting in the centre of the sofa, dressed in a grey-blue uniform with her hair neatly pinned up and glasses resting on her nose, watched the news. Her appearance was easily associated with the TV stereotype of an 'old woman'.

Yet, even with this plain attire, her fair, oval face and slightly dreamy eyes hinted at her inherent beauty.

She watched the news with a blank expression.

Eva, the housekeeper standing nearby, watched silently. The kind woman was unsure of her employer's thoughts.

It had been a year since the couple got married. The husband had never come home. Instead, scandals like this pop up from time to time.

"Mrs. Robson, these reporters must be making things up. Don't believe them," Eva attempted to reassure her.

Halie Lane knew better than to believe it was all fabricated.

She gave no response. Instead, she simply smiled, picked up the phone on the table, and dialled a number.

The call connected quickly.

"Hello ... "

Before she could speak, a cold voice came from the other end.

"It's me," Halie said calmly.

"What do you want?" The magnetic voice on the other end was laced with impatience.

"Are you coming home tonight? I have something to tell you," Halie said, holding the phone tightly.

"If you have anything to say, just say it over the phone. I don't want to go there and see your face. It makes me sick!" Austin replied unkindly.

Thinking of Halie's appearance, he felt nothing but disgust.

Hearing this, Halie gripped the phone tighter. She stressed, "But we're married!"

"Halie, I warn you, don't mention we're married. It was just a business arrangement. You are so ugly! You make me so sick! I want a divorce!" Austin shouted hysterically from the other side.

Divorce ...

"Austin, we've been married for a year. I've behaved myself and never crossed any lines. What right do you have to divorce me?" Halie retorted, unwilling to back down.

"Because you disgust me!"


"Fine. If that's how you feel, let's get divorced," Halie said.

Austin was momentarily stunned. He asked, "You've come to your senses?"

"If you want a divorce, you'll handle the consequences, and you won't touch Lane Group," Halie stated.

All Austin wanted was the divorce; he hadn't considered the details. He agreed, "Fine, as long as you sign the papers!"

"I will, but you must keep your promise!"

"No problem!"

The call ended.

Eva had overheard the entire conversation. She walked up to Halie and asked, "Mrs. Robson, are you really getting a divorce?"

Halie glanced over her shoulder. Her clear eyes shine behind her glasses. She said, "Well, it's better for both of us."

"But what about Mr. Cyril and Mrs. Adele Robson?"

"He'll handle it," Halie said softly, interrupting Eva.

As she prepared to go upstairs, she suddenly remembered something. "Eva, take care of dinner. I'm not hungry."

"You're not eating, Mrs. Robson?" Eva asked in surprise.

"No, I'm not hungry right now." With that, Halie went upstairs.

She retrieved the divorce agreement that Austin had prepared long ago and signed it.

Looking at her signature, Halie smiled brightly.

She muttered, "Austin, from now on, we'll go our separate ways with no more ties between us."

Chapter 2 True Colours

After signing the agreement, Halie removed her glasses and let down her tightly coiled hair.

At this moment, her long, black hair cascaded down, complementing her delicate, oval face. No matter how one looked at it, she was undeniably a stunning beauty.

Her face no longer appeared as rigid and emotionless as before. Her clear, glass-like eyes now radiated brilliance.


She could leave this place.

Halie didn't linger any longer thinking about this. She stood up, changed her clothes, and left the old, stiff outfit lying on the bed. Now, she had changed into a light yellow dress and high heels, looking tall and elegant.

She picked a few favourite clothes, packed her things quickly, and wheeled her suitcase out.

At that moment, Eva was tidying up. When she saw Halie coming downstairs, she looked at her as if she were a stranger. Is this Mrs. Robson?

The current Halie is entirely different from before.

Halie walked up to Eva with a smile. "Eva!"

"Mrs ... Mrs. Robson!" Eva was taken aback. It took a while for her to find her voice. If Halie hadn't spoken, Eva would have thought there was another person in the house.

