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The novels
The novels
Aug 22, 2024 - Aug 25, 2024
"Sir, your ex-wife whom you divorced 3 years ago showed up at the airport, with a pair of four-year-old twins." "Lock down the airport now."
“Lucian, I've been married to you for three years, but we’ve never been a real couple. I'll give my blessing to you and your first crush by giving up on our marriage. Tomorrow, you're free to go after her. But for now, just make it up to me for my feelings for you all these years, please?”

She knew this was a despicable move, but she had loved him for too long. All the years, she had suffered greatly, and now, all she wanted was a little consolation.

“Roxanne, how dare you!”

Lucian Farwell clenched his jaw as his fury sprang to life. His handsome face was as black as thunder.

How dare she scheme against me?

“I'm afraid of nothing...”

The next day, Roxanne woke up at dawn. Tamping down on her discomfort, she got out of bed and pulled out from the drawer the divorce agreement she had prepared and placed it on the bedside table. Before leaving, she gazed at the man in the bed.

“Lucian, I'll set you free. From today onward, we shall go on separate ways. We will have nothing to do with each other from now on,” Roxanne murmured.

She averted her gaze and turned to leave. Her heart was full of bitterness and anguish as she stepped out of the Farwell residence.

Roxanne had loved Lucian for seven years. She had had a crush on him since her teenage years, so her biggest wish was to be his wife. Alas, Lucian despised her the moment she married him.

Back then, his grandfather was critically ill and needed a joyous occasion to hopefully ward off the bad luck. As luck would have it, she was selected to be Lucian's wife. Her greedy father and stepmother immediately agreed to the marriage.

She could still remember how delighted she was as she waited for the night of her wedding. Yet, when Lucian showed up, there’s a disgusted expression on his face.

“Roxanne, I'll have you know that the person I want to marry is Aubree Pearson. I never wanted to marry you! Only Aubree has the right to be my wife. You're not good enough for me,” he declared.

Roxanne knew that Lucian wasn't obliged to love her. However, she still held on to the hope that the man would warm up to her one day. In the past three years of their marriage, she did her best to be a good and caring wife.

Every night, she'd prepare dinner so he could come home to freshly cooked meals. No matter how late it was, she would only go to bed in peace after his return. If he got drunk at social events, she would take care of him meticulously instead of leaving him in someone else's hands. Whenever he got ill or hurt, she would be more worried than anyone else. Every winter, she would switch on the heater and fill the bathtub with hot water for him. In the morning, she'd wake up earlier than usual to warm his clothes up so he wouldn't feel the cold.

Nevertheless, he never loved her, and he never would.

The day before yesterday was Roxanne's birthday, but Lucian went to the hospital to keep Aubree company. It was then that Roxanne finally understood that her one-sided feelings would never be reciprocated. She would never make Lucian fall for her, for his heart belonged to another woman. Thus, Roxanne decided to give up.

Lucian only roused by ten in the morning. The first thing he wanted to do after getting up was to choke Roxanne to her death.

Lucian was the CEO of Farwell Group, known for his acuteness. No one in the corporate world was his match. Thus, he had never fallen for someone else's trap. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to fall for that woman's!

Simmering with anger, he glanced around the room but didn't see Roxanne anywhere. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the document on the bedside table.

“What’s this?”

Lucian's brows furrowed as he picked up the document with the words “Divorce Agreement” printed in bold text on the front page. His gaze narrowed dangerously.

First, she resorted to that despicable trick to make us a real couple, but now she wants a divorce. Ha! How many tricks does she have up her sleeves?

Lucian refused to believe that Roxanne wanted to divorce him for real. Getting to his feet, he put on his clothes and strode downstairs furiously.

“Did you see Roxanne?” he asked the butler, Lance.

Taken aback, Lance replied swiftly, “Mr. Farwell, Mrs. Farwell left home with her luggage before dawn.”

Hearing that, Lucian halted in his tracks in surprise.

Six years later at VR Medical Research Institute, Yartran, Roxanne had just stepped out of her laboratory when her assistant, Linda, told her, “Dr. Jarvis, Professor Lambert needs to talk to you. He wants to see you in his office.”

After staying up the entire night, Roxanne was feeling drowsy. However, upon hearing Linda's words, she snapped out of her daze as her mind cleared.

“Did he say anything? Don't tell me the little ones destroyed the research results again?”

“Apparently,” came Linda's answer. She shot Roxanne a sympathetic look.

Roxanne was an efficient and capable woman. At a young age, she became the mentee of Harvey Lambert, the best professor in the medical world. With her outstanding capabilities, she was never reprimanded for her work. Nevertheless, that didn't stop her from being the scapegoat for her naughty sons.

Linda comforted her, “You spent three days in the laboratory, so Archie and Benny were worried about you. They spent their days bumbling around in Professor Lambert's office. I think he got a few new white strands of hair from the trouble they caused.”

Hearing that, Roxanne felt an incoming headache. She couldn't help but find the situation funny, too.

Six years ago, she left the Farwell residence and headed overseas without hesitation. Initially, she wanted to further her studies but soon discovered she was pregnant. Back then, she was caught in a dilemma on whether she should abort her children. When she arrived at the hospital, she changed her mind, for she couldn't bear to part with her babies. In the end, she kept her children.

Roxanne was pregnant with triplets—two boys and a girl. During her delivery, her baby girl was born without any signs of life due to a lack of oxygen, and only the boys survived. She nicknamed her sons Archie and Benny.

The thought of her genius sons gave Roxanne utter bliss. However, she slumped her shoulders when she recalled she was about to get reprimanded, thanks to the boys.

👉To continue reading the story for free, download the app and search📚"The Abandoned Wife". Enjoy Romance Now🥰
📚"The Abandoned Wife".📚"The Abandoned Wife".
The novels
The novels
Aug 24, 2024 - Aug 26, 2024
"Divorce and you'll get $10 million." The CEO husband ordered.
Without telling him she's pregnant , she agreed and went abroad for a new life. Then the husband was completely panicked.

Chapter 1 A Night of Absurdities

"Anastasia, help! I've been molested at the club!"

The desperate and helpless sound of her best friend's voice was the only thing on Anastasia Tillman's mind as she rushed over to the clubhouse.

Room 808. Anastasia looked up at the number plaque on the door of the private room. It was the same room number that her best friend, Hayley Seymour, had texted her. Without another thought, she barged through the door to save her friend.

When the door swung open under her hand, she was greeted by the darkness within. Suddenly, a strong hand clasped around her wrist and dragged her into the dark room, followed by a loud thud as the door slammed shut.

"Hey—who are you, and what do you want?!" Anastasia shrieked, her eyes darting around wildly as she tried to make out her surroundings.

"Settle down, and I'll treat you well." A man's deep and husky voice spoke close to her ear.

The next second, Anastasia was unceremoniously tossed onto the couch, and before she could scramble to her feet, a lean and strong body pinned her down.

She let out a muffled cry when a pair of lips that tasted like peppermint captured hers.

The man on top of her felt burning hot to the touch. A sense of hopelessness brought tears to her eyes as she tried to struggle against the man, but in the end, she could do nothing but endure the man's ferocity.

An hour later, Anastasia staggered out of the room, looking disheveled. She had only just been through a nightmare, but that didn't distract her from worrying about her best friend's safety.

She was just about to call Hayley's number when she saw a group of men and women walking out the side door. Under the lights, she instantly recognized the two of the women in the group.

One happened to be Hayley, her best friend who had cried for help on the phone earlier, and the other was Anastasia's stepsister, Erica Tillman. The two girls walked side by side with their arms linked, as if they were the closest of friends.

Shock and rage colored Anastasia's features when she saw them. "Stop right there, Hayley!" she called out loudly over the distance as her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Upon hearing this, Hayley and Erica swiveled around to face her. Anastasia glowered at them, ashen-faced as she demanded of Hayley, "Why would you lie to me?!"

Hayley smirked. "It's not my fault that you're always so gullible, Anastasia."

"Did you have a good time with that gigolo back there?" Erica asked in a sing-song voice, smiling wickedly.

It was only then that Anastasia realized that both of them had set her up. The chastity she had held dear for the past nineteen years was now sacrificed for their despicable glee.

Presently, Hayley's eyes were frosty as she seethed, "Did you actually think I was your friend, Anastasia? I've been living in your shadow ever since we met! I hate you, and I want nothing more than to ruin that face of yours!"

Erica, on the other hand, swiftly interjected by mocking, "I have the proof I need to show Dad that you've been pimping yourself for money at the club. It won't be long until you're thrown out of the house!"

"You two—" Anastasia was so furious that she swayed. Her body was in tatters after the ordeal she had been through, and the collective weight of her friend's betrayal and her sister's cruelty nearly knocked her down.

"Let's go, Hayley! We don't want to be seen with trash, do we?" With her arm looped through Hayley's, Erica led her toward the sports car she had parked by the curb.

Three days later, at the Tillman Residence, a low male voice yelled out in rage, "You became an escort for money just because I wouldn't let you go abroad for your studies? How can I, Francis Tillman, be capable of having such a shameless daughter like you?"

"Dad, I didn't—"

"You didn't? But you did, Anastasia! How could you go to such shameless lengths? Did we starve you, or did we deprive you of anything? I can't believe you would pimp yourself to random strangers in a filthy clubhouse! For your sake, I hope you haven't brought any disease back to this house. Who knows what my daughter and I could have caught from you," the woman who was dressed in jewels and fine clothes sneered from where she sat on the couch.

"Dad, I really didn't do it. I—" Anastasia tried to explain herself.

However, Francis did not want to hear another word from her. He glowered at her maliciously as he snapped, "Still lying to me, I see. Get out of this home right now! I will not stand to have you under my roof. No daughter of mine could be so shameless. From now on, you are not my child!"

Meanwhile, on the staircase landing, Erica watched this scene play out as she leaned against the banister with her chin propped on her hand. Everything was going exactly the way she had planned. In a matter of minutes, Anastasia was going to be cast out of the house and wander around like some pathetic stray mutt.

Downstairs in the living room, Anastasia fell silent when she saw the thunderous and disappointed look on her father's face. She wordlessly rose from her seat and walked up the stairs to pack up her things.

She had only just rounded the landing when Erica barricaded her. With her arms crossed haughtily in front of her chest, the younger girl sneered, "Get out of here! Don't linger around like an eyesore. This house will never have a place for you ever again!"

Anastasia clenched her fists as she glowered at Erica's pleased expression.

Seeing the hatred and anger in Anastasia's eyes, Erica leaned forward. "What, do you want to slap me or something?" She turned her cheek toward the fuming girl and said smugly, "Go right ahead, then!"

Without holding back, Anastasia brought her hand down across Erica's face, resulting in a hard slap.

"Ah!" Erica let out a shrill cry. "You just hit me! Mom, Dad—Anastasia just hit me!" She howled as she bolted down the stairs.

Naomi Lowell quickly pulled her daughter into her arms and cried up the stairwell, "How dare you strike my daughter, Anastasia! What the hell are you playing at?!"

Francis glanced at the red imprints on Erica's cheek, and he had never been more disappointed in his life. When did my oldest daughter become so infuriatingly rebellious?

"Dad, it hurts..." Erica sobbed as she burrowed into her father's arms, taking in exaggerated deep breaths like she was in great pain.

"Get out of here, Anastasia!" Francis roared up the stairs.

Having packed up her things, Anastasia grabbed her passport and went down the stairs. Her heart grew stone-cold when she saw how her own father was holding Erica in his arms like she was something precious.

Anastasia knew then that she indeed had no place in his heart. Francis had only heard Erica's side of the story instead of asking Anastasia about the horrific incident she had endured last night.

Ever since her mother had passed, she had spent her years in this home living like an outsider, for her father had brought home his mistress and his illegitimate daughter to form a new family.

Anastasia's poor mother had never known about her husband's extra-marital affairs, not even in her death.

I will never come back to this place ever again.

Inside the house, Erica watched as Anastasia dragged her suitcase out the front door, and a wicked smile curled on her lips. I finally got rid of that useless eyesore!

Five years later, a knock came on the front door of an apartment in Dansbury.

The woman living in the apartment had been poring over her designs when she heard the knock. A little bewildered, she walked up to the door and pulled it open unhappily. When she saw the two Asian men in suits, she asked in Chinese, "Who are you looking for?"

"Are you Miss Anastasia Tillman?" one of the two men asked in English.

"I am. And you are?" Anastasia pressed.

"We were asked to look for you. Your mother, Amelia Chapman, saved our young master's life back in the day. The old madam whom we serve wishes to see you."

She frowned at this. "Who's the old madam you serve?"

"Old Madam Presgrave," the first man answered respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Anastasia understood what had brought these men here. Old Madam Presgrave was the woman behind the Presgrave Group, the foremost conglomerate in the country. Years ago, Anastasia's mother had sacrificed her life to save Old Madam Presgrave's oldest grandson.

It gave Anastasia great pride to have been born to a police officer as capable and righteous as Amelia.

"I'm sorry, but I don't intend to see her," Anastasia said decidedly. She had a feeling that the Presgraves wanted to repay Amelia's great deed, but she had no plans of accepting their gesture whatsoever.

Just then, a childish and curious voice sounded from somewhere inside the apartment, asking, "Mommy,

who is it?"

"No one," Anastasia replied hastily. Then, she turned to address the men at the door, "Sorry, but I'm really not in a mood for guests at the moment."

With that, she closed the door.

Meanwhile, back in the country, a man was seated on the couch inside the villa tucked halfway up the hill. "Have you tracked her down?"

"Yes, Young Master Elliot. The girl from the clubhouse five years ago just sold off your watch at the second-hand market."

"Find her," said the man on the couch, his voice deep and authoritative.

"Yes, sir!"
📚📚Title"Night of Destiny"📚📚Title"Night of Destiny"
The novels
The novels
Aug 24, 2024 - Aug 26, 2024
"Divorce and you'll get $10 million." The CEO husband ordered.
Without telling him she's pregnant , she agreed and went abroad for a new life. Then the husband was completely panicked.

Chapter 1 A Night of Absurdities

"Anastasia, help! I've been molested at the club!"

The desperate and helpless sound of her best friend's voice was the only thing on Anastasia Tillman's mind as she rushed over to the clubhouse.

Room 808. Anastasia looked up at the number plaque on the door of the private room. It was the same room number that her best friend, Hayley Seymour, had texted her. Without another thought, she barged through the door to save her friend.

When the door swung open under her hand, she was greeted by the darkness within. Suddenly, a strong hand clasped around her wrist and dragged her into the dark room, followed by a loud thud as the door slammed shut.

"Hey—who are you, and what do you want?!" Anastasia shrieked, her eyes darting around wildly as she tried to make out her surroundings.

"Settle down, and I'll treat you well." A man's deep and husky voice spoke close to her ear.

The next second, Anastasia was unceremoniously tossed onto the couch, and before she could scramble to her feet, a lean and strong body pinned her down.

She let out a muffled cry when a pair of lips that tasted like peppermint captured hers.

The man on top of her felt burning hot to the touch. A sense of hopelessness brought tears to her eyes as she tried to struggle against the man, but in the end, she could do nothing but endure the man's ferocity.

An hour later, Anastasia staggered out of the room, looking disheveled. She had only just been through a nightmare, but that didn't distract her from worrying about her best friend's safety.

She was just about to call Hayley's number when she saw a group of men and women walking out the side door. Under the lights, she instantly recognized the two of the women in the group.

One happened to be Hayley, her best friend who had cried for help on the phone earlier, and the other was Anastasia's stepsister, Erica Tillman. The two girls walked side by side with their arms linked, as if they were the closest of friends.

Shock and rage colored Anastasia's features when she saw them. "Stop right there, Hayley!" she called out loudly over the distance as her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Upon hearing this, Hayley and Erica swiveled around to face her. Anastasia glowered at them, ashen-faced as she demanded of Hayley, "Why would you lie to me?!"

Hayley smirked. "It's not my fault that you're always so gullible, Anastasia."

"Did you have a good time with that gigolo back there?" Erica asked in a sing-song voice, smiling wickedly.

It was only then that Anastasia realized that both of them had set her up. The chastity she had held dear for the past nineteen years was now sacrificed for their despicable glee.

Presently, Hayley's eyes were frosty as she seethed, "Did you actually think I was your friend, Anastasia? I've been living in your shadow ever since we met! I hate you, and I want nothing more than to ruin that face of yours!"

Erica, on the other hand, swiftly interjected by mocking, "I have the proof I need to show Dad that you've been pimping yourself for money at the club. It won't be long until you're thrown out of the house!"

"You two—" Anastasia was so furious that she swayed. Her body was in tatters after the ordeal she had been through, and the collective weight of her friend's betrayal and her sister's cruelty nearly knocked her down.