Halie beamed and said, "I divorced Austin today. I'm moving out now. Thank you for taking care of me all these years." She nodded to Eva.

"No, no, it was my duty to take care of you. But are you really leaving?" Eva asked, astonished.

Halie nodded. She had put on light makeup on her face, which made her look incredibly delicate. "Yes!"

"If ... if Mr. Austin saw this side of you, he might not want to divorce." Eva said, looking at Halie.

Halie chuckled and said, "Eva, keep this a secret for me!"

She had been plotting all these things because she didn't want Austin to know.

Finally, Eva could only nod and say, "Alright, take good care of yourself!"

"I will, you too!" Halie replied, reaching out to embrace Eva. The housekeeper had taken care of her meticulously, just like her own mother. She was very grateful for this kindness.

"Alright, Eva, I'm leaving!"

"Let me see you off."

"No need; I called a cab. It's late; you should get some rest!" Halie said.

In the end, Eva nodded, seeing Halie at the door. Halie glanced at the old, stiff suit in her hand before tossing it straight into the trash can.

Finally, she could say goodbye to all this.

Halie got into the cab, and it drove away. Eva couldn't help but sighed. If Mr. Austin saw Ms. Lane's new look, he would surely regret it.

At the airport, Halie wheeled her luggage. She looked back at the dazzling night view of Atrila. Goodbye, Atrila!

Goodbye, past life!

Then, without looking back, she walked towards the security checkpoint.

Chapter 3 Grand Return

Two years later.


"Congratulations to Ms. Lane on winning this award. Do you have any words to share?" The host asked with a smile.

Halie wore a pale yellow gown and held a crystal trophy. She let her long, slightly wavy hair cascade freely. With a calm and casual smile, she spoke, "First of all, I want to thank my mentor and everyone who supported me. This award belongs not just to me but to all those who have stood by me. Thank you!"

Her speech was simple yet sincere.

The host continued smiling and said, "Winning this award is an honour and a recognition. What are your plans for the future, Ms. Lane?"

At this, Halie hesitated for a moment before replying, "Actually, I've decided to return to my home country and work for Horizon Group."

The announcement caused a stir among the audience.

Over the past two years, Horizon Group has grown rapidly. Despite only becoming publicly traded for a year, Horizon Group had already achieved remarkable success. Many wondered why Halie would give up such a promising opportunity in Ereles to go back.

Halie just smiled. She said no more and gracefully stepped down from the stage.


The next day.

At 10 AM, Halie arrived at Atrila Airport. She pulled her suitcase behind her. A large pair of sunglasses covered half of her delicate face, yet her striking presence still drew many glances.

Removing her sunglasses, she looked around with a sense of joy in her heart.

After two years, she was finally back!

With that thought in mind, she headed out of the airport.

After finding her pre-rented apartment, she collected the keys and moved in immediately.

It took her half a day to settle in. Over the past two years, she has become very independent.

Just as she finished unpacking, her phone rang. "Hey, Halie, are you back yet?" Danielle Harmon asked over the phone.

Danielle, also known as Dee Dee, had been Halie's childhood friend and was closer than a sister.

"I've already unpacked, but you're only calling now? Did you do it on purpose?" Halie teased, lounging on the sofa.

"I was busy! Sorry!" Danielle replied playfully.

Halie chuckled and said, "Alright, I forgive you!"

Danielle laughed and asked, "When do you start your new job?"


"Great, dinner's on me tonight to celebrate your return!"


Danielle said, "Alright, we'll catch up later. I've got to get back to work!"

"Sounds good!"

After hanging up, Halie lay back on the sofa for a quick rest, which turned into a nap. She woke up only when her phone rang again.

"Hello ... " she answered groggily.

"Ms. Lane, this is the HR department of Horizon Group. Can you start work tomorrow?" the caller asked.

Now fully awake, Halie replied, "No problem!"

"Great, just come to the HR department when you arrive."

"Got it."

The brief call ended.

Halie realised it was already evening.

Just as she was about to call Danielle, the doorbell rang. Halie walked over to open the door.

"Halie!" As soon as the door opened, Danielle exclaimed, giving Halie an excited hug.

Halie smiled and teased, "I thought you might be too busy again!"

"No matter how busy I am, I'll always make time for you. Come on, let's go eat!"

Nodding, Halie changed her shoes and followed Danielle out.

"By the way, aren't you worried about running into Austin now that you're back?" Over dinner, Danielle asked.

Chapter 4 She's Not Smitten

This topic momentarily stunned Halie. As she ate, she nonchalantly said, "So what if I run into him? We're divorced now!"

Even if they met again, they'd just be strangers.

"That's true, but are you truly not worried at all?" Danielle asked curiously.

After pondering for a moment, Halie directed her serious gaze towards Danielle. She said, "If I claim I'm not worried, that wouldn't be entirely true, but it's been three years. Maybe he's already forgotten about me!"

Moreover, theirs was a marriage of convenience. No emotions, no real interaction. He'd be unlikely to remember her.

Aside from that, Austin was the kind of man who only remembered beautiful women. To him, she was probably just a nightmare from the past!

Danielle cracked open a crab as she ate. She said, "If it were you from three years ago, I'd believe he wouldn't remember. But looking at you now ... " Danielle's eyes sparkled meaningfully as she gazed at Halie.

"If Austin saw you now, I bet he wouldn't have divorced you back then!" Danielle said confidently.

That made Halie chuckle. She emphasised, "But we're already divorced!"

Some things couldn't be changed.

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👉Free reading with📚《Return to Be Pretty after Divorce》😍👉Free reading with📚《Return to Be Pretty after Divorce》😍
The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 Losing My Baby

Laura's POV

A sharp feeling shot through my head and my eyes peeled open instantly.

My body was drenched in sweat, as if I had just got out of a bath and the feeling of discomfort all over my body was excruciating.

I glanced around and realized I was in a dishevelled room with cobwebs hanging around the corners of the wall.

"What am I doing here?" I pondered aloud.

I struggled to my feet but soon fell back flat on my butt as I felt my knees turn jelly. My brain was all jumbled up as I tried to recall the event of the previous day and what might have actually brought me to this godforsaken room.

No matter how hard I tried, nothing came up. I lowered my head, feeling an odd sense of resignation enveloping me but at that same minute, the door open to reveal the handsome face of a man wearing a white suit.

I quickly assumed he was a doctor.

When he saw me trying to stand up, he ran to me, looking so worried. "Luna, you can't get up yet."

"What am I doing here?" I asked and my throat burned from the mere effort.

Instead of answering, he handed me a paper. My hands trembled slightly as my gaze landed on the heading written in bold letters.


I felt my heart freeze a hundred degrees as my hands flew inadvertently to my stomach. My baby! No! I screamed inwardly. Nothing could be wrong with my baby.

And now everything seemed to snap back in. The memories of yesterday flooded my brain. I had been scheduled for delivery and had asked my husband and the Lycan king of the Crescent moon pack, Julian to accompany me but he had said he was busy.

Then I had gone on my own but someone had kidnapped me and the last thing I remembered was being injected with poison.

My gaze flew back to the doctor's face. His face looked somewhat familiar, but I was past caring now.

The miscarrige must have something to do with the poison!

"Where did you see me? How did you bring me here?" My words were coming too fast to be steady so I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Doctor, who brought me in here?"

He gave me a warm smile. "Luna Laura, you have to calm down. You were found in the rain yesterday and words were sent to the Lycans king but he claimed he was busy and the hospital wouldn't attend to you until you paid." He paused, looking away sharply.

"So, I brought you to the abandoned pack's clinic to test you but unfortunately, you lost the child." He hesitated now, suddenly picking up interest in his shoes.

I took a deep breath. "Talk to me, what's wrong with me?"

He gave me an apologetic look before speaking. "You've been diagnosed with lung cancer and the possibility of you living up to three months is very slim."