"Let's go, Hayley! We don't want to be seen with trash, do we?" With her arm looped through Hayley's, Erica led her toward the sports car she had parked by the curb.

Three days later, at the Tillman Residence, a low male voice yelled out in rage, "You became an escort for money just because I wouldn't let you go abroad for your studies? How can I, Francis Tillman, be capable of having such a shameless daughter like you?"

"Dad, I didn't—"

"You didn't? But you did, Anastasia! How could you go to such shameless lengths? Did we starve you, or did we deprive you of anything? I can't believe you would pimp yourself to random strangers in a filthy clubhouse! For your sake, I hope you haven't brought any disease back to this house. Who knows what my daughter and I could have caught from you," the woman who was dressed in jewels and fine clothes sneered from where she sat on the couch.

"Dad, I really didn't do it. I—" Anastasia tried to explain herself.

However, Francis did not want to hear another word from her. He glowered at her maliciously as he snapped, "Still lying to me, I see. Get out of this home right now! I will not stand to have you under my roof. No daughter of mine could be so shameless. From now on, you are not my child!"

Meanwhile, on the staircase landing, Erica watched this scene play out as she leaned against the banister with her chin propped on her hand. Everything was going exactly the way she had planned. In a matter of minutes, Anastasia was going to be cast out of the house and wander around like some pathetic stray mutt.

Downstairs in the living room, Anastasia fell silent when she saw the thunderous and disappointed look on her father's face. She wordlessly rose from her seat and walked up the stairs to pack up her things.

She had only just rounded the landing when Erica barricaded her. With her arms crossed haughtily in front of her chest, the younger girl sneered, "Get out of here! Don't linger around like an eyesore. This house will never have a place for you ever again!"

Anastasia clenched her fists as she glowered at Erica's pleased expression.

Seeing the hatred and anger in Anastasia's eyes, Erica leaned forward. "What, do you want to slap me or something?" She turned her cheek toward the fuming girl and said smugly, "Go right ahead, then!"

Without holding back, Anastasia brought her hand down across Erica's face, resulting in a hard slap.

"Ah!" Erica let out a shrill cry. "You just hit me! Mom, Dad—Anastasia just hit me!" She howled as she bolted down the stairs.

Naomi Lowell quickly pulled her daughter into her arms and cried up the stairwell, "How dare you strike my daughter, Anastasia! What the hell are you playing at?!"

Francis glanced at the red imprints on Erica's cheek, and he had never been more disappointed in his life. When did my oldest daughter become so infuriatingly rebellious?

"Dad, it hurts..." Erica sobbed as she burrowed into her father's arms, taking in exaggerated deep breaths like she was in great pain.

"Get out of here, Anastasia!" Francis roared up the stairs.

Having packed up her things, Anastasia grabbed her passport and went down the stairs. Her heart grew stone-cold when she saw how her own father was holding Erica in his arms like she was something precious.

Anastasia knew then that she indeed had no place in his heart. Francis had only heard Erica's side of the story instead of asking Anastasia about the horrific incident she had endured last night.

Ever since her mother had passed, she had spent her years in this home living like an outsider, for her father had brought home his mistress and his illegitimate daughter to form a new family.

Anastasia's poor mother had never known about her husband's extra-marital affairs, not even in her death.

I will never come back to this place ever again.

Inside the house, Erica watched as Anastasia dragged her suitcase out the front door, and a wicked smile curled on her lips. I finally got rid of that useless eyesore!

Five years later, a knock came on the front door of an apartment in Dansbury.

The woman living in the apartment had been poring over her designs when she heard the knock. A little bewildered, she walked up to the door and pulled it open unhappily. When she saw the two Asian men in suits, she asked in Chinese, "Who are you looking for?"

"Are you Miss Anastasia Tillman?" one of the two men asked in English.

"I am. And you are?" Anastasia pressed.

"We were asked to look for you. Your mother, Amelia Chapman, saved our young master's life back in the day. The old madam whom we serve wishes to see you."

She frowned at this. "Who's the old madam you serve?"

"Old Madam Presgrave," the first man answered respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Anastasia understood what had brought these men here. Old Madam Presgrave was the woman behind the Presgrave Group, the foremost conglomerate in the country. Years ago, Anastasia's mother had sacrificed her life to save Old Madam Presgrave's oldest grandson.

It gave Anastasia great pride to have been born to a police officer as capable and righteous as Amelia.

"I'm sorry, but I don't intend to see her," Anastasia said decidedly. She had a feeling that the Presgraves wanted to repay Amelia's great deed, but she had no plans of accepting their gesture whatsoever.

Just then, a childish and curious voice sounded from somewhere inside the apartment, asking, "Mommy,

who is it?"

"No one," Anastasia replied hastily. Then, she turned to address the men at the door, "Sorry, but I'm really not in a mood for guests at the moment."

With that, she closed the door.

Meanwhile, back in the country, a man was seated on the couch inside the villa tucked halfway up the hill. "Have you tracked her down?"

"Yes, Young Master Elliot. The girl from the clubhouse five years ago just sold off your watch at the second-hand market."

"Find her," said the man on the couch, his voice deep and authoritative.

"Yes, sir!"
📚📚Title"Night of Destiny"📚📚Title"Night of Destiny"
The novels
The novels
Aug 24, 2024 - Aug 26, 2024
"Divorce and you'll get $10 million." The CEO husband ordered.
Without telling him she's pregnant , she agreed and went abroad for a new life. Then the husband was completely panicked.

Chapter 1 A Night of Absurdities

"Anastasia, help! I've been molested at the club!"

The desperate and helpless sound of her best friend's voice was the only thing on Anastasia Tillman's mind as she rushed over to the clubhouse.

Room 808. Anastasia looked up at the number plaque on the door of the private room. It was the same room number that her best friend, Hayley Seymour, had texted her. Without another thought, she barged through the door to save her friend.

When the door swung open under her hand, she was greeted by the darkness within. Suddenly, a strong hand clasped around her wrist and dragged her into the dark room, followed by a loud thud as the door slammed shut.

"Hey—who are you, and what do you want?!" Anastasia shrieked, her eyes darting around wildly as she tried to make out her surroundings.

"Settle down, and I'll treat you well." A man's deep and husky voice spoke close to her ear.

The next second, Anastasia was unceremoniously tossed onto the couch, and before she could scramble to her feet, a lean and strong body pinned her down.

She let out a muffled cry when a pair of lips that tasted like peppermint captured hers.

The man on top of her felt burning hot to the touch. A sense of hopelessness brought tears to her eyes as she tried to struggle against the man, but in the end, she could do nothing but endure the man's ferocity.

An hour later, Anastasia staggered out of the room, looking disheveled. She had only just been through a nightmare, but that didn't distract her from worrying about her best friend's safety.

She was just about to call Hayley's number when she saw a group of men and women walking out the side door. Under the lights, she instantly recognized the two of the women in the group.

One happened to be Hayley, her best friend who had cried for help on the phone earlier, and the other was Anastasia's stepsister, Erica Tillman. The two girls walked side by side with their arms linked, as if they were the closest of friends.

Shock and rage colored Anastasia's features when she saw them. "Stop right there, Hayley!" she called out loudly over the distance as her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Upon hearing this, Hayley and Erica swiveled around to face her. Anastasia glowered at them, ashen-faced as she demanded of Hayley, "Why would you lie to me?!"

Hayley smirked. "It's not my fault that you're always so gullible, Anastasia."

"Did you have a good time with that gigolo back there?" Erica asked in a sing-song voice, smiling wickedly.

It was only then that Anastasia realized that both of them had set her up. The chastity she had held dear for the past nineteen years was now sacrificed for their despicable glee.

Presently, Hayley's eyes were frosty as she seethed, "Did you actually think I was your friend, Anastasia? I've been living in your shadow ever since we met! I hate you, and I want nothing more than to ruin that face of yours!"

Erica, on the other hand, swiftly interjected by mocking, "I have the proof I need to show Dad that you've been pimping yourself for money at the club. It won't be long until you're thrown out of the house!"

"You two—" Anastasia was so furious that she swayed. Her body was in tatters after the ordeal she had been through, and the collective weight of her friend's betrayal and her sister's cruelty nearly knocked her down.

"Let's go, Hayley! We don't want to be seen with trash, do we?" With her arm looped through Hayley's, Erica led her toward the sports car she had parked by the curb.

Three days later, at the Tillman Residence, a low male voice yelled out in rage, "You became an escort for money just because I wouldn't let you go abroad for your studies? How can I, Francis Tillman, be capable of having such a shameless daughter like you?"

"Dad, I didn't—"

"You didn't? But you did, Anastasia! How could you go to such shameless lengths? Did we starve you, or did we deprive you of anything? I can't believe you would pimp yourself to random strangers in a filthy clubhouse! For your sake, I hope you haven't brought any disease back to this house. Who knows what my daughter and I could have caught from you," the woman who was dressed in jewels and fine clothes sneered from where she sat on the couch.

"Dad, I really didn't do it. I—" Anastasia tried to explain herself.

However, Francis did not want to hear another word from her. He glowered at her maliciously as he snapped, "Still lying to me, I see. Get out of this home right now! I will not stand to have you under my roof. No daughter of mine could be so shameless. From now on, you are not my child!"

Meanwhile, on the staircase landing, Erica watched this scene play out as she leaned against the banister with her chin propped on her hand. Everything was going exactly the way she had planned. In a matter of minutes, Anastasia was going to be cast out of the house and wander around like some pathetic stray mutt.

Downstairs in the living room, Anastasia fell silent when she saw the thunderous and disappointed look on her father's face. She wordlessly rose from her seat and walked up the stairs to pack up her things.

She had only just rounded the landing when Erica barricaded her. With her arms crossed haughtily in front of her chest, the younger girl sneered, "Get out of here! Don't linger around like an eyesore. This house will never have a place for you ever again!"

Anastasia clenched her fists as she glowered at Erica's pleased expression.

Seeing the hatred and anger in Anastasia's eyes, Erica leaned forward. "What, do you want to slap me or something?" She turned her cheek toward the fuming girl and said smugly, "Go right ahead, then!"

Without holding back, Anastasia brought her hand down across Erica's face, resulting in a hard slap.

"Ah!" Erica let out a shrill cry. "You just hit me! Mom, Dad—Anastasia just hit me!" She howled as she bolted down the stairs.

Naomi Lowell quickly pulled her daughter into her arms and cried up the stairwell, "How dare you strike my daughter, Anastasia! What the hell are you playing at?!"

Francis glanced at the red imprints on Erica's cheek, and he had never been more disappointed in his life. When did my oldest daughter become so infuriatingly rebellious?

"Dad, it hurts..." Erica sobbed as she burrowed into her father's arms, taking in exaggerated deep breaths like she was in great pain.

"Get out of here, Anastasia!" Francis roared up the stairs.

Having packed up her things, Anastasia grabbed her passport and went down the stairs. Her heart grew stone-cold when she saw how her own father was holding Erica in his arms like she was something precious.

Anastasia knew then that she indeed had no place in his heart. Francis had only heard Erica's side of the story instead of asking Anastasia about the horrific incident she had endured last night.

Ever since her mother had passed, she had spent her years in this home living like an outsider, for her father had brought home his mistress and his illegitimate daughter to form a new family.

Anastasia's poor mother had never known about her husband's extra-marital affairs, not even in her death.

I will never come back to this place ever again.

Inside the house, Erica watched as Anastasia dragged her suitcase out the front door, and a wicked smile curled on her lips. I finally got rid of that useless eyesore!

Five years later, a knock came on the front door of an apartment in Dansbury.

The woman living in the apartment had been poring over her designs when she heard the knock. A little bewildered, she walked up to the door and pulled it open unhappily. When she saw the two Asian men in suits, she asked in Chinese, "Who are you looking for?"

"Are you Miss Anastasia Tillman?" one of the two men asked in English.

"I am. And you are?" Anastasia pressed.

"We were asked to look for you. Your mother, Amelia Chapman, saved our young master's life back in the day. The old madam whom we serve wishes to see you."

She frowned at this. "Who's the old madam you serve?"

"Old Madam Presgrave," the first man answered respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Anastasia understood what had brought these men here. Old Madam Presgrave was the woman behind the Presgrave Group, the foremost conglomerate in the country. Years ago, Anastasia's mother had sacrificed her life to save Old Madam Presgrave's oldest grandson.

It gave Anastasia great pride to have been born to a police officer as capable and righteous as Amelia.

"I'm sorry, but I don't intend to see her," Anastasia said decidedly. She had a feeling that the Presgraves wanted to repay Amelia's great deed, but she had no plans of accepting their gesture whatsoever.

Just then, a childish and curious voice sounded from somewhere inside the apartment, asking, "Mommy,

who is it?"

"No one," Anastasia replied hastily. Then, she turned to address the men at the door, "Sorry, but I'm really not in a mood for guests at the moment."

With that, she closed the door.

Meanwhile, back in the country, a man was seated on the couch inside the villa tucked halfway up the hill. "Have you tracked her down?"

"Yes, Young Master Elliot. The girl from the clubhouse five years ago just sold off your watch at the second-hand market."

"Find her," said the man on the couch, his voice deep and authoritative.

"Yes, sir!"
📚📚Title"Night of Destiny"📚📚Title"Night of Destiny"
The novels
The novels
Aug 24, 2024 - Aug 26, 2024
"Sir, your ex-wife whom you divorced 3 years ago showed up at the airport, with a pair of four-year-old twins." "Lock down the airport now."
“Lucian, I've been married to you for three years, but we’ve never been a real couple. I'll give my blessing to you and your first crush by giving up on our marriage. Tomorrow, you're free to go after her. But for now, just make it up to me for my feelings for you all these years, please?”

She knew this was a despicable move, but she had loved him for too long. All the years, she had suffered greatly, and now, all she wanted was a little consolation.

“Roxanne, how dare you!”

Lucian Farwell clenched his jaw as his fury sprang to life. His handsome face was as black as thunder.

How dare she scheme against me?

“I'm afraid of nothing...”

The next day, Roxanne woke up at dawn. Tamping down on her discomfort, she got out of bed and pulled out from the drawer the divorce agreement she had prepared and placed it on the bedside table. Before leaving, she gazed at the man in the bed.

“Lucian, I'll set you free. From today onward, we shall go on separate ways. We will have nothing to do with each other from now on,” Roxanne murmured.

She averted her gaze and turned to leave. Her heart was full of bitterness and anguish as she stepped out of the Farwell residence.

Roxanne had loved Lucian for seven years. She had had a crush on him since her teenage years, so her biggest wish was to be his wife. Alas, Lucian despised her the moment she married him.

Back then, his grandfather was critically ill and needed a joyous occasion to hopefully ward off the bad luck. As luck would have it, she was selected to be Lucian's wife. Her greedy father and stepmother immediately agreed to the marriage.

She could still remember how delighted she was as she waited for the night of her wedding. Yet, when Lucian showed up, there’s a disgusted expression on his face.

“Roxanne, I'll have you know that the person I want to marry is Aubree Pearson. I never wanted to marry you! Only Aubree has the right to be my wife. You're not good enough for me,” he declared.

Roxanne knew that Lucian wasn't obliged to love her. However, she still held on to the hope that the man would warm up to her one day. In the past three years of their marriage, she did her best to be a good and caring wife.

Every night, she'd prepare dinner so he could come home to freshly cooked meals. No matter how late it was, she would only go to bed in peace after his return. If he got drunk at social events, she would take care of him meticulously instead of leaving him in someone else's hands. Whenever he got ill or hurt, she would be more worried than anyone else. Every winter, she would switch on the heater and fill the bathtub with hot water for him. In the morning, she'd wake up earlier than usual to warm his clothes up so he wouldn't feel the cold.

Nevertheless, he never loved her, and he never would.

The day before yesterday was Roxanne's birthday, but Lucian went to the hospital to keep Aubree company. It was then that Roxanne finally understood that her one-sided feelings would never be reciprocated. She would never make Lucian fall for her, for his heart belonged to another woman. Thus, Roxanne decided to give up.

Lucian only roused by ten in the morning. The first thing he wanted to do after getting up was to choke Roxanne to her death.

Lucian was the CEO of Farwell Group, known for his acuteness. No one in the corporate world was his match. Thus, he had never fallen for someone else's trap. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to fall for that woman's!

Simmering with anger, he glanced around the room but didn't see Roxanne anywhere. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the document on the bedside table.

“What’s this?”

Lucian's brows furrowed as he picked up the document with the words “Divorce Agreement” printed in bold text on the front page. His gaze narrowed dangerously.

First, she resorted to that despicable trick to make us a real couple, but now she wants a divorce. Ha! How many tricks does she have up her sleeves?