I felt like a sharp thing had pierced through my heart as he finished. How could all this be happening to me at once? The baby was the only hope I had to get my marriage back on its feet.

I had thought if I could give Julian a child, then maybe he could change from being cold and indifferent to how he once was to me. I thought we could go back to being the lovely husband and wife admired and envied by everyone.

But now, even worse than that, I had a terminal illness and could die soon. Just why did the Moon goddess have to make things happen this way?

I muttered a silent thank you to the doctor as he stated towards the door. As he slammed the door shut behind him, so did my heart slam violently against my ribcage. I felt a spasm of suffocation shoot from my chest to my head and I clutched the bedspread until my knuckles turned white.

I looked around for my phone and found it. With trembling hands, I dialed Julian's number but as usual, it kept ringing continuously.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had wrapped around my entire being. The least he could have done was admit me to the hospital and stay with me through this moment.

I crumpled the test results and stuffed the ball of paper into my pocket as I summoned the little strength left in my frail body and stood up. Julian would definitely be at the pack's government house.

He was probably not with his phone. That could be the only reasonable explanation as to why he wasn't answering my call.

I walked out of the abandoned clinic and passed by the pack's hospital. I was crossing the gate when something caught my eye and made me stop in my tracks.

It was a car!

Julian's car to be precise. What was he doing in the hospital? Was he sick? I approached him as a worried frown creased my eyebrows.

Or did he come to see me?

But when I saw him get out of his car, walk around to the passenger seat and help a woman out, a ball of dread dropped into my gut and my mind emptied.

Sarah was back!

I felt a harsh squeeze in my chest as I watched him wrap his arms around her waist and pat her head. He was so gentle to her, something he had never been around me in a long time.

I felt a stinging in my nose as a lump rose in my throat. Sarah was back and that was why Julian had claimed he was busy. He was busy taking care of his first love.

I turned to leave as I felt something moist touch the corners of my eyes. I couldn't break down right in front of him like this.


Julian's voice sounded behind me and I froze. I felt like the earth should open and swallow me as I heard his footsteps draw closer to me.

Now, I could feel him so close. His musk drifted into my nostrils and I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the sweet memories of the past between us.

Slowly, I turned to face him, plastering a forced smile on my face. I looked behind him and quickly figured Sarah must have gone inside.

"What brings you here, Alpha?"

An indecipherable expression crossed his features but it soon disappeared as he looked away for a brief moment.

"I brought Sarah for a medical checkup. She' just gave birth." He explained and I felt a sharp feeling jab at my already shattered heart.

"What are you doing here?" He added.

I gritted my teeth, trying to swallow the emotions that were gnawing at me. How could he just discard what he'd just said as if it meant nothing?

Sarah, his first love was back and to make it worse, she had just given birth to his child. Surely, he couldn't bring her for a check-up if the baby wasn't his.

Had they been seeing each other behind my back? How come she had his baby?

I swallowed hard in my throat. "Nothing really. I was a bit sick."

I could immediately detect the flicker of worry in his eyes. I balled my eyes into a fist, trying to calm my nerves down.

This was it! This was what Julian loved doing. Confusing me every time with his feelings. One time, he's cold and another, he's worried.

Why was he worried about me when he had abandoned me for his first love?

"Let's get a divorce!"

As the words rumbled off my lips, Julian's face darkened and an almost murderous glint shone in his eyes.

Chapter 2 I Want A Divorce

Laura's POV

"What do you mean by that, Laura." His voice was terse and his face grim.

His eyes sparkled with an intensity that was far too frightening. I could detect the hint of danger that lay beneath the surface. It made me want to buckle, to submit to the force of his power. Like I've always done.

But I wouldn't!

I've had enough these past three years, submitting to him every single time and letting him treat me the way he wanted without complaining.

Taking a calm breath, I levelled my gaze on his. "I said I want a divorce!"

The coldness of his hazel orbs was enough to freeze the world and it made me shiver down to my bones as I felt as though my soul was being sucked away.

He suddenly cackled with laughter. "Smart girl." He breathed. "Sarah is back and you already figured we'll have to get a divorce. Unfortunately, I'm the Lycan king. and we can't just get a divorce without the rejection ritual. So, I'm afraid you'll have to continue your Luna duties till the goddess of festival."

His face was void of any emotion as he spoke and I felt a slight ache in my heart. The divorce wasn't going to affect him in any way. He wasn't even going to feel anything when our mate's bond is finally severed.

This was what he wanted! He must have already been tired of me but had been putting up with me.

The lumps in my throat were already rising in my mouth and I tried to hold the tears back. I shifted my gaze to his face and realized he was studying my stomach.

Before I could speak, he was already saying something.

"I heard you lost the baby." He said as he trained his gaze back on my face. "I'm not going to punish you for it since I have a child now. So, all you have to do is wait till the festival and we'll get a divorce then so that Sarah can take her place as Mrs Shawn."

"Punish me? You think you have the right to punish me?"

He moved closer to me. "I have every right to punish you for losing the Lycan king's child. What you did is as grave as murder!" He bellowed.

"But, I'll let it slide!"

He didn't wait for me to say anything else before he turned to leave. As I watched him leave, I couldn't stop the tears from sliding through the corners and landing on my cheeks.

To tell the truth, Sarah was a better and ideal wife to Julian than I was. She was of the elite class in the pack while I was just the disgraced daughter of a fallen alpha who had gotten his pack massacred overnight.

I wiped at the corner of my eyes as I went out of the hospital gate. I should have known sooner or later that Sarah would come back but I had been too stubborn, thinking that the marriage would work out fine.

Three years ago, after I found out that Julian was my mate, I had approached him and appealed him. At that time, I did it not just because he was my mate but because I needed his help because my pack had been falling apart then.

And since he was the almighty Lycan king, he had helped me and everything was resolved fine and good. Julian had always been known for his aloof nature and indifference towards women and the rumor had said that the only person he loved was his first love, Sarah.

But I had been too stubborn to listen back then and had slept with him. He had marked me and had surprisingly proposed to me but little did I know, it would lead to the downfall of my pack.

A year after our marriage, Julian became a completely different person--- so cold and indifferent towards me and I realized that the life I had imagined and fantasized about with him was only wishful thinking on my part.

My pack was massacred overnight, leaving only my father seriously injured. That time, Sarah had also been taking a school program in my pack's college and she'd been affected by the massacre too.

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The novel
The novel
Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024
Chapter 1 A Cruel Dare


Tonight was the night of the New Year’s Eve dance—and it was also the night that I was supposed to finally sleep with my boyfriend, Max. But as I looked around the crowded ballroom, I couldn’t seem to find him.

I grabbed my skirt and looked everywhere for him, all the while praying that Linda wouldn’t find me tonight. Linda O’Malley: one of the most popular girls on campus… and my biggest bully. She targeted me just because I was the only human amongst an entire academy full of werewolves.

She had tried to shave my head several times because I was born with a streak of silver hair, which is considered ominous to werewolves. I had begun dying it black ever since.

Strangely, she wasn’t anywhere to be found tonight, either; which was odd considering that she always loved to be the center of attention. I was relieved, to say the least.

Linda’s bullying had come to a head three months ago, when she was bullying me in the storeroom. Max had rushed in and interrupted her; that was how we met. He said it was love at first sight.

He was my hero.

“Your dress is so cute, Audrey.” I looked up at the sound of a familiar voice to see my best friend, Tina, swaying slightly in front of me with a glass in her hand. Her compliment made me blush. I had made my dress myself—as I often did with all my clothes.

But this dress was special. To make my first time together with Max memorable, I had even made my own lingerie, which I was wearing beneath my dress.

“Thanks, Tina,” I replied with a smile. “Have you seen Max, by the way?”

Tina furrowed her brow, then shook her head. “No. I figured he was with you.”