Lucian refused to believe that Roxanne wanted to divorce him for real. Getting to his feet, he put on his clothes and strode downstairs furiously.

“Did you see Roxanne?” he asked the butler, Lance.

Taken aback, Lance replied swiftly, “Mr. Farwell, Mrs. Farwell left home with her luggage before dawn.”

Hearing that, Lucian halted in his tracks in surprise.

Six years later at VR Medical Research Institute, Yartran, Roxanne had just stepped out of her laboratory when her assistant, Linda, told her, “Dr. Jarvis, Professor Lambert needs to talk to you. He wants to see you in his office.”

After staying up the entire night, Roxanne was feeling drowsy. However, upon hearing Linda's words, she snapped out of her daze as her mind cleared.

“Did he say anything? Don't tell me the little ones destroyed the research results again?”

“Apparently,” came Linda's answer. She shot Roxanne a sympathetic look.

Roxanne was an efficient and capable woman. At a young age, she became the mentee of Harvey Lambert, the best professor in the medical world. With her outstanding capabilities, she was never reprimanded for her work. Nevertheless, that didn't stop her from being the scapegoat for her naughty sons.

Linda comforted her, “You spent three days in the laboratory, so Archie and Benny were worried about you. They spent their days bumbling around in Professor Lambert's office. I think he got a few new white strands of hair from the trouble they caused.”

Hearing that, Roxanne felt an incoming headache. She couldn't help but find the situation funny, too.

Six years ago, she left the Farwell residence and headed overseas without hesitation. Initially, she wanted to further her studies but soon discovered she was pregnant. Back then, she was caught in a dilemma on whether she should abort her children. When she arrived at the hospital, she changed her mind, for she couldn't bear to part with her babies. In the end, she kept her children.

Roxanne was pregnant with triplets—two boys and a girl. During her delivery, her baby girl was born without any signs of life due to a lack of oxygen, and only the boys survived. She nicknamed her sons Archie and Benny.

The thought of her genius sons gave Roxanne utter bliss. However, she slumped her shoulders when she recalled she was about to get reprimanded, thanks to the boys.

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🔥😍Free reading with Title👉"The Abandoned Wife"👉
The novels
The novels
Aug 24, 2024 - Aug 26, 2024
"Sir, your ex-wife whom you divorced 3 years ago showed up at the airport, with a pair of four-year-old twins." "Lock down the airport now."
“Lucian, I've been married to you for three years, but we’ve never been a real couple. I'll give my blessing to you and your first crush by giving up on our marriage. Tomorrow, you're free to go after her. But for now, just make it up to me for my feelings for you all these years, please?”

She knew this was a despicable move, but she had loved him for too long. All the years, she had suffered greatly, and now, all she wanted was a little consolation.

“Roxanne, how dare you!”

Lucian Farwell clenched his jaw as his fury sprang to life. His handsome face was as black as thunder.

How dare she scheme against me?

“I'm afraid of nothing...”

The next day, Roxanne woke up at dawn. Tamping down on her discomfort, she got out of bed and pulled out from the drawer the divorce agreement she had prepared and placed it on the bedside table. Before leaving, she gazed at the man in the bed.

“Lucian, I'll set you free. From today onward, we shall go on separate ways. We will have nothing to do with each other from now on,” Roxanne murmured.

She averted her gaze and turned to leave. Her heart was full of bitterness and anguish as she stepped out of the Farwell residence.

Roxanne had loved Lucian for seven years. She had had a crush on him since her teenage years, so her biggest wish was to be his wife. Alas, Lucian despised her the moment she married him.

Back then, his grandfather was critically ill and needed a joyous occasion to hopefully ward off the bad luck. As luck would have it, she was selected to be Lucian's wife. Her greedy father and stepmother immediately agreed to the marriage.

She could still remember how delighted she was as she waited for the night of her wedding. Yet, when Lucian showed up, there’s a disgusted expression on his face.

“Roxanne, I'll have you know that the person I want to marry is Aubree Pearson. I never wanted to marry you! Only Aubree has the right to be my wife. You're not good enough for me,” he declared.

Roxanne knew that Lucian wasn't obliged to love her. However, she still held on to the hope that the man would warm up to her one day. In the past three years of their marriage, she did her best to be a good and caring wife.

Every night, she'd prepare dinner so he could come home to freshly cooked meals. No matter how late it was, she would only go to bed in peace after his return. If he got drunk at social events, she would take care of him meticulously instead of leaving him in someone else's hands. Whenever he got ill or hurt, she would be more worried than anyone else. Every winter, she would switch on the heater and fill the bathtub with hot water for him. In the morning, she'd wake up earlier than usual to warm his clothes up so he wouldn't feel the cold.

Nevertheless, he never loved her, and he never would.

The day before yesterday was Roxanne's birthday, but Lucian went to the hospital to keep Aubree company. It was then that Roxanne finally understood that her one-sided feelings would never be reciprocated. She would never make Lucian fall for her, for his heart belonged to another woman. Thus, Roxanne decided to give up.

Lucian only roused by ten in the morning. The first thing he wanted to do after getting up was to choke Roxanne to her death.

Lucian was the CEO of Farwell Group, known for his acuteness. No one in the corporate world was his match. Thus, he had never fallen for someone else's trap. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to fall for that woman's!

Simmering with anger, he glanced around the room but didn't see Roxanne anywhere. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the document on the bedside table.

“What’s this?”

Lucian's brows furrowed as he picked up the document with the words “Divorce Agreement” printed in bold text on the front page. His gaze narrowed dangerously.

First, she resorted to that despicable trick to make us a real couple, but now she wants a divorce. Ha! How many tricks does she have up her sleeves?

Lucian refused to believe that Roxanne wanted to divorce him for real. Getting to his feet, he put on his clothes and strode downstairs furiously.

“Did you see Roxanne?” he asked the butler, Lance.

Taken aback, Lance replied swiftly, “Mr. Farwell, Mrs. Farwell left home with her luggage before dawn.”

Hearing that, Lucian halted in his tracks in surprise.

Six years later at VR Medical Research Institute, Yartran, Roxanne had just stepped out of her laboratory when her assistant, Linda, told her, “Dr. Jarvis, Professor Lambert needs to talk to you. He wants to see you in his office.”

After staying up the entire night, Roxanne was feeling drowsy. However, upon hearing Linda's words, she snapped out of her daze as her mind cleared.

“Did he say anything? Don't tell me the little ones destroyed the research results again?”

“Apparently,” came Linda's answer. She shot Roxanne a sympathetic look.

Roxanne was an efficient and capable woman. At a young age, she became the mentee of Harvey Lambert, the best professor in the medical world. With her outstanding capabilities, she was never reprimanded for her work. Nevertheless, that didn't stop her from being the scapegoat for her naughty sons.

Linda comforted her, “You spent three days in the laboratory, so Archie and Benny were worried about you. They spent their days bumbling around in Professor Lambert's office. I think he got a few new white strands of hair from the trouble they caused.”

Hearing that, Roxanne felt an incoming headache. She couldn't help but find the situation funny, too.

Six years ago, she left the Farwell residence and headed overseas without hesitation. Initially, she wanted to further her studies but soon discovered she was pregnant. Back then, she was caught in a dilemma on whether she should abort her children. When she arrived at the hospital, she changed her mind, for she couldn't bear to part with her babies. In the end, she kept her children.

Roxanne was pregnant with triplets—two boys and a girl. During her delivery, her baby girl was born without any signs of life due to a lack of oxygen, and only the boys survived. She nicknamed her sons Archie and Benny.

The thought of her genius sons gave Roxanne utter bliss. However, she slumped her shoulders when she recalled she was about to get reprimanded, thanks to the boys.

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🔥😍Free reading with Title👉"The Abandoned Wife"👉
The novels
The novels
Aug 20, 2024 - Aug 23, 2024
"Divorce and you'll get $10 million." The CEO husband ordered.
Without telling him she's pregnant , she agreed and went abroad for a new life. Then the husband was completely panicked.

Chapter 1 A Night of Absurdities

"Anastasia, help! I've been molested at the club!"

The desperate and helpless sound of her best friend's voice was the only thing on Anastasia Tillman's mind as she rushed over to the clubhouse.

Room 808. Anastasia looked up at the number plaque on the door of the private room. It was the same room number that her best friend, Hayley Seymour, had texted her. Without another thought, she barged through the door to save her friend.

When the door swung open under her hand, she was greeted by the darkness within. Suddenly, a strong hand clasped around her wrist and dragged her into the dark room, followed by a loud thud as the door slammed shut.

"Hey—who are you, and what do you want?!" Anastasia shrieked, her eyes darting around wildly as she tried to make out her surroundings.

"Settle down, and I'll treat you well." A man's deep and husky voice spoke close to her ear.

The next second, Anastasia was unceremoniously tossed onto the couch, and before she could scramble to her feet, a lean and strong body pinned her down.

She let out a muffled cry when a pair of lips that tasted like peppermint captured hers.

The man on top of her felt burning hot to the touch. A sense of hopelessness brought tears to her eyes as she tried to struggle against the man, but in the end, she could do nothing but endure the man's ferocity.

An hour later, Anastasia staggered out of the room, looking disheveled. She had only just been through a nightmare, but that didn't distract her from worrying about her best friend's safety.

She was just about to call Hayley's number when she saw a group of men and women walking out the side door. Under the lights, she instantly recognized the two of the women in the group.

One happened to be Hayley, her best friend who had cried for help on the phone earlier, and the other was Anastasia's stepsister, Erica Tillman. The two girls walked side by side with their arms linked, as if they were the closest of friends.

Shock and rage colored Anastasia's features when she saw them. "Stop right there, Hayley!" she called out loudly over the distance as her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Upon hearing this, Hayley and Erica swiveled around to face her. Anastasia glowered at them, ashen-faced as she demanded of Hayley, "Why would you lie to me?!"

Hayley smirked. "It's not my fault that you're always so gullible, Anastasia."

"Did you have a good time with that gigolo back there?" Erica asked in a sing-song voice, smiling wickedly.

It was only then that Anastasia realized that both of them had set her up. The chastity she had held dear for the past nineteen years was now sacrificed for their despicable glee.

Presently, Hayley's eyes were frosty as she seethed, "Did you actually think I was your friend, Anastasia? I've been living in your shadow ever since we met! I hate you, and I want nothing more than to ruin that face of yours!"

Erica, on the other hand, swiftly interjected by mocking, "I have the proof I need to show Dad that you've been pimping yourself for money at the club. It won't be long until you're thrown out of the house!"

"You two—" Anastasia was so furious that she swayed. Her body was in tatters after the ordeal she had been through, and the collective weight of her friend's betrayal and her sister's cruelty nearly knocked her down.

"Let's go, Hayley! We don't want to be seen with trash, do we?" With her arm looped through Hayley's, Erica led her toward the sports car she had parked by the curb.

Three days later, at the Tillman Residence, a low male voice yelled out in rage, "You became an escort for money just because I wouldn't let you go abroad for your studies? How can I, Francis Tillman, be capable of having such a shameless daughter like you?"

"Dad, I didn't—"

"You didn't? But you did, Anastasia! How could you go to such shameless lengths? Did we starve you, or did we deprive you of anything? I can't believe you would pimp yourself to random strangers in a filthy clubhouse! For your sake, I hope you haven't brought any disease back to this house. Who knows what my daughter and I could have caught from you," the woman who was dressed in jewels and fine clothes sneered from where she sat on the couch.

"Dad, I really didn't do it. I—" Anastasia tried to explain herself.

However, Francis did not want to hear another word from her. He glowered at her maliciously as he snapped, "Still lying to me, I see. Get out of this home right now! I will not stand to have you under my roof. No daughter of mine could be so shameless. From now on, you are not my child!"

Meanwhile, on the staircase landing, Erica watched this scene play out as she leaned against the banister with her chin propped on her hand. Everything was going exactly the way she had planned. In a matter of minutes, Anastasia was going to be cast out of the house and wander around like some pathetic stray mutt.

Downstairs in the living room, Anastasia fell silent when she saw the thunderous and disappointed look on her father's face. She wordlessly rose from her seat and walked up the stairs to pack up her things.

She had only just rounded the landing when Erica barricaded her. With her arms crossed haughtily in front of her chest, the younger girl sneered, "Get out of here! Don't linger around like an eyesore. This house will never have a place for you ever again!"

Anastasia clenched her fists as she glowered at Erica's pleased expression.

Seeing the hatred and anger in Anastasia's eyes, Erica leaned forward. "What, do you want to slap me or something?" She turned her cheek toward the fuming girl and said smugly, "Go right ahead, then!"

Without holding back, Anastasia brought her hand down across Erica's face, resulting in a hard slap.

"Ah!" Erica let out a shrill cry. "You just hit me! Mom, Dad—Anastasia just hit me!" She howled as she bolted down the stairs.

Naomi Lowell quickly pulled her daughter into her arms and cried up the stairwell, "How dare you strike my daughter, Anastasia! What the hell are you playing at?!"

Francis glanced at the red imprints on Erica's cheek, and he had never been more disappointed in his life. When did my oldest daughter become so infuriatingly rebellious?

"Dad, it hurts..." Erica sobbed as she burrowed into her father's arms, taking in exaggerated deep breaths like she was in great pain.

"Get out of here, Anastasia!" Francis roared up the stairs.

Having packed up her things, Anastasia grabbed her passport and went down the stairs. Her heart grew stone-cold when she saw how her own father was holding Erica in his arms like she was something precious.

Anastasia knew then that she indeed had no place in his heart. Francis had only heard Erica's side of the story instead of asking Anastasia about the horrific incident she had endured last night.

Ever since her mother had passed, she had spent her years in this home living like an outsider, for her father had brought home his mistress and his illegitimate daughter to form a new family.

Anastasia's poor mother had never known about her husband's extra-marital affairs, not even in her death.

I will never come back to this place ever again.

Inside the house, Erica watched as Anastasia dragged her suitcase out the front door, and a wicked smile curled on her lips. I finally got rid of that useless eyesore!

Five years later, a knock came on the front door of an apartment in Dansbury.

The woman living in the apartment had been poring over her designs when she heard the knock. A little bewildered, she walked up to the door and pulled it open unhappily. When she saw the two Asian men in suits, she asked in Chinese, "Who are you looking for?"

"Are you Miss Anastasia Tillman?" one of the two men asked in English.

"I am. And you are?" Anastasia pressed.

"We were asked to look for you. Your mother, Amelia Chapman, saved our young master's life back in the day. The old madam whom we serve wishes to see you."

She frowned at this. "Who's the old madam you serve?"

"Old Madam Presgrave," the first man answered respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Anastasia understood what had brought these men here. Old Madam Presgrave was the woman behind the Presgrave Group, the foremost conglomerate in the country. Years ago, Anastasia's mother had sacrificed her life to save Old Madam Presgrave's oldest grandson.

It gave Anastasia great pride to have been born to a police officer as capable and righteous as Amelia.

"I'm sorry, but I don't intend to see her," Anastasia said decidedly. She had a feeling that the Presgraves wanted to repay Amelia's great deed, but she had no plans of accepting their gesture whatsoever.

Just then, a childish and curious voice sounded from somewhere inside the apartment, asking, "Mommy,

who is it?"

"No one," Anastasia replied hastily. Then, she turned to address the men at the door, "Sorry, but I'm really not in a mood for guests at the moment."

With that, she closed the door.

Meanwhile, back in the country, a man was seated on the couch inside the villa tucked halfway up the hill. "Have you tracked her down?"

"Yes, Young Master Elliot. The girl from the clubhouse five years ago just sold off your watch at the second-hand market."

"Find her," said the man on the couch, his voice deep and authoritative.

"Yes, sir!"
📚📚Title"Night of Destiny"📚📚Title"Night of Destiny"


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The novels
The novels
Aug 28, 2024 - Aug 29, 2024
A male gynecologist went to the wrong table on a blind date, but he didn't expect that a female CEO with a net worth of tens of billions would be interested in him.
“I know, Mom. I'm in front of the café. Call you later!” Emmanuel Lowe hung up on his mother impatiently.
The twenty-eight-year-old man had never been in a relationship.

After spending seven years in the army, he retired from the military and worked at a hospital in Yeringham for three years.

He was a gynecologist at the hospital and made eighty thousand a year.

Worried he would end up old and alone, Emmanuel's mother urged him to settle down. Since he had no idea where to begin when it came to dating, his mother took matters into her own hands and set him up on multiple blind dates.

Thanks to her efforts, he had gone on seventeen blind dates so far.

Alas, wedding bells were clearly not on the horizon for Emmanuel. It was frustrating. He knew he was just going through the motions at that point.

“Help! Someone help me!”

Right before Emmanuel entered the café, he heard someone calling out weakly for help.

The cries came from an old man who had fallen on the roadside. Many pedestrians walked past him, but no one dared to stop and help him to his feet.

After all, helping the old man could be more trouble than it was worth if one ended up with an expensive lawsuit for injuring him further. No one would do something that risky and foolish.

It did not deter Emmanuel from stepping forward and helping the man to his feet. He asked, “Are you all right, sir?”

“I'm fine! Thank you so much, young man! It's so hard to find people as kind as you these days. I must repay you for your kindness!” replied the old man with a smile.

Emmanuel realized then that the old man's attire was at odds with his airs. Despite his tattered clothes, the old man's clean hands looked like those of a man accustomed to wealth.

Still, he had no time to satisfy his curiosity. After confirming that the old man was unharmed, Emmanuel rushed into the café for his blind date. He never once considered being repaid for his kind act earlier.

The café was massive and practically structured like a maze.

Emmanuel's mother mentioned that his blind date was seated at table number eight. He wandered through the confusing café, but before he could locate the correct table, he stumbled into a special area.

The lighting was softer there, and the floor was scattered with fresh petals.

The sweet scent of flowers wafted through the air. He wondered if he had set foot in heaven.

Emmanuel raised his eyes and immediately froze.

A beautiful, elegant woman sat before a table in the room.

It was no exaggeration to say she embodied perfection itself.

The heavens clearly decided to shower all their favors on her.

The woman quietly sipped her coffee with her legs crossed neatly to the side. On the table was a non-translated copy of The Power Broker.

When she noticed Emmanuel barging into the room, she looked up at him in confusion and displeasure.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

When Emmanuel recovered from the shock of stumbling upon the beautiful stranger, he realized his heart was about to beat its way out of his chest.

Never once had he ever felt so attracted to a woman in his twenty-eight years of life.

The countless female bodies he had seen in his work as a gynecologist hardly appealed to him. At some point, he even wondered if he was attracted to women at all.

Against all odds, it seemed, the young woman before him made his heart race like a runaway horse.

Am I simply nervous, or am I already attracted to her?

More surprisingly, Emmanuel noticed a large number eight sign on the woman's table.

She's my blind date?

He took a deep breath to calm himself before approaching her table and taking a seat opposite her.

The young woman's expression grew increasingly flabbergasted. There was even a hint of hostility in her pretty eyes.

The audacity of this man! Barging into my private room is bad enough, but he's going to sit opposite me like it's nobody's business?

Emmanuel ignored her expression. It was not the first time a woman had scoffed at him.

They were free to go their separate ways after getting the blind date done and over with.

He introduced himself, declaring, “Hi! My name is Emmanuel Lowe. I'm twenty-eight years old, and I work as a gynecologist. I make eighty thousand a year and don't own a car or a house.”

Any man would need an incredible amount of courage to say such things to a woman, but Emmanuel appeared unusually calm and unfazed.

The young woman stared at him in shock. A moment later, her lips curved into a smirk, and she replied with an introduction of her own.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Mackenzie Quillen. I'm twenty-seven years old with dual doctorates in finance and business administration from Harvard University. I made three billion last year, and I have a car and a house.”

Emmanuel was stunned.

What is happening?

He always thought women on blind dates came with red flags.

Mackenzie, however, was arguably flawless.

Where's the catch?

All sorts of fantastical theories filled Emmanuel's mind.

Mackenzie smirked at his perplexed expression. The pride in her cool gaze was evident.

She deliberately introduced herself to put the stranger in a difficult spot and intimidate him into retreating.

As expected, awkward silence lingered in the air after her words.

Urgh, forget it!

Whether Mackenzie was telling the truth was beside the point. Emmanuel decided to go through all the motions so he could at least mollify his mother, even if the date did not result in a trip to the altar.

He declared, “I don't make much, but if you decide to date me, I promise I'll always protect and cherish you. I'll take over all the household chores so you can be a queen at home. Of course, I hope you'll allow me to preserve my masculine pride in front of my family. If we do get married, I can give you about five to six thousand every month.”

It was a well-worn script that Emmanuel recited in a single breath.

Mackenzie was dumbfounded at his earnest expression and apparent lack of shame at his much lower salary.

A long while later, she burst into a chuckle.

She had never met a man who could humor her so.

“What are you laughing about?” Unimpressed by her reaction, Emmanuel continued, “I know I don't check all the boxes, but I promise I'll be a good and responsible husband if we're married!”


Mackenzie failed to keep in her snigger.

An annoyed Emmanuel demanded, “Why are you laughing, Ms. Quillen? Don't you think you're being rather rude?”

“Sir, you're a very good man!” Mackenzie stopped smiling and retorted coldly, “But I think you're the confused one here. I'm not here for a blind date!”

Huh? What is going on?

Emmanuel's eyes widened in horror as he sputtered, “Isn't this table number eight?”

“Yes, but this is the VIP area. You must be looking for table number eight in the common dining area. Please go out and turn right!” She pointed a slender finger at the exit.

“Oh... Sorry! I'm so sorry! I mixed things up!”

Emmanuel wished he could sink into the floor in embarrassment. He jumped to his feet, ready to make a hasty escape.

That was so embarrassing! How could I sit at the wrong table for a blind date? No wonder she was laughing so much. She must have thought I was shooting above my weight!

Shortly after Emmanuel's departure, an old man entered Mackenzie's private room, escorted by four black-clad bodyguards.

Emmanuel would have been astonished if he was still around. The old man was none other than the stranger he had helped earlier in front of the café!

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Aug 28, 2024 - Aug 29, 2024
Yang Yuting was dead.

As the ancestor of the cultivation world, she sacrificed her divine soul to save the world and all beings.

When she opened her eyes again, she felt like she was soaking in warm water.

There was a glimmer of light up ahead.

And faintly, she could hear, "Inhale … Exhale … "

"Madam, push harder. We'll see the baby's head soon."

Yang Yuting barely had time to react before she was swept away by the warm water, finding herself in a flood of bright light that made her squint.

She tried to say something but realized her throat was gripped tightly.

There was a loud crash as someone collapsed to the ground.

"Madam, it's a girl, but … " The midwife's words came out hesitantly, almost stuttering.

Then, with a sigh, as if resigned to a sad truth, "The baby doesn't have a heartbeat. She's stillborn!" The midwife knelt shakily on the ground, covering Yang Yuting's mouth and nose tightly with her hands.

"It's probably because the labor took too long, and the baby couldn't breathe," the old nanny said, kneeling behind the midwife with tears in her eyes.

Looking pale and now even more scared and upset, the lady on the bed widened her eyes in disbelief. "A stillborn? I don't believe it! Bring her over here quickly. Let me see!"

The maid beside her, her eyes red from crying, pleaded, "Madam, please don't look. Once you see, you'll never forget it, and you'll never be able to get over it."

"I'm sorry, Mingrui. I let the people of the Yang family down. Old Madam prays for the child's safety every day in the little shrine." She had three sons and only one daughter.

Zhang Ling couldn't stop her tears, her face full of anguish.

Yang Yuting's breathing quickened, her face turning red from being covered.

Mingrui? Yang family?

Yang Mingrui?!

Isn't that the character I read in the novel during my free time?

In the novel, the Yang family, known for their loyalty and bravery, had a wife who gave birth to three sons and one daughter, but sadly, the youngest daughter passed away early.

Zhang Ling believed she had a happy marriage and good relations with her mother-in-law, but little did she know that it was all a huge lie from the start!

She has deceived her entire life!

Yang Mingrui had been in love with his cousin since childhood, but he never married her because her family was of low social status and wouldn't benefit his career.

Instead, he kept her elsewhere.

He married Zhang Ling, a high-born woman, and they had three sons and a daughter together.

After marriage, the whole family manipulated her, using the Zhang family's influence to climb the social leader while forcing her to cut ties with her own family.

Their youngest daughter died at birth, so Yang Mingrui let her raise his concubine's daughter as if she were her own.

Zhang Ling raised the foster daughter with care, but the foster daughter framed her for treason in the end. Yang Mingrui personally accused Zhang Ling of being involved in her family's treason, leading to the execution of over a hundred members of the Zhang family!

Meanwhile, Yang Mingrui and his family were unharmed for their commendable report.

Eventually, he married his cousin, and their illegitimate daughter was acknowledged as legitimate.

The foster daughter inherited all her property and married the male lead, living happily ever after.

Yang Yuting thought, Oh, I'm the baby who died young.

Being born was just a death sentence!

"Madam, we don't bury stillborn babies in the family tomb. Let me take care of it downstairs to spare you the pain of seeing it," the nanny said, her head bowed, slowly backing away towards the door.

Yang Yuting tried to struggle, but she was held tightly, her body turning purple, unable to move.

Her breath became weaker and weaker, with a hint of purple appearing on her cheeks.

Stillborn? You're the stillborn one! Your whole family is! I'm still alive …

Mother ...

The faint sound of a baby's cry made the wife of Marquess Yang open her eyes.

Chapter 2 She Could Hear It

Am I hearing things?

There's no baby in this room, is there?

Then, her eyes landed on the only baby in the room.

'Dear Mother, I still have a chance. Hurry up! Save me … ' Yang Yuting was just about to be taken out of the delivery room.

"Wait!" Her mother suddenly spoke up.

"Bring the baby over here." Zhang Ling sat up straight, her tears still apparent on her face, but her expression was stern.

The nanny and the midwife exchanged a glance, frozen in place.

"Madam, a dead baby brings bad luck. It might bring bad luck to you." The two of them knelt on the ground.

"Hu Yue, bring the baby here quickly!" Zhang Ling's heart was racing, and she felt unsettled, as if she was about to lose something.

In her haste, she got off the delivery bed.

Feeling weak, she almost stumbled to the ground.

The maid, Hu Yue, hurried to pick up the baby. "Madam, please lie down. Let me do it! You've just been through a lot. You can't risk moving around."

As she held the baby close, she felt the warmth radiating from her tiny body. Her whole frame shook as she glanced down.

Suddenly, she saw the baby's face, purple and bruised, with marks around her neck that stood out.


"Miss is alive!"

Hu Yue exclaimed, quickly taking the baby back.

Zhang Ling lowered her gaze to see her daughter tearfully looking up at her.

Tears streamed down her face as she coughed and cried at the same time.

"So unlucky … Sob, sob. So unlucky. Strangled right after birth … Cough, cough."

The scariest thing wasn't being strangled.

But the entire family was being wiped out!

If she didn't die now, she'd die sooner or later!

A threat hung over her head, ready to wipe out her entire family.

D*mn! Life was as bitter as bitter gourd!

It seemed like she had been reborn, as if her nature was gradually returning to its origin, truly resembling a newborn baby.

Zhang Ling's hands trembled, her body slightly stiff, both shocked and scared.

"D*mn it! Who gave you the guts to lay hands on the child!" Zhang Ling was weak but couldn't help but kick the nanny hard in the chest.

"Drag them away. Interrogate them thoroughly!"

"Miss Yang suffered unjustly since birth. Interrogate that old woman thoroughly to find out who sent her! Madam had never made enemies with anyone, yet someone dared to be so ruthless!" Hu Yue trembled with anger. They almost strangled Miss Yang to death.

Just thinking about it sent shivers down her spine!

The two of them were dragged away, wailing and screaming.

Zhang Ling lowered her head to look at her daughter in her arms. She had given birth to three children, but none of them were as fair and delicate as the one in her arms.

Her eyes were big and teary, and when she looked at her mother, she grinned with her toothless mouth, showing her gums, smiling with her eyebrows raised.

Her child was nearly harmed right under her nose.

'Mother is so pretty, so beautiful … Mother, kiss.'

Is the voice I heard just my imagination?

The voice was intermittent, somewhat unclear, and a bit fuzzy.

Sometimes, she could hear it, and sometimes, it was unclear.

She observed the maid's expression, and it seemed only she could hear it.

'Thank goodness Mother saved me. Or you'd be raising the enemy's daughter. Then she'd kill you … ' Yang Yuting blew a bubble.

Chapter 3 He's Lying

In the original story, after losing her own baby, Zhang Ling fell into despair. Yang Mingrui then took the female lead home and let his wife raise her as her own daughter.

The evidence of treason was also framed by the female lead.

It was a devastating blow to Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling only faintly heard about the "enemy's daughter" and "kill", which almost made her drop the baby in shock.

She tried to listen again but couldn't make out anything further.

Zhang Ling looked up and asked, "Why hasn't Lord Yang come back yet?"

Several maids brought in herbal soup one after another, and some helped bathe Yang Yuting. But Zhang Ling was worried and didn't allow the child to be taken away from her sight. She only bathed the child in the small tub in the room.

Hu Yue smiled and said, "We sent someone to inform Lord Yang as soon as you were going to labor. The master loves you the most. Maybe he's been delayed by official matters."

In this city, who wouldn't envy the house of Marquess Yang?

The old Marquess died in battle early on, leaving the Old Madam Yang to raise several children on her own. The once grand house of Marquess Yang became an empty shell, but luckily, Yang Mingrui was promising. He achieved great things and inherited his father's title.

The only surprising thing was when a distant cousin from the Yang family showed up.

Rumour has it that she had been fond of Yang Mingrui for a long time and insisted on marrying him, even running into a pole to prove her determination.

At the time, Yang Mingrui was already engaged to Zhang Ling from the Zhang family, so he sent that cousin off to marry someone far away.

This became a topic of conversation over meals.

Zhang Ling came from a prestigious family. After marrying into the house of Marquess Yang, with support from her relatives, their household quickly rose to prominence.

Yang Mingrui and Zhang Ling were known as a loving couple in the capital, and they had a strong bond.

However, Zhang Ling had been drifting apart from her kin due to Yang Mingrui's disapproval.

Zhang Ling smiled and nodded. "You're probably right. He might be held up by important matters." She didn't doubt it for a moment.

"Miss Yang is living the good life here in the house of Marquess Yang. Lord Yang and Madam are deeply in love, and even Lord Yang's mother, who's usually so proud, treats the Madam sincerely." Hu Yue thought that Madam was probably the most enviable woman in the capital.

After Yang Yuting finished her bath, she waved her little hands around.

Babbling angrily.

'Liar! Father is a liar!'

He's been lying to Mother all along.

Mother is so pitiful ...

'Father is a bad guy! He's in the far corner of Cran Alley, waiting for his mistress to have a baby .' The little voice was filled with a sad tone.

Zhang Ling was stunned.

Cran Alley?

Waiting for his mistress to have a baby?!

I risked my life in the mansion, and he's waiting for his mistress to give birth.

Her years of love were shattered!

'His true love is giving birth to his baby right now … '

Zhang Ling's mind was in turmoil, and she was even feeling a bit lost.

She wanted to listen closely to what was happening with the mistress, but her daughter was young, and her thoughts were unclear. Moreover, her thoughts were wandering, so she could only try to pick out useful information.

That day almost overturned all her beliefs.

Her daughter was strangled after she gave birth, and she could hear her daughter's thoughts.

And …

Her husband was waiting for his mistress to give birth!

Zhang Ling's heart raced. In the more than ten years since she married into the Yang family, she had never had a disagreement or a conflict with them.

She thought she had married the best man in the world.

But now, finding out about his mistress, her first instinct was to resist.

Is my husband, who I have cherished, actually lying to me?
📚📚The Whispers of A Baby🥰📚📚The Whispers of A Baby🥰
The novels
The novels
Aug 28, 2024 - Aug 29, 2024
A Night of Absurdities✨✨

"Anastasia, help! I've been molested at the club!"

The desperate and helpless sound of her best friend's voice was the only thing on Anastasia Tillman's mind as she rushed over to the clubhouse.

Room 808. Anastasia looked up at the number plaque on the door of the private room. It was the same room number that her best friend, Hayley Seymour, had texted her. Without another thought, she barged through the door to save her friend.

When the door swung open under her hand, she was greeted by the darkness within. Suddenly, a strong hand clasped around her wrist and dragged her into the dark room, followed by a loud thud as the door slammed shut.

"Hey—who are you, and what do you want?!" Anastasia shrieked, her eyes darting around wildly as she tried to make out her surroundings.

"Settle down, and I'll treat you well." A man's deep and husky voice spoke close to her ear.

The next second, Anastasia was unceremoniously tossed onto the couch, and before she could scramble to her feet, a lean and strong body pinned her down.

She let out a muffled cry when a pair of lips that tasted like peppermint captured hers.

The man on top of her felt burning hot to the touch. A sense of hopelessness brought tears to her eyes as she tried to struggle against the man, but in the end, she could do nothing but endure the man's ferocity.

An hour later, Anastasia staggered out of the room, looking disheveled. She had only just been through a nightmare, but that didn't distract her from worrying about her best friend's safety.

She was just about to call Hayley's number when she saw a group of men and women walking out the side door. Under the lights, she instantly recognized the two of the women in the group.

One happened to be Hayley, her best friend who had cried for help on the phone earlier, and the other was Anastasia's stepsister, Erica Tillman. The two girls walked side by side with their arms linked, as if they were the closest of friends.

Shock and rage colored Anastasia's features when she saw them. "Stop right there, Hayley!" she called out loudly over the distance as her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Upon hearing this, Hayley and Erica swiveled around to face her. Anastasia glowered at them, ashen-faced as she demanded of Hayley, "Why would you lie to me?!"

Hayley smirked. "It's not my fault that you're always so gullible, Anastasia."

"Did you have a good time with that gigolo back there?" Erica asked in a sing-song voice, smiling wickedly.

It was only then that Anastasia realized that both of them had set her up. The chastity she had held dear for the past nineteen years was now sacrificed for their despicable glee.

Presently, Hayley's eyes were frosty as she seethed, "Did you actually think I was your friend, Anastasia? I've been living in your shadow ever since we met! I hate you, and I want nothing more than to ruin that face of yours!"

Erica, on the other hand, swiftly interjected by mocking, "I have the proof I need to show Dad that you've been pimping yourself for money at the club. It won't be long until you're thrown out of the house!"

"You two—" Anastasia was so furious that she swayed. Her body was in tatters after the ordeal she had been through, and the collective weight of her friend's betrayal and her sister's cruelty nearly knocked her down.

"Let's go, Hayley! We don't want to be seen with trash, do we?" With her arm looped through Hayley's, Erica led her toward the sports car she had parked by the curb.

Three days later, at the Tillman Residence, a low male voice yelled out in rage, "You became an escort for money just because I wouldn't let you go abroad for your studies? How can I, Francis Tillman, be capable of having such a shameless daughter like you?"

"Dad, I didn't—"

"You didn't? But you did, Anastasia! How could you go to such shameless lengths? Did we starve you, or did we deprive you of anything? I can't believe you would pimp yourself to random strangers in a filthy clubhouse! For your sake, I hope you haven't brought any disease back to this house. Who knows what my daughter and I could have caught from you," the woman who was dressed in jewels and fine clothes sneered from where she sat on the couch.

"Dad, I really didn't do it. I—" Anastasia tried to explain herself.

However, Francis did not want to hear another word from her. He glowered at her maliciously as he snapped, "Still lying to me, I see. Get out of this home right now! I will not stand to have you under my roof. No daughter of mine could be so shameless. From now on, you are not my child!"

Meanwhile, on the staircase landing, Erica watched this scene play out as she leaned against the banister with her chin propped on her hand. Everything was going exactly the way she had planned. In a matter of minutes, Anastasia was going to be cast out of the house and wander around like some pathetic stray mutt.

Downstairs in the living room, Anastasia fell silent when she saw the thunderous and disappointed look on her father's face. She wordlessly rose from her seat and walked up the stairs to pack up her things.

She had only just rounded the landing when Erica barricaded her. With her arms crossed haughtily in front of her chest, the younger girl sneered, "Get out of here! Don't linger around like an eyesore. This house will never have a place for you ever again!"

Anastasia clenched her fists as she glowered at Erica's pleased expression.

Seeing the hatred and anger in Anastasia's eyes, Erica leaned forward. "What, do you want to slap me or something?" She turned her cheek toward the fuming girl and said smugly, "Go right ahead, then!"

Without holding back, Anastasia brought her hand down across Erica's face, resulting in a hard slap.

"Ah!" Erica let out a shrill cry. "You just hit me! Mom, Dad—Anastasia just hit me!" She howled as she bolted down the stairs.

Naomi Lowell quickly pulled her daughter into her arms and cried up the stairwell, "How dare you strike my daughter, Anastasia! What the hell are you playing at?!"

Francis glanced at the red imprints on Erica's cheek, and he had never been more disappointed in his life. When did my oldest daughter become so infuriatingly rebellious?

"Dad, it hurts..." Erica sobbed as she burrowed into her father's arms, taking in exaggerated deep breaths like she was in great pain.

"Get out of here, Anastasia!" Francis roared up the stairs.

Having packed up her things, Anastasia grabbed her passport and went down the stairs. Her heart grew stone-cold when she saw how her own father was holding Erica in his arms like she was something precious.

Anastasia knew then that she indeed had no place in his heart. Francis had only heard Erica's side of the story instead of asking Anastasia about the horrific incident she had endured last night.

Ever since her mother had passed, she had spent her years in this home living like an outsider, for her father had brought home his mistress and his illegitimate daughter to form a new family.

Anastasia's poor mother had never known about her husband's extra-marital affairs, not even in her death.

I will never come back to this place ever again.

Inside the house, Erica watched as Anastasia dragged her suitcase out the front door, and a wicked smile curled on her lips. I finally got rid of that useless eyesore!

Five years later, a knock came on the front door of an apartment in Dansbury.

The woman living in the apartment had been poring over her designs when she heard the knock. A little bewildered, she walked up to the door and pulled it open unhappily. When she saw the two Asian men in suits, she asked in Chinese, "Who are you looking for?"

"Are you Miss Anastasia Tillman?" one of the two men asked in English.

"I am. And you are?" Anastasia pressed.

"We were asked to look for you. Your mother, Amelia Chapman, saved our young master's life back in the day. The old madam whom we serve wishes to see you."

She frowned at this. "Who's the old madam you serve?"

"Old Madam Presgrave," the first man answered respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Anastasia understood what had brought these men here. Old Madam Presgrave was the woman behind the Presgrave Group, the foremost conglomerate in the country. Years ago, Anastasia's mother had sacrificed her life to save Old Madam Presgrave's oldest grandson.

It gave Anastasia great pride to have been born to a police officer as capable and righteous as Amelia.

"I'm sorry, but I don't intend to see her," Anastasia said decidedly. She had a feeling that the Presgraves wanted to repay Amelia's great deed, but she had no plans of accepting their gesture whatsoever.

Just then, a childish and curious voice sounded from somewhere inside the apartment, asking, "Mommy, who is it?"

"No one," Anastasia replied hastily. Then, she turned to address the men at the door, "Sorry, but I'm really not in a mood for guests at the moment."

With that, she closed the door.

Meanwhile, back in the country, a man was seated on the couch inside the villa tucked halfway up the hill. "Have you tracked her down?"

"Yes, Young Master Elliot. The girl from the clubhouse five years ago just sold off your watch at the second-hand market."

"Find her," said the man on the couch, his voice deep and authoritative.

"Yes, sir!"

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Aug 28, 2024 - Present
Chapter 1 A Horrible Death

In the confines of the Restricted Intensive Care Unit of the Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Calista Stafford lay in the ward for patients with a Level Four virus, numerous tubes sticking out of her body. The pain had tortured her so much that she no longer looked like her old self, and she was close to breathing her last. She clutched the bed sheets tightly with her claw like nails as she looked straight at the woman seated in front of her.

“Everyone else with the K virus died within a month. But you didn’t just survive. You even managed to contain your virus. What a perfect living specimen! How does it feel just living from day to day for the past three years? Not bad right?”

Her evil words were a total contrast to her beautiful face. Others visited her because she was ill, but Quincy Stafford was here to kill her. She took out a syringe full of a clear, light-yellow liquid.

“Oh look, here’s the antiserum that the researchers finally created yesterday! You’ve been hanging on for dear life just for this, right? They’ve grown so attached to you over the past three years, the moment the testing was complete, the research team made sure there was one prepared for you. Once you receive this injection, you can get well! Do you want this jab? My dearest elder sister?”

Yes! Of course, I want it! Calista thought to herself as she closed her eyes and tried to hide the despair she felt.

Calista wanted this antiserum badly, but she knew that her sister would kill her the day the antiserum was created. She was certain of this – after all it was Quincy who gave her this virus in the first place!

Not only did she get this virus, also simply known as the K virus – she had lived her entire life under Quincy’s thumb. Quincy barely understood anything about medical science, and she was now a beautiful and renowned genius doctor in high demand only because she had stolen everything important from her.

Every time she thought about how she had merely become Quincy’s steppingstone to her current success, it nearly drove her to death. But she did not want to die – she wanted revenge! When the researchers saw her strong will to live, they said she was such an altruistic person, sacrificing herself for the rest of the world.

She was being self-sacrificing? What nonsense!

She clung on despite the terrible pain for the past three years, because she hoped they would be able to quickly create an antiserum. The research team finally they had a breakthrough yesterday! The antiserum was finally created, but now Quincy was wickedly teasing her with this very thing that could save her life.

She felt her anger boiling up inside of her, and the sheer amount of hate within her weak body surprised her.

Quincy saw that she had shut her eyes and ignored her words, so she went straight to the point.

“My dear sister, I know you don’t want to die, and actually I’m not afraid of you returning to the medical field because nobody will believe you anymore. Tell you what, if you tell me the code to unlock the safe of your research lab, I’ll inject you with this antiserum immediately, and then send you overseas to live quietly. How about that?”

Calista opened her eyes upon hearing these words, and with an unsteady voice, she uttered her first words, “This is the first time…I have come across…someone…so…shameless!”

Taking away everything she had was not enough, and now before killing her, Quincy still wanted to cheat her of the last thing that made her life worthwhile! Dream on, thought Calista to herself.

“You’re not going to tell me?”

There was an evil glint in her eye as Quincy waved the syringe in her hand, and she threatened her, “What is more important to you than your own life? Didn’t you hang on just for this antiserum?”

Calista laughed coldly and ignored her question.

Seeing that this did not do the trick, Quincy decided to pull out her trump card.

“I suppose you don’t know yet huh. Mr. Kallum is getting engaged today, and his partner is that childhood friend, Mirabelle! That despicable woman! She teamed up with me to gang up against you and did so many terrible things to you – don’t you want to live on and get back at her?”

The words ‘Mr. Kallum’ pierced deeply through Calista’s heart.

Even though she had not heard this name in a very long time, it was still like a sharp sword that pierced easily through an old wound that refused to heal. She could tell that Quincy was filled with regret, because Quincy herself had always dreamed of marrying Kallum Fairchild, but was now beaten to it by Mirabelle Yost. She was full of regret, and she regretted it every single day.

If she had been more alert and saw through Quincy earlier, she would not be in this terrible situation now.

If she did not fall in love with that man and did everything in her power to keep their engagement, then she would not have been attacked time and again, suffering physical and emotional hurt and even nearly being raped!

It was a recurring nightmare of regret, hate and finally despair. Was it wrong to love someone? Was it wrong to show kindness? How did she end up in this state?

“Just kill me…you liar! I know…that syringe…contains poison!” Calista shouted agitatedly, as if she was possessed. She knew that she was doomed to die from the moment Quincy entered the room, because Quincy was only going to lie to her, demean her, and finally kill her.

Upon seeing that Calista would rather die than to tell her the code, Quincy’s face darkened and her anger began to rise.

Nothing went well for her lately – that filthy Mirabelle had stolen the love of her life, and now this useless lowlife dared to go against her?

“Since you’d rather die, I’ll send you on your way! You think I can’t survive without you?”

With that, she got up and marched towards Calista, raising her hand to inject Calista with the deadly syringe. The poison in the syringe would only need ten seconds to kill Calista, and it would look like she died naturally.

Once Calista is dead, nobody in the world would be able to expose my evil deeds, thought Quincy to herself, eyes full of evil intent, not noticing the spark in the eyes of the weak woman lying on the bed.

Suddenly, Calista bolted up from the bed and ripped out the needles from her arm that connected her to various life support machines. She grabbed Quincy’s hand with all her might and pushed the syringe the other way, piercing it right into Quincy’s arm.


Quincy’s eyes opened wide in terror. The next thing she knew, the syringe was empty. She tried calling for help but felt her body go weak and staggered back several steps.

She couldn’t believe it – Calista was practically breathing her last just a moment ago!

The alarm sounded as a result of her pulling all the needles out, but Calista did not care. She finally had her revenge!

She watched as Quincy clutched her own neck and fell to the floor, her eyes wide open, the blood on her hands reflected in her terrified pupils. This was her retribution!

An indescribable feeling of joy surged through Calista’s body, and the smile on her face grew wider and wider, and she looked more and more frightening.

She was so grateful that Grandpa had forced her to train her body since she was young, so she was able to exert this amount of strength despite being in such a weak state. She had avenged herself!

Now she realized that fighting back was not so hard after all.

The room started spinning as the alarm rang in her ears continuously, and Calista fell back onto the bed. She wanted someone to save her. She wanted to survive this ordeal and start her life all over again. She was determined not to be passive anymore and not to be a weakling again, but to boldly live her life and live true to herself!

As she began to lose consciousness, she could hear people rushing into the room.

If she survived, she would no longer be tied down by family who did not love her, she would not fall in love with the same man, and she would only love herself. As long as she could live on…

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Aug 28, 2024 - Aug 29, 2024
“Who extracted the bullet for you, Mr. Tristan?”
The doctor at Horington General Hospital was stunned after examining Tristan's wound.
Despite being the head surgeon of Horington General Hospital, he would have felt apprehensive about the surgery due to the bullet's proximity to the heart.
However, whoever extracted the bullet had not only took out the bullet but also left the heart unharmed.
Given that the doctor was known as the best surgeon in Horington, it never crossed his mind that there would be someone out there who was more skilled than him.
“I don't know.” Even Tristan was curious to know who saved him.
Just a few hours ago, more than ten men were attacking Tristan. Then out of nowhere, a teenage girl appeared on her bicycle.
She went on to defeat all of them with her bare hands and saved him.
“I'm leaving. No need to thank me,” the girl said to Tristan before leaving.
It would have been hard to imagine that the girl would lead him to the medical lab of Horington University, where she skillfully extracted the bullet from his wound and even managed to send a message to his subordinate, Felix.
Upon receiving the message, Felix hurriedly made his way toward the medical lab.
As he burst into the room, shock and worry coursed through his veins, for he was met with the sight of Tristan lying on the operating table.
“Mr. Tristan, who brought you here?” Felix was struggling to comprehend the situation unfolding before him.
Who is it that has the gall to court death? Do they know who the person lying on the operating table is? He's Tristan Lombard, scion of the Lombard family of Jipsdale. No one in the city would ever dare offend him, and if anything were to happen to him, many in Jipsdale would have to pay with their lives.
“The enemy has grown restless and resorted to hiring mercenaries to end my life. I want you to investigate and find the person who saved me.” Tristan calmly issued his instructions to Felix.
“Sophie, I am utterly appalled by your disgraceful actions. You brought shame upon the family. I cannot fathom why you refuse to show any remorse,” scolded Charmaine, her voice filled with disappointment and anger.
Five years ago, Sophie was the youngest daughter of the Tanner family.
Rumor had it that she cohabitated with a street hoodlum in eighth grade and aborted the baby they had.
Believing in the rumors, the Tanner family not only severed ties with her but also exiled her to Horington.
In the eyes of her teachers and schoolmates, Sophie was nothing but a delinquent.
Setting aside the fact that her grades were bad, she also had a penchant for causing trouble at school. Her behavior had eroded any trust her mother had in her.
Nevertheless, Sophie was indifferent to others' opinions and judgments.
On her way home one night after self-studying, Sophie stumbled upon a chaotic scene where a group of men was engaged in a fierce brawl.
If it wasn't because they were blocking her way, she wouldn't have bothered to stick her nose in their business.
As Sophie swiftly incapacitated over ten men and pushed aside those obstructing her path, a severely wounded man managed to grab hold of her.
Fine, I guess I'll be a good guy and help you out.
Sophie carried him to the medical lab at Horington University, extracting the bullet lodged in his body. Thereafter, she even sent a message to the man's subordinate.
However, she could never have anticipated that the man she had rescued would cross paths with her just a few days later.
“I'm Tristan Lombard of Lombard Group, and I need your help.”
“What could you possibly want from a delinquent like me?” Sophie asked.
“Others may not understand you, but I'm different.”
Tristan knew better than anyone else that the eighteen-year-old girl who bested a group of mercenaries and was skilled in surgery had another identity—Phantom, a renowned member of the hacker alliance called Wings of Light, known as the most skilled hacker in the world.

Title"Pursuing Her"
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The novels
The novels
Aug 28, 2024 - Aug 29, 2024
Yang Yuting was dead.

As the ancestor of the cultivation world, she sacrificed her divine soul to save the world and all beings.

When she opened her eyes again, she felt like she was soaking in warm water.

There was a glimmer of light up ahead.

And faintly, she could hear, "Inhale … Exhale … "

"Madam, push harder. We'll see the baby's head soon."

Yang Yuting barely had time to react before she was swept away by the warm water, finding herself in a flood of bright light that made her squint.

She tried to say something but realized her throat was gripped tightly.

There was a loud crash as someone collapsed to the ground.

"Madam, it's a girl, but … " The midwife's words came out hesitantly, almost stuttering.

Then, with a sigh, as if resigned to a sad truth, "The baby doesn't have a heartbeat. She's stillborn!" The midwife knelt shakily on the ground, covering Yang Yuting's mouth and nose tightly with her hands.

"It's probably because the labor took too long, and the baby couldn't breathe," the old nanny said, kneeling behind the midwife with tears in her eyes.

Looking pale and now even more scared and upset, the lady on the bed widened her eyes in disbelief. "A stillborn? I don't believe it! Bring her over here quickly. Let me see!"

The maid beside her, her eyes red from crying, pleaded, "Madam, please don't look. Once you see, you'll never forget it, and you'll never be able to get over it."

"I'm sorry, Mingrui. I let the people of the Yang family down. Old Madam prays for the child's safety every day in the little shrine." She had three sons and only one daughter.

Zhang Ling couldn't stop her tears, her face full of anguish.

Yang Yuting's breathing quickened, her face turning red from being covered.

Mingrui? Yang family?

Yang Mingrui?!

Isn't that the character I read in the novel during my free time?

In the novel, the Yang family, known for their loyalty and bravery, had a wife who gave birth to three sons and one daughter, but sadly, the youngest daughter passed away early.

Zhang Ling believed she had a happy marriage and good relations with her mother-in-law, but little did she know that it was all a huge lie from the start!

She has deceived her entire life!

Yang Mingrui had been in love with his cousin since childhood, but he never married her because her family was of low social status and wouldn't benefit his career.

Instead, he kept her elsewhere.

He married Zhang Ling, a high-born woman, and they had three sons and a daughter together.

After marriage, the whole family manipulated her, using the Zhang family's influence to climb the social leader while forcing her to cut ties with her own family.

Their youngest daughter died at birth, so Yang Mingrui let her raise his concubine's daughter as if she were her own.

Zhang Ling raised the foster daughter with care, but the foster daughter framed her for treason in the end. Yang Mingrui personally accused Zhang Ling of being involved in her family's treason, leading to the execution of over a hundred members of the Zhang family!

Meanwhile, Yang Mingrui and his family were unharmed for their commendable report.

Eventually, he married his cousin, and their illegitimate daughter was acknowledged as legitimate.

The foster daughter inherited all her property and married the male lead, living happily ever after.

Yang Yuting thought, Oh, I'm the baby who died young.

Being born was just a death sentence!

"Madam, we don't bury stillborn babies in the family tomb. Let me take care of it downstairs to spare you the pain of seeing it," the nanny said, her head bowed, slowly backing away towards the door.

Yang Yuting tried to struggle, but she was held tightly, her body turning purple, unable to move.

Her breath became weaker and weaker, with a hint of purple appearing on her cheeks.

Stillborn? You're the stillborn one! Your whole family is! I'm still alive …

Mother ...

The faint sound of a baby's cry made the wife of Marquess Yang open her eyes.

Chapter 2 She Could Hear It

Am I hearing things?

There's no baby in this room, is there?

Then, her eyes landed on the only baby in the room.

'Dear Mother, I still have a chance. Hurry up! Save me … ' Yang Yuting was just about to be taken out of the delivery room.

"Wait!" Her mother suddenly spoke up.

"Bring the baby over here." Zhang Ling sat up straight, her tears still apparent on her face, but her expression was stern.

The nanny and the midwife exchanged a glance, frozen in place.

"Madam, a dead baby brings bad luck. It might bring bad luck to you." The two of them knelt on the ground.

"Hu Yue, bring the baby here quickly!" Zhang Ling's heart was racing, and she felt unsettled, as if she was about to lose something.

In her haste, she got off the delivery bed.

Feeling weak, she almost stumbled to the ground.

The maid, Hu Yue, hurried to pick up the baby. "Madam, please lie down. Let me do it! You've just been through a lot. You can't risk moving around."

As she held the baby close, she felt the warmth radiating from her tiny body. Her whole frame shook as she glanced down.

Suddenly, she saw the baby's face, purple and bruised, with marks around her neck that stood out.


"Miss is alive!"

Hu Yue exclaimed, quickly taking the baby back.

Zhang Ling lowered her gaze to see her daughter tearfully looking up at her.

Tears streamed down her face as she coughed and cried at the same time.

"So unlucky … Sob, sob. So unlucky. Strangled right after birth … Cough, cough."

The scariest thing wasn't being strangled.

But the entire family was being wiped out!

If she didn't die now, she'd die sooner or later!

A threat hung over her head, ready to wipe out her entire family.

D*mn! Life was as bitter as bitter gourd!

It seemed like she had been reborn, as if her nature was gradually returning to its origin, truly resembling a newborn baby.

Zhang Ling's hands trembled, her body slightly stiff, both shocked and scared.

"D*mn it! Who gave you the guts to lay hands on the child!" Zhang Ling was weak but couldn't help but kick the nanny hard in the chest.

"Drag them away. Interrogate them thoroughly!"

"Miss Yang suffered unjustly since birth. Interrogate that old woman thoroughly to find out who sent her! Madam had never made enemies with anyone, yet someone dared to be so ruthless!" Hu Yue trembled with anger. They almost strangled Miss Yang to death.

Just thinking about it sent shivers down her spine!

The two of them were dragged away, wailing and screaming.

Zhang Ling lowered her head to look at her daughter in her arms. She had given birth to three children, but none of them were as fair and delicate as the one in her arms.

Her eyes were big and teary, and when she looked at her mother, she grinned with her toothless mouth, showing her gums, smiling with her eyebrows raised.

Her child was nearly harmed right under her nose.

'Mother is so pretty, so beautiful … Mother, kiss.'

Is the voice I heard just my imagination?

The voice was intermittent, somewhat unclear, and a bit fuzzy.

Sometimes, she could hear it, and sometimes, it was unclear.

She observed the maid's expression, and it seemed only she could hear it.

'Thank goodness Mother saved me. Or you'd be raising the enemy's daughter. Then she'd kill you … ' Yang Yuting blew a bubble.

Chapter 3 He's Lying

In the original story, after losing her own baby, Zhang Ling fell into despair. Yang Mingrui then took the female lead home and let his wife raise her as her own daughter.

The evidence of treason was also framed by the female lead.

It was a devastating blow to Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling only faintly heard about the "enemy's daughter" and "kill", which almost made her drop the baby in shock.

She tried to listen again but couldn't make out anything further.

Zhang Ling looked up and asked, "Why hasn't Lord Yang come back yet?"

Several maids brought in herbal soup one after another, and some helped bathe Yang Yuting. But Zhang Ling was worried and didn't allow the child to be taken away from her sight. She only bathed the child in the small tub in the room.

Hu Yue smiled and said, "We sent someone to inform Lord Yang as soon as you were going to labor. The master loves you the most. Maybe he's been delayed by official matters."

In this city, who wouldn't envy the house of Marquess Yang?
📚📚The Whispers of A Baby🥰📚📚The Whispers of A Baby🥰
The novels
The novels
Aug 28, 2024 - Present
Chapter 1 A Horrible Death

In the confines of the Restricted Intensive Care Unit of the Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Calista Stafford lay in the ward for patients with a Level Four virus, numerous tubes sticking out of her body. The pain had tortured her so much that she no longer looked like her old self, and she was close to breathing her last. She clutched the bed sheets tightly with her claw like nails as she looked straight at the woman seated in front of her.

“Everyone else with the K virus died within a month. But you didn’t just survive. You even managed to contain your virus. What a perfect living specimen! How does it feel just living from day to day for the past three years? Not bad right?”

Her evil words were a total contrast to her beautiful face. Others visited her because she was ill, but Quincy Stafford was here to kill her. She took out a syringe full of a clear, light-yellow liquid.

“Oh look, here’s the antiserum that the researchers finally created yesterday! You’ve been hanging on for dear life just for this, right? They’ve grown so attached to you over the past three years, the moment the testing was complete, the research team made sure there was one prepared for you. Once you receive this injection, you can get well! Do you want this jab? My dearest elder sister?”

Yes! Of course, I want it! Calista thought to herself as she closed her eyes and tried to hide the despair she felt.

Calista wanted this antiserum badly, but she knew that her sister would kill her the day the antiserum was created. She was certain of this – after all it was Quincy who gave her this virus in the first place!

Not only did she get this virus, also simply known as the K virus – she had lived her entire life under Quincy’s thumb. Quincy barely understood anything about medical science, and she was now a beautiful and renowned genius doctor in high demand only because she had stolen everything important from her.

Every time she thought about how she had merely become Quincy’s steppingstone to her current success, it nearly drove her to death. But she did not want to die – she wanted revenge! When the researchers saw her strong will to live, they said she was such an altruistic person, sacrificing herself for the rest of the world.

She was being self-sacrificing? What nonsense!

She clung on despite the terrible pain for the past three years, because she hoped they would be able to quickly create an antiserum. The research team finally they had a breakthrough yesterday! The antiserum was finally created, but now Quincy was wickedly teasing her with this very thing that could save her life.

She felt her anger boiling up inside of her, and the sheer amount of hate within her weak body surprised her.

Quincy saw that she had shut her eyes and ignored her words, so she went straight to the point.

“My dear sister, I know you don’t want to die, and actually I’m not afraid of you returning to the medical field because nobody will believe you anymore. Tell you what, if you tell me the code to unlock the safe of your research lab, I’ll inject you with this antiserum immediately, and then send you overseas to live quietly. How about that?”

Calista opened her eyes upon hearing these words, and with an unsteady voice, she uttered her first words, “This is the first time…I have come across…someone…so…shameless!”

Taking away everything she had was not enough, and now before killing her, Quincy still wanted to cheat her of the last thing that made her life worthwhile! Dream on, thought Calista to herself.

“You’re not going to tell me?”

There was an evil glint in her eye as Quincy waved the syringe in her hand, and she threatened her, “What is more important to you than your own life? Didn’t you hang on just for this antiserum?”

Calista laughed coldly and ignored her question.

Seeing that this did not do the trick, Quincy decided to pull out her trump card.

“I suppose you don’t know yet huh. Mr. Kallum is getting engaged today, and his partner is that childhood friend, Mirabelle! That despicable woman! She teamed up with me to gang up against you and did so many terrible things to you – don’t you want to live on and get back at her?”

The words ‘Mr. Kallum’ pierced deeply through Calista’s heart.

Even though she had not heard this name in a very long time, it was still like a sharp sword that pierced easily through an old wound that refused to heal. She could tell that Quincy was filled with regret, because Quincy herself had always dreamed of marrying Kallum Fairchild, but was now beaten to it by Mirabelle Yost. She was full of regret, and she regretted it every single day.

If she had been more alert and saw through Quincy earlier, she would not be in this terrible situation now.

If she did not fall in love with that man and did everything in her power to keep their engagement, then she would not have been attacked time and again, suffering physical and emotional hurt and even nearly being raped!

It was a recurring nightmare of regret, hate and finally despair. Was it wrong to love someone? Was it wrong to show kindness? How did she end up in this state?

“Just kill me…you liar! I know…that syringe…contains poison!” Calista shouted agitatedly, as if she was possessed. She knew that she was doomed to die from the moment Quincy entered the room, because Quincy was only going to lie to her, demean her, and finally kill her.

Upon seeing that Calista would rather die than to tell her the code, Quincy’s face darkened and her anger began to rise.

Nothing went well for her lately – that filthy Mirabelle had stolen the love of her life, and now this useless lowlife dared to go against her?

“Since you’d rather die, I’ll send you on your way! You think I can’t survive without you?”

With that, she got up and marched towards Calista, raising her hand to inject Calista with the deadly syringe. The poison in the syringe would only need ten seconds to kill Calista, and it would look like she died naturally.

Once Calista is dead, nobody in the world would be able to expose my evil deeds, thought Quincy to herself, eyes full of evil intent, not noticing the spark in the eyes of the weak woman lying on the bed.

Suddenly, Calista bolted up from the bed and ripped out the needles from her arm that connected her to various life support machines. She grabbed Quincy’s hand with all her might and pushed the syringe the other way, piercing it right into Quincy’s arm.


Quincy’s eyes opened wide in terror. The next thing she knew, the syringe was empty. She tried calling for help but felt her body go weak and staggered back several steps.

She couldn’t believe it – Calista was practically breathing her last just a moment ago!

The alarm sounded as a result of her pulling all the needles out, but Calista did not care. She finally had her revenge!

She watched as Quincy clutched her own neck and fell to the floor, her eyes wide open, the blood on her hands reflected in her terrified pupils. This was her retribution!

An indescribable feeling of joy surged through Calista’s body, and the smile on her face grew wider and wider, and she looked more and more frightening.

She was so grateful that Grandpa had forced her to train her body since she was young, so she was able to exert this amount of strength despite being in such a weak state. She had avenged herself!

Now she realized that fighting back was not so hard after all.

The room started spinning as the alarm rang in her ears continuously, and Calista fell back onto the bed. She wanted someone to save her. She wanted to survive this ordeal and start her life all over again. She was determined not to be passive anymore and not to be a weakling again, but to boldly live her life and live true to herself!

As she began to lose consciousness, she could hear people rushing into the room.

If she survived, she would no longer be tied down by family who did not love her, she would not fall in love with the same man, and she would only love herself. As long as she could live on…

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page.joyreadings.comHer Vengeful Rebirth!
The novels
The novels
Aug 28, 2024 - Aug 29, 2024
Chapter 1 Die Together


A solitary island, isolated from the world by the vast ocean.

A secret and inhumane underground laboratory lay hidden beneath this seemingly ordinary island.

In the research room filled with potions and high-tech equipment, the girl was no longer on the narrow single bed. Only four bloody handcuffs remained, hanging at the four corners of the bed.

"Blood Shadow is missing!"

The disappearance of the girl from the bed in the surveillance footage made the operator in front of the screen panic.

Upon hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the control room changed dramatically. Their eyes were all focused on the screen, the numerous small squares of surveillance footage of the girl, as if facing a formidable enemy.

They quickly searched for the girl's trace in the numerous small squares of surveillance footage but found no sign.

The guards, who had fallen in the corridor at some unknown time, threw them into chaos.

"Activate the security system to search for Blood Shadow immediately. We can't let her escape, or none of us will survive."

The system was activated. A vast blue projection filled with dense data appeared mid-air, resembling a sprawling net when it flickered.

"Quick, release the NT34 smoke. Use any feasible methods to capture her, regardless of the cost!"

Upon receiving the order, numerous spray devices appeared on the solid walls, releasing poisonous gas.

Numerous armed men in black with gas masks moved cautiously through the laboratory filled with poisonous gas.

The sound of necks being twisted and bones breaking echoed in the smoke, sending shivers down their spines. The screams were abruptly silenced.

Under the invisible smoke, bodies piled up.

"Notify Professor Luke and his team to enter the safe zone immediately."

"Zzz... " The equipment suddenly emitted several electric currents.

The next moment, all the equipment was destroyed. The electric current burned the operation table, sparking a burst of sparks, and the equipment emitted a burnt smell, causing everyone to retreat and stay away from the operation table.

The surveillance footage was completely destroyed. The entire laboratory lost its essential surveillance control, and the alarm sounded.

Everyone was horrified.

The communication device transmitted an urgent report. "All professors and researchers have been killed, and Professor Luke is missing."

"Blood Shadow must have killed Professor Luke!"

"Let's retreat. No one here can match Blood Shadow. Most of the genes have been successfully extracted. We have to take the data and run!"

"Let's make a decision quickly before Blood Shadow finds out!"

The control room was in chaos. The leader finally spoke, "Take all the data and evacuate immediately. Prepare to detonate. The higher-ups have ordered that once the gene extraction is successful. Blood Shadow must be killed."

Just then, with a "boom," the metal door of the control room was blasted open.

The entire laboratory shook, and the explosion temporarily deafened everyone. The flames mixed with metal fragments frightened them, causing them to duck and cover.

The door was in ruins.

From the ruins, a thin figure stepped forward, covered in blood, with a momentum that could destroy the world.

Everyone saw the newcomer when the smoke cleared as if they were witnessing a demon or death.

"She's Bl ... Blood Shadow."

The girl slowly raised her face. Her bloodthirsty eyes stared at the people in the control room who were scared to move.

Her long hair spread out, her gaze was as cold as a knife, and her stunning face covered in blood resembled a ghost of death.

That girl was the Blood Shadow they talked about.

A killer who dominated the world of assassins, making all other killers avoid her and causing high-ranking officials to tremble with fear.

She raised her arm slightly and discarded the object in her hand like trash.

When everyone saw what was rolling on the ground, their legs went so weak that it was Professor Luke's head.

It had been severed and rolled to the ground, with blood trailing wherever it went. The two wide-open eyes on the head didn't have time to close and stared at them. This scene gave everyone a suffocating feeling.

The leader regained his senses, trembling as he took out a black detonator and threatened, "Bl ... Blood Shadow, we have implanted a chip in your brain. As long as I detonate it, you will turn to ashes in thirty seconds. You'd better not act rashly."

The girl's cold voice slowly sounded, "Thirty seconds is enough to kill all of you."

"We are just following orders. It's Dark Shadow who wanted us to do this. Every debt has its debtor. Please let us go." Everyone immediately begged for mercy when they saw that Blood Shadow was not afraid.

Dark Shadow?

She laughed loudly, and a hint of mockery flowed in her bloodthirsty eyes, filled with hatred.

Dark Shadow, the largest and most potent assassin organisation in the world, cultivated one desperate killer after another through its brutal training methods.

And she, Blood Shadow, was one of them.

Unlike others, she was the only one Dark Shadow took when she was still an infant. She became the youngest yet most talented trainee in the entire Assassin organisation.

After thirteen years of abnormal training, she began undertaking one extreme mission after another when she was fourteen.

At seventeen, she secured the top spot on the world's assassin list under the "Blood Shadow" codename, a position no one could challenge.

In her six-year career as a top killer, she set one unbreakable record after another and held countless formidable identities. She became a legendary myth in the Dark Shadow and the Assassin world with zero defeats.

Even the retired men from the organisation were no match for her. Her talent was envied by others.

Because of her strength, the organisation began to fear her and wanted her death.

The organisation wanted to extract her genes to clone another, or even countless Blood Shadows, to replace her and serve the organisation.

She was not forced to come here, but voluntarily.

Out of gratitude for the organisation's years of nurturing, she was willing to provide part of her genes to strengthen the organisation.

But she didn't expect them to extract all her genes, clone an exact copy of her, and then kill her to eliminate any future trouble.

Blood Shadow couldn't help but shake her head.

Although she was strong enough to stand independently and lacked neither wealth nor power, she had never been disloyal to the organisation.

She didn't expect her terrifying growth rate would give the organisation ideas to use and kill her.

Blood Shadow laughed at herself when she thought about it.

The organisation had warned her not to have feelings since childhood. But in the end, her compassion was directed at her own people, and they hurt her.

She couldn't help but sigh, "Those who take cold-blooded ruthlessness to the extreme are still the people in the organisation."

Blood Shadow was momentarily distracted. The leader saw his chance and quietly pressed the detonator in his hand. Then he retreated.

Blood Shadow noticed his movement. With one look, she scared the leader into a panic.

She didn't move, but she also took out a detonator under the horrified gazes of everyone.

"Do you recognise this detonator? Professor Luke told me you buried a hundred pounds of TNT in the laboratory."

"Let's go to hell together."

Her voice sent shivers down their spines as it was filled with an icy coldness.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, she pressed the detonator.

The leader now regretted not immediately eliminating her, foolishly hoping to capture her and continue extracting all her genetic material.

With a resounding explosion, flames soared into the sky, and the wicked island sank to the ocean floor, taking with it the girl who had achieved countless triumphs in her life.

Chapter 2 Rebirth, Isabelle Jenkins

Norward City.

In a modest ward of the affiliated hospital.

"My daughter suffered a concussion from a fall, and your school is only willing to pay this much? What if she develops any long-term effects and can't continue her studies? Her life would be ruined. Who will take responsibility for that?! I'm telling you, if you don't pay at least fifteen thousand dollars today, we'll meet at the police station. I'll ensure everyone knows how your school handles these situations and that your school can't continue to operate."

"Mrs. Jenkins, can you please be reasonable? Your daughter is not a young child who needs constant supervision from teachers. Besides, your daughter fell down the stairs because she is overweight. The responsibility lies entirely with her. The school has done its best by paying half of the medical expenses.

"Your daughter's academic performance is poor. She is at the bottom of the class and lacks the motivation to improve. Moreover, she negatively impacts other students' studies. Students have complained to me more than once. A few days ago, she even started dating and brought breakfast to a male student, seriously damaging the school's atmosphere. That boy's parents have come to me."

With her hands on her hips, Eleanor Dawson said shrewishly, "So, you're saying that your school doesn't want to pay, right?"

The argument escalated.

Suddenly, a cold voice interrupted, "Shut up, all of you!"

Eleanor and her husband, the homeroom teacher, and the head teacher fell silent, looking at the overweight girl on the hospital bed.

Blood Shadow sat up from the bed and pressed her aching temples. The frail bed creaked under her movement.

The intense pain spread from the back of her head to her entire body, causing her to frown and adjust slowly.

Suddenly, Blood Shadow sensed something. Her massaging motion suddenly stopped. The next moment, she widened her eyes.

She didn't die?

She quickly scanned the ward. Her gaze fell on the four ordinary-looking people standing at the foot of her bed.

"Who are you?"

Blood Shadow's eyes narrowed when she spoke. This was not her voice. She immediately touched her throat but noticed the thick arm she had raised.

She furrowed her brow deeply.

What's going on?

The four people were stunned in response to her question.

Eleanor directly rushed at the teacher and made a fuss. She said, "Look at what my daughter has become. Your school only pays a small amount for medical expenses. You're simply inhuman and heartless!"

The homeroom teacher, a man in his forties wearing black glasses, was flustered. He replied, "Mrs. Jenkins, please calm down."

"Isabelle, I'm your dad. Don't you recognise me?"

"Isabelle, don't scare me. Are you still not fully awake? Take a good look at who we are."

However, the girl just stared at her thick arm.

At that moment, the TV reported, "A solitary island in Brookhaven exploded at 7.10 this morning ... "

Blood Shadow looked at the TV.

Before she could react, a flood of memories that didn't belong to her suddenly poured in, causing her to furrow her brow.

Eleanor was causing a fuss with the homeroom teacher over money while her husband and the head teacher expressed concern.

Her head was throbbing with pain. She couldn't bear it any longer and said, "All of you, please get out!"

"Stop making noise. Isabelle just woke up. Let her rest. If there's anything, let's talk outside." Isabelle's father finally stood up and called the incessantly loud Eleanor out of the ward.

The ward finally quieted down. Blood Shadow maintained an extraordinary calm and smelled the faint scent of disinfectant in the air.

Eleanor's loud voice echoed in the corridor outside.

Blood Shadow entered the bathroom and spent more than ten minutes looking at her unfamiliar face in the mirror. Her features were quite clear. Although her body was fat, her face was not too chubby, and her skin was fair and radiant.

If she lost weight, she would look pretty good.


After a while, the girl said that name in front of the mirror.

This name seemed to have a connection to her.

A soul rebirth?

This was not difficult to accept, as she had already witnessed many strange things.

After just standing for ten minutes, her body already felt strained. Her legs were weak, not only because of the impact on her head but also due to the lack of exercise, resulting in physical weakness.

Blood Shadow wanted to know how this body managed to be both bulky and frail.

What a pity. Her body, as strong as an iron wall, was blown to pieces. After years of intense training, it became food for the fish in the ocean in the end.

Blood Shadow closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she had fully embraced this new body and identity.


It sounded good. It's much more human than Blood Shadow.

She returned to the ward. The corridor outside was quiet. The doctor entered and brought the medical record to check on her. "Are you Isabelle?"

She lifted her bright eyes and responded, "Yes, that's me."

Taragon City, the Harris Residence.

In a study room decorated in a low-key yet luxurious manner, a man sat at his desk with a document in front of him.

"What a pity," that man murmured.

His voice was deep and magnetic, tinged with regret.

A moment later, he sighed again. "Such a waste of a genius." This time, his lament was more straightforward.

His gaze fell on the document. The name on it was "Blood Shadow."

This elusive genius assassin, whose gender was unknown to many, had most of her information displayed in front of this man.

Isabelle spent a night in the hospital and was urged by her mother, Eleanor, to go home early the following day.

"Quickly change your clothes, and let's go home. The school only slightly compensated us, and we can't afford your hospital bills."

Eleanor tossed the clothes she brought to Isabelle and constantly complained about the meagre compensation.

Isabelle's eyes were cold as she sat motionless on the hospital bed.

"Hurry up, what are you waiting for? I have to go to work soon. Will you make up for it if I'm late and they deduct my pay?"

She always talks about money.

Blood Shadow thought about how she had taken over Isabelle's body. She decided to tolerate this harsh and cheap mother.

After leaving the hospital, Eleanor left her and gave her thirty cents for the bus fare. She handed her the keys and went to work.

Relying on the original owner's memory, Isabelle returned to her home. Before she entered the residential area, she ran into a handsome boy.

That boy, who wore a blue and white school uniform, was full of youthful energy but a bit thin and silent.

Although Eleanor was mean, she possessed a remarkable beauty that contributed to her proud and arrogant demeanour.

The boy standing before her had inherited Eleanor's genes.

When that boy saw Isabelle, he stopped for a while. His gaze shifted to the bandage wrapped around her head.

Isabelle also observed him closely.

Perhaps the previous Isabelle had grown accustomed to being submissive and avoiding eye contact, so her behaviour made the boy frown in surprise.

He approached her, and Isabelle noticed a slight limp in his left foot.

Ethan didn't say a word, but as he passed by her, he handed her the object before continuing to school with his backpack.

Isabelle looked at the bun in her hand.

Her younger brother didn't inherit their mother's harsh nature.

A concussion is not a minor issue, and the doctor disagreed with Isabelle's discharge. However, Eleanor was too stingy to pay for the hospital stay. So, upon returning home, Isabelle did nothing but go straight to bed and sleep.

She slept until darkness fell.

"Fat pig, you truly are a pig reincarnated. All you do is eat and sleep all day. Why don't you just drop dead?"

When Isabelle opened her eyes, she saw Layla standing by her bed, glaring at her with disgust and hatred.

"What are you staring at? Get up and eat. Do you need someone to call you, even for a meal? Even a disabled person is more useful than you!" Layla said, turning to leave without wanting to spend another second in the room.

With such looks and character, she was indeed a spitting image of Eleanor.

Isabelle sat up and realised this family was quite abnormal, especially her supposed younger sister, Layla.

Isabelle, who had inherited the memories of the previous owner, knew all too well the extent of the bullying she had endured from this "loving sister."

She is young but has a wicked heart. She truly needed to be taught a lesson!

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The novels
Aug 28, 2024 - Aug 29, 2024
In her past life, she was betrayed and killed by those she trusted most. Now, in this life, they are begging for her forgiveness.
It was a scorching summer day.
Angela Kins wiped away her sweat, poured the chicken soup into a thermos, covered it, and made her way to Mercy Hospital.
As she reached the entrance of the ward, she overheard a conversation between a mother and daughter inside.

"Mom, how did I get this illness? If I can't find a kidney donor soon, I will die. What should I do?" It was her adopted sister, Fanny Kins. She was holding the examination report in her hand and burst into uncontrollable tears.

Their mother Scarlet Square, trying to console her, panicked and said, "Joseph is a doctor. He will pay more attention and find a kidney donor for you soon."

The Joseph Scarlet mentioned was one of Angela’s brothers.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to wait that long, Mom. I'm still young, I have children to raise, and I haven't properly taken care of you yet, I..." Fanny hesitated, but her meaning was clear—she didn't want to die.

After enduring so much hardship, there are still good days ahead. How could I die now?

She’s having such a serious illness but still thinking about filial piety, even more so than my real daughter Angela, thought Scarlet. She felt heartbroken. Suddenly, an idea struck her, and her eyes lit up.

"Right, Angela has gastric cancer anyway, and she is terminally ill. Why not have her donate her kidney? That way, she can finally do something for the family."

Fanny got the answer she wanted but still pretended to worry. "But she won't agree, and it won't be easy to explain to the brothers."

Scarlet held Fanny's hand and reassured her, "Just focus on the surgery. Your brothers love you so much, so they won't object. As for Angela, I have a plan."

Standing at the door, Angela heard the conversation inside and felt as if she had been plunged into an icy cave.

Over the years, as the newcomer to this family, she had tried hard to please them, working tirelessly in the family, playing the role of a sycophant to the fullest. But all she received in return was this.

When she was ten years old, the Kins Family discovered that she and Fanny were switched at birth, so they took her back from the village. Everyone thought her good days were about to begin, and she believed so, too.

However, due to the difference in environment, it was difficult for her to integrate into this family. Angela became cautious and worked hard to please every member of the family. Although she didn't gain their recognition, because of her sycophantic nature, she managed to maintain a relatively 'harmonious' relationship with the family members.

Angela had four older brothers, all of whom were outstanding and doted on their younger sister. However, the one being doted on was not Angela but the adopted girl, Fanny.

Whenever there’s a fight between Fanny and Angela and the former began crying, the entire family blamed Angela and demanded an apology from her, even though it wasn’t her fault in most cases. If Fanny made a mistake, it was all Angela's fault. If Fanny bumped into something, it was all Angela's doing...

Sometimes, Angela even thought that Fanny was the true family member, while she was just an outsider.

The Kins Family was one of the first to venture into business in the neighbothood, so their financial situation was quite good. However, as more and more people entered the business world, the family faced financial difficulties.

It was Angela who worked day and night to solve the financial crisis just to please her family. She exhausted herself and even fell ill, but instead of receiving their sympathy, they wished to take her life.

Angela laughed bitterly. She should have realized long ago that no matter how hard she tried over the years, she could never gain their care, not even a little bit.

Her stomach ached, and Angela's hand trembled, causing the thermos bottle in her hand to fall to the ground, interrupting the conversation between the mother and daughter inside. Footsteps came from inside, and Angela quickly turned and ran away, but due to the intensifying pain, she couldn't run fast.

Scarlet soon caught up with her at the stairwell. Seeing Angela in unbearable pain, she remained indifferent and said something that was indeed hurtful.

"Angela, listen to me. You don't have any attachments or worries. You have been diagnosed with gastric cancer, and your life is coming to an end. But Fanny is different. She has a family and children. You can't be so heartless and let her die!"

Angela laughed, tears streaming down her face. Her heart shattered into pieces.

The woman would ask her own daughter to sacrifice herself for her foster daughter. The doctor said I have discovered it early, and with proper treatment, a complete cure is certain, but my own mother wished for my death.

And she’s even claiming I’m heartless! How ridiculous! Fanny took everything that originally belonged to me. First, she took my parents' and four brothers' love, then she seized my fiancé and, together with one of my brother Christopher, took away my shares in the company. Now, they wouldn't even spare my life.

Seeing Angela remain silent, Scarlet reached out and grabbed her hand. Angela, still filled with anger, struggled forcefully but unexpectedly lost her balance and tumbled down the stairs.

Everything spun, and Angela crashed into the corner of the wall, spitting out blood and gradually losing consciousness.

Scarlet quickly rushed down, her face turning pale with fright.

But in the next moment, Scarlet's words struck Angela's heart harder than the physical pain.

Scarlet's eyes darkened. "Falling down from such a high staircase, wouldn't it affect the quality of her kidneys? With so much blood being vomited, she probably won't survive. That's good, though. Fanny’s illness can be saved."

Hearing these words, Angela stared at Scarlet with wide-open eyes, her hatred and unwillingness making it impossible for her to rest in peace, even in death.


When Angela opened her eyes again, she felt groggy and struggled for a while before finally seeing the scene in front of her clearly.

The mottled gray wall was adorned with a red cross, and there was a slightly old table next to the bed. A strong smell of medicine wafted into her nostrils, making her already throbbing head even heavier and dizzier.

Didn’t I fall from the stairs and did? Why am I in the hospital?

The red-painted wooden door was forcefully pushed open, causing the dust on the wall to fall continuously. Then, a group of people stormed in.

One of them was her father, George. He glanced at Angela and questioned, "Angela, why did you let those bullies harm Fanny? Didn’t you know that your actions could have endangered her life?"

Chapter 2 Demanding An Explanation

Upon hearing the news, Angela was initially stunned, and suddenly, some vague memories became clear.

In 2004, she was nineteen years old and had just started university. On the way home with Fanny, they encountered a few gangsters, and both of them were injured while resisting.

Although Angela was more seriously injured, her entire family thought it was all her fault and sought justice for Fanny instead.

Her forehead was cut open and stitched up, while Fanny only had a small bump on her forehead. However, Angela was accused of 'instigating the gangsters to harm her sister.'

In her previous life, her so-called father had questioned her in the same manner. She tried to explain and apologize, but all she received was cold indifference. No one would believe her words.

So, this time, she didn't plan to explain either. After all, no one would believe her even if she did.

Angela regained her composure and asked calmly, "But did she die?"

George's pupils contracted; he paused for a moment and then angrily shouted at Angela, "Angela, that's inhumane! How can you be so malicious and curse your sister to death?!"

Angela’s oldest brother James was even more furious. He rushed toward Angela and glared down at her. "Angela, I can't believe our family has someone as malicious as you. We shouldn't have brought you back in the first place. We should have let you fend for yourself outside."

Angela simply looked deeply at him without saying a word.

Several other brothers wanted to accuse Angela, but they were stopped by Scarlet.

Sitting by the hospital bed, holding Angela's hand, Scarlet smiled tenderly.

"Angela, I know that you have suffered a lot since you were little because you were mistakenly taken away. After we brought you back, we have been trying to make it up for you and let you continue your studies. Now you are in university. Many girls your age don't even have the chance to go to middle school or high school. You should be grateful."

Scarlet's eyes gradually turned red as she continued. "You shouldn't have harmed your sister like this. Reputation is more important than life for a girl. Although she was switched at birth, she was raised by us since she was young. I treat you all equally, so you shouldn't have any prejudice against her, okay?"

It was grand, but looking at the hypocritical face in front of her and recalling what Scarlet said before she died, Angela felt a chill in her body and mind. It was colder than holding an ice block.

The opportunity to study given by the Kins Family was indeed quite rare.

But is it not to silence those gossipers and show off that every member of the Kins Family is a college graduate, right?

Fanny lives in the princess room while I live in the storeroom. I have leftovers for meals and only have hand-me-downs from Fanny.

And they have the audacity to say that they treat both of us equally? Is this a joke?

Moreover, Angela was injured like this, and they not only showed no concern but also came specifically to interrogate and blame her.

Without understanding the situation, they only knew how to blindly blame her.

Angela sneered and didn't want to say a word.

Samuel, the fourth son in the family, couldn't bear it anymore and shouted at Angela, "Angela, you've gone too far! You've done such outrageous things to Fanny, and you still dare to say it's not your fault? It's fine if you usually cause trouble, but now you even curse her! You're evil!"

Zacharias, the third one, also chimed in, "Angela, don't be ungrateful for the blessings you were born into. Everything you have now was given to you by the Kins Family. What else are you dissatisfied with? Do you really want to drive Fanny to death before you're satisfied?"

Joseph, the second, opened his lips, wanting to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything. However, disappointment was clearly written on his face.

Angela calmly withdrew her hand, her eyes calm. She turned her head to the side, no longer wanting to argue with them.

For those who didn't believe in her, she felt that saying even one more word was a waste.

"I've heard everything you said, so how do you plan to punish me?" Angela asked.

As soon as these words were spoken, the room fell silent.

It seemed that they hadn't expected Angela to say this, and Scarlet's eyes showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

George sighed and said, "Since that's the case, I need you to give Fanny the opportunity to deliver the Brundelian speech. You can take a break for now and apply next year."

The reason Angela applied for this Brundelian speech competition was because of a boy named Christopher. She wanted to have more contact with him.

Although she didn't particularly like her major, she had been studying very hard for Christopher, and everyone could see that.

Everyone present thought she would cry and make a fuss, but who knew...

Angela smiled and said, "Okay."

Her answer was too quick, leaving everyone a bit stunned.

"Anything else Fanny wants? I can give them up too."

From childhood to adulthood, such things had happened too many times, and Angela always thought that if she endured it, it would pass.

However, she realized now that she had been wrong. Taking a step back didn't always lead to better prospects. Sometimes, it would just make her bullies corner her further.

Chapter 3 Don't Butter Me Up

George couldn't help but frown. "Angela, be careful with your attitude."

Angela was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Is my attitude not satisfactory, Mr. Kins?"

Scarlet's face turned sour, and she said, "Angela, that's your father. How can you speak to him like that?"

The third son Zacharias sneered, "What's wrong? Angela, are you throwing a tantrum again, acting like a spoiled princess? Look at how indulged you are. Now, you've even disowned your own parents. If you leave the Kins Family, you're nothing."

"Yes, you're right." Angela lay back down and started dismissing them. "If you have nothing else to say, please leave. I need to rest. Goodbye."

She protected Fanny and tried to escape but was beaten up by the thugs even more. She was still lying in the hospital while they came to seek justice for Fanny, who was standing there unharmed.

She was reliving her past life. She hadn't even been discharged from the hospital, and they targeted her chance at the Brundelian speech.

Angela didn't want to have anything to do with these hideous creatures. She just wanted them to leave as soon as possible.

Everyone frowned, and Samuel exploded. "Angela, are you out of your mind? Do you know what you're saying? You actually want to kick us out. Who do you think you are?"

Angela turned away, refusing to communicate with them any further.

In this lifetime, she wouldn't let Fanny have the chance to attend that speech competition. Not a chance in hell.

Fanny glanced up slightly, her gaze sweeping over Angela's back, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

Then, she smiled. It seems that Angela isn't that foolish after all.

The Kinses were upset. Seeing that Angela was unresponsive, they said a few harsh words and left.

The door was slammed shut, making a loud noise that even caused a piece of wall to peel off.

It could be imagined how angry the Kins Family members were at this moment.

As the door closed, Angela opened her eyes. Her heart was calm at this moment.

It turned out that not yearning for the warmth of family and no longer being a sycophant could be so satisfying.

In her previous life, she was too arrogant, always thinking that as long as she was sensible enough and excellent enough, she could integrate into this family. But what did she get in return?

She had done her utmost for the Kins Family.

Since I have a chance to start over, I need to live a different life and not repeat the same mistakes.

The door was pushed open again, and Angela impatiently turned to look at the person coming in, Joseph, who had just left and returned.

He walked to the bedside and said to Angela, "Angela, don't be so stubborn. It shouldn't be so difficult to apologize to Fanny and promise that you won't do such things again. As long as you do that, you will still be seen favorably by everyone, and Mom and Dad won't ignore you."

But the only response Joseph received was silence. Angela closed her eyes and didn't want to talk to him.

Joseph sighed and said, "Rest well. I'm leaving."

The door was closed again. After all the commotion, Angela felt a bit thirsty and got up to find some water to drink.

The hospital corridor was filled with all kinds of people.

During this period, there was no distinction between outpatient and inpatient departments in the hospital, and the space was limited. It was not uncommon for several people to share a ward.

After getting some cold water from the water dispenser in the corner, Angela took a few big sips and felt much better.

She then got some hot water and was about to leave when she turned around and saw a man sitting in a wheelchair behind her.

The man had deep facial features and was dressed in a neatly tailored shirt. His sleeves were casually rolled up, revealing his long and fair wrists.

Even in a wheelchair, his noble and cold temperament couldn't be hidden.

"Hello, Jonathan," Angela stammered as she greeted him.

Upon hearing Angela's voice, Jonathan, with his ink-colored eyes, raised his gaze and looked at her. "Hmm?"

"I am Angela. We met at the Sanders Residence before," Angela said, feeling pressured under Jonathan's intimidating gaze, struggling to speak clearly.

Angela had seen him twice before. He was Christopher's half-brother. To be precise, she was very concerned about anything related to Christopher.

It was rumored that Jonathan had suffered from a chronic illness since childhood, but he had exceptional talent in business.

He held the fate of the Sanders Family in his hands, so he had a supreme position in the family. Although he was the eldest son of the Sanders Family, he didn't bear the Sanders surname for some unknown reason.

And most importantly, Jonathan would pass away at a young age due to illness in two years.

At that thought, Angela's heart skipped a beat, and she glanced at Jonathan's almost perfect profile, seeing complexity in his eyes.

Due to her previous life, Angela was completely devoted to her family and had no idea when Jonathan passed away. Later, when she heard about it, she couldn't help but feel regretful for a while.

Jonathan faintly responded, "A friend of Christopher from the Kins Family?"

Angela nodded hesitantly, somewhat surprised that he knew. "Yes..."

Although the man had an exceptionally handsome appearance, his eyes were too cold, emitting a chilling aura. Angela felt uneasy, unconsciously gripping the cup in her hand.

In her previous life, she had fallen for Christopher and pursued him relentlessly, and almost everyone knew about it.

During the two visits to his family, she tried to win their favor by being overly accommodating and flattering. She thought she had done well.

But later, she found out that they thought she was a joke.

They mocked her behind her back, saying she lacked self-respect as a girl, chasing after a man like that, being frivolous and lowly.

Glancing at the water dispenser, then at Jonathan's wheelchair, Angela kindly took the cup from Jonathan's hand and got some water for him.

Jonathan held the cup in his hand, his narrow eyes turning slightly as he calmly said, "You don't need to please me; I have no say Christopher's affairs."

Chapter 4 The Hideous Kins Family

Angela's eyes widened. Jonathan believed that she was doing this to please him so he would put in a good word for her with Christopher.

"I didn't! I was genuinely concerned about you," Angela nervously clenched her hand and lowered her gaze, saying softly, "And besides, I no longer have feelings for Christopher."

Whether it was the Kins Family or Christopher, she was done being their puppet.

After saying that, Angela turned around and left.

Watching her walk away, Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows slightly, his gaze becoming even more intense...

On the day of her discharge, a Santana stopped at the hospital entrance. It was the Kins Family who came to pick up Fanny from the hospital.

James politely opened the car door for Fanny while Zacharias followed behind, carrying her bags and packages. The three of them got into the car, chatting and laughing.

The car sped away without anyone noticing Angela's presence.

Angela chuckled lightly, not feeling disappointed at all.

She suddenly wanted to escape from that family. No matter how wealthy the Kins Family was, she had no connection with them.

In their eyes, she was just a clown. The butt of their jokes.

The Kins Family lived behind the employee housing area of the garment factory in a three-story house with unique decorations. It was the most beautiful sight in the housing area.

When George resigned from his government job and became one of the first people to start a business, it must be said that George made the right choice. Over the years, he had made a fortune by running a clothing company and became the envy of everyone in the housing area.

It was working hours now, and there were only a few elderly men playing chess in the housing area, as well as a few middle-aged women sitting under the trees, fanning themselves and gossiping.

Seeing Angela return with a canvas bag on her back, they weren't too surprised, as if they had long been accustomed to it.

But as usual, they couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

"Angela, why did you come back by yourself? James and Zacharias went to pick up your sister early in the morning. Why didn't they bring you back together?"

When the talk turned to cars, Mrs. Lindon's eyes revealed a hint of envy. The Kins Family's wealth and power were recognized by everyone in the housing area.

In the entire housing area, there was no one who didn't envy them.

Mrs. Lindon was known as the gossip queen of the housing area, meddling in everyone's business.

She knows all the scandals and gossip going around in the neighborhood. Whether it was petty theft, mischievous pranks, or outright affairs, she knew everything.

Mrs. Lindon seemed to be very 'concerned' about their family's affairs, just like she used to be. Angela used to cover for the Kins Family, claiming that she had car sickness and would vomit every time she went into the car. Walking was better.

However, this time, Angela didn't plan on hiding or pleasing the Kins Family anymore. There was no need to lie.

"I actually wanted to take the car back, but my sister thinks I'm dirty and won't let me in. What can I do, Mrs. Lindon? I live in the storage room at home, and it smells really bad in there. It's so uncomfortable, especially in this hot weather."

As Angela spoke, tears welled up in her eyes. She sniffed and continued, "I can't even eat at the table until my sister finishes her meal. The clothes I wear are all hand-me-downs from my sister, and even this backpack was something she didn't want anymore before I could use it."

The group of women sighed and expressed sympathy for Angela.

The Kins Family, being so wealthy, was surprisingly stingy. They treated their own daughter like a maid while spoiling their adopted daughter. It was really unfair!

It turned out their kindness towards their biological daughter was all just a facade. They treated their adopted daughter like a treasure and their own daughter like dirt. Only the Kins Family could do such a thing.

"Don't cry, my dear. Look at what our family has done. If I had such an amazing granddaughter, I would definitely spoil her like a precious gem. I can't understand what they're thinking."

"They may seem nice to you most of the time, but it turns out it's all a facade. I can't believe the Kins Family, with all their wealth, would be so stingy towards their own daughter. It's really too much!"

As Angela listened to these words, a hint of satisfaction flashed in her eyes. This was exactly the outcome she had hoped for.

It wouldn't be long before this news spreads throughout the entire compound. Let's see how long they can keep up the pretense.

"Ladies, I have to go back and cook now. If I'm late, my parents and brothers will scold me again."

This statement was true. Angela's cooking skills were highly regarded by the Kins Family.

She didn't know when it started, but in addition to school, she had to prepare three meals a day. It was because Fanny never ate the meals made by the housekeeper, so Angela had to work late into the night and wake up before dawn to cook for the family. But she didn't plan on serving them anymore.

Mrs. Lindon was a little puzzled and couldn't help but ask curiously, "Didn't the Kins Family hire a housekeeper? Why do they still need you to come home and cook?"

Chapter 5 It Won't Be For Long

Angela wiped away her tears and said, "My sister refuses to eat the food made by the housekeeper. She claims she can't eat it and only eats the food I prepare. In order to survive, I have to compromise."

Previously, Angela always believed that Fanny was picky because of her excellent cooking skills.

Every time they had a meal, Fanny would compliment her cooking skills and express her preference for the dishes she made.

Blinded by the compliments, Angela was oblivious to the truth.

But now she saw things differently. Fanny was intentionally doing this, treating her like a servant and mocking her behind her back.

As Angela anxiously left, several women couldn't help but sigh.

It's truly difficult to know a person's true nature. They never expected the Kinses' own daughter to live a life worse than a servant. It was truly a tragedy!

Although they couldn't fully comprehend the actions of the Kins Family, they understood the crux of the matter.

All of Angela's misfortunes were caused by Fanny.

This adopted daughter, who usually appeared obedient and sensible, had a malicious side that no one could have anticipated. It was truly difficult to know a person's true nature!

The Kinses' estate was expansive, adorned with various flowers, plants, and a few laurel trees. The fragrance of the flowers wafted through the air, refreshing and delightful.

Upon entering the living room, the entire family was gathered together, exchanging gifts and laughing.

It was such a harmonious scene that one hesitated to disturb their happiness.

Initially, Angela intended to bypass the living room and head to her own room, but she was spotted by Fanny, who had sharp eyes and was walking towards her at that moment.

Fanny affectionately took Angela's hand and smiled joyfully. "Angela, you're back. We have guests at home today. Dad bought a lot of delicious food to celebrate our discharge from the hospital. Your cooking skills are the best, and I love the dishes you prepare."

Everyone then noticed Angela's presence. Observing Fanny and Angela getting close, they frowned, and their expressions turned sour.

James was the first to approach. He warily looked at Angela and then reached out his hand to Fanny, saying, "Fanny, come to me. Don't forget how you got injured. Stay away from Angela. She will harm you."

"James, I've already said it many times. Angela definitely didn't do it—"

Before the conversation could continue, Zacharias interrupted. "It wasn't her who did it, but she allowed the thugs to bully you, Fanny. Stop defending her. You're just too kind, which is why you're being bullied by Angela like this."

Observing this unfolding scene, Angela remained silent and motionless. She simply stood there quietly.

Samuel also approached and handed Angela a piece of paper and a pen. "Angela, since you're back, apologize to Fanny quickly and write a letter of reflection. When you make a mistake, you should act accordingly."

Glancing at the paper and pen in front of her, Angela chuckled.

She took the blank paper and tore it into pieces, and the pen fell heavily to the ground along with her actions.

No one thought Angela would do such a thing. Samuel's face turned red with anger. "Angela, what are you doing?"

Angela didn't beat around the bush and withdrew her hand. "I won't apologize or write a letter of reflection for something I didn't do."

Everyone present was stunned, and a tall man in a white shirt walked over from behind Samuel.

Angela looked up and saw Christopher, her supposed fiancé.

So, he came to defend Fanny. Well, he certainly is quite passionate!

"Angela, you're capable of doing anything to harm your sister. Do you think you can deceive everyone and gain their approval by doing this?"

Without any hesitation, Christopher approached and immediately started accusing her.

He believed that by doing so, Angela would compromise, apologize to Fanny as she had done before, and write a letter of reflection.

But he seemed to have forgotten that Angela had just refused to apologize and tore the blank paper in front of everyone.

It was as if she had undergone a sudden transformation, no longer paying attention to their words.

Angela glanced at Christopher, a hint of mockery flickering in her eyes.

She used to genuinely admire him, this man who seemed gentle and always wore a warm smile.

She used to follow him around like a shadow, obediently obeying his every word, never daring to express any disagreement.

And Christopher had always taken care of this compliant fiancée. This seemingly non-existent affection had trapped Angela, making it impossible for her to free herself.

When did this man start despising me so much?

There was no trace of his previous tenderness, only endless accusations.

"Christopher, don't speak about Angela like that. She