I frowned. The dance had started, and everyone was dancing with their partners. Meanwhile, I had just spent the past ten minutes hiding in the corner, texting Max to ask where he was. But he never replied.

Tina, noticing my frustration, reached out to touch my arm. “Maybe he’s just in the bathroom,” she suggested. “Maybe he drank too much.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but then shut it again with a sigh. I hoped that Tina was right, and that was all it was; Max had been growing a bit distant lately, but I had chalked it up to school getting to him.

“Well, I need to use the bathroom,” Tina said, finishing the last of her drink. “We’ll see if we can find Max along the way.”

“You’re the best, Tina.”

“I know I am.”

With a grin and a shake of my head, I took Tina’s arm and followed her out of the crowded ballroom. The air was less stifling out here in the quiet, dimly lit hallway, and I felt like I could breathe.

But that all changed when we heard the sound of two familiar voices floating out of a nearby utility closet. Max and… Linda.

“...only dating her because of that joke of a dare.”

“It’s gone on for so long now. How could you put up with her all this time?”

“It was hard. But it’s almost over…”

Tina’s hand tightened around mine. “Audrey—” she began, but I cut her off with a shake of my head and gestured for her to go to the bathroom without me. She pursed her lips for a moment, watching me worriedly, before she left.

As I watched her go, my curled up into a tight fist around my skirt—so hard that I thought my nails might rip straight through the lace.

Everyone at this academy hated me, everyone except for Tina. I had accepted it at this point.

But not from Max. Not from the sweet boy who supposedly fell head over heels for me three months ago. I had thought that he was… different from the others. That someone had finally seen me for me and didn’t care that I was a human, or that I was a bookworm, or that I was a fashion addict.

Apparently, I had been dead wrong.

“I’d never truly be interested in someone like her,” Max’s voice rang out. “Honestly, I thought she was super smart, too; so I’m surprised she actually fell for it.”

“Ah, well. I guess all those books she constantly has her nose in don’t teach her what men actually want.”

My heart clenched in my chest, and at that moment, all I wanted to do was get away. Somewhere safe, somewhere secluded, anywhere but here.

But I was too slow. Before I had a chance to run, the door suddenly creaked open the rest of the way. I whirled around, my heart pounding, to see Max standing in the doorway just as I suspected.

His brown eyes widened into saucers the moment he saw my tear-streaked face. “Audrey!” he gasped. “What are you—”

I didn’t give him a chance to finish. Pulling back my shoulders, I tilted my chin up at him in the most defiant pose I could muster.

“We’re through,” I said.

And before he could even come up with an answer, I spun on my heel, picked up my skirt, and ran away.

Thank the Goddess it never came to that, I thought to myself wryly as I slipped into the Academy’s private bar. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if I slept with him; likely he would tell everyone, use it against me in some way.

Hastily wiping my tears away, I slid onto one of the barstools and ordered a drink—rum and coke. I didn’t like alcohol that much, but I needed it tonight.

I sighed softly as I leaned on the bar, sniffling. A moment later, the bartender shoved my glass over to me. I took it with a muttered “Thanks”, and took a sip.

My phone buzzed in my purse, and I slipped it out with a sigh. Multiple texts: some from Tina asking where I was, which I quickly replied to. The others, however, were from Max.

“Audrey, it’s not what you think,” he pleaded. “Please, let’s just talk.”

I shut off my phone with a huff and stuffed it back into my purse. Talk. Yeah, right.

I had no interest in hearing more of his lies. All I wanted to do was take a deep gulp of the liquid in my cup, and I did exactly that.

But I wasn’t sitting there for long, however, when I suddenly felt someone bump into me. Before I could steady myself, I lurched forward—and spilled my drink on the sleeve of a man sitting beside me.

“Oh! I’m so sorry,” I breathed, momentarily forgetting my heartbreak. I quickly grabbed a nearby napkin and began dabbing at his jacket without even thinking twice about it. “Here, let me get that for you—”


The man’s gruff voice, combined with the sudden sensation of his cool fingers around my wrist, left me too breathless to even speak.

It seemed as though I didn’t need to. Because not even a moment after the man’s striking gray eyes met mine from beneath his shock of black hair, a voice rang out across the bar.

“Audrey! There you are. What are you—”

Max’s eyes narrowed as he stormed up to us, a look of jealousy and anger flashing through his features. Before I could even tell him to buzz off, Max was reaching for my wrist to yank me away from the stranger who he clearly thought was his replacement.

But when Max met those gray eyes, he froze, his mouth hanging open.

“S-Sir,” he stammered, taking a step back as he bowed his head in respect. “I didn’t know that was you.”

Chapter 2 After Midnight


I shot a puzzled glance between the dark-haired stranger and Max. There was no way I recognized who this man was. But Max didn’t elaborate on how or why he recognized him.

When the man didn’t respond, Max stepped forward and placed himself between the two of us.

“I’m so sorry for the trouble, sir,” he said, grabbing my hand. “My girlfriend must be pestering you. I—”

“Ex-girlfriend,” I corrected Max through my teeth. Ripping my hand out of his grip, I stood and folded my arms across my chest. “I thought I told you that we were through.”

There was a long, tense silence between the three of us then—Max looking at me with panic, the dark-haired stranger blinking bemusedly from behind his glass of whiskey, and me staring daggers at Max.

Then, with a self-satisfied smirk, I stepped up to the man and grabbed his arm. I curled the fingers of both hands around his forearm, feeling a slight blush color my cheeks as I felt sinewy muscle beneath.

“This is my new date,” I said, jutting my chin out at Max. “And I would appreciate it if you would leave us alone.”

Max’s eyes widened at my words. “A new date?” he echoed. “You expect me to believe that?”

I merely gritted my teeth in response and inwardly prayed that this man wouldn’t expose me—that he would just play along until Max left me alone.

“Don’t make a scene, Audrey,” Max said, his voice almost lost beneath the din. “Let’s go—”

“She said, no.” The man suddenly stood then to his full towering height. He was easily over a foot taller than me, his muscular frame crowding around me. I felt my cheeks turn an even deeper red as he looped one arm around my shoulders, tugging me closer.

Max blanched. “I really don’t believe—”

The man’s arm tightened around me, and then suddenly the room was tilting beneath me. He was dipping me, his strong arms cradling me not even a foot above the floor.

“Just play along,” he whispered, placing our faces close and using his body to block Max’s view so that it looked like we were kissing.

At that moment, the sound of bells chiming erupted through the bar. The other patrons cheered and clinked their glasses, couples kissing and friends hugging.

It was officially the new year.

“I…” I murmured, unable to find any words. Here, this close, with his long, dark hair cascading around us, with the scent of his masculine cologne and the sweet tang of whiskey on his breath…

I couldn’t help it. I had to taste him.

Without a second thought, I cupped his stubbly face in my hands, pulled him the extra distance, and pressed our lips together.

He tasted like liquor, and his stubble bit at the soft skin on my cheeks. But neither of us pulled away. Not until the bells had stopped ringing.

When we finally pulled our lips apart, there was an undeniable heat between us. His gray eyes had gone husky looking at me, his fingers digging into the silk sash around my waist. For a moment, the world seemed to stand still.

And then he placed me upright once again, and I felt as though the wind had been knocked out of me.

“Well?” he asked. “It’s officially after midnight, my dear. Shall we…?” He nodded his head to the door, indicating for us to leave. Together.

I nodded hastily—just wanting to get out of here. Getting out of here with him wasn’t the most unappealing idea, either.

“Yes,” I said. “Let’s—”

Before I could finish, the world was moving again—only this time, the man was picking me up in his arms princess-style, my skirt trailing over his elbow. Then, without so much as a second glance, he strode toward the door and kicked it open.

As we emerged out into the snowy courtyard, all I could see over the man’s broad shoulders was Max watching with a stunned expression.

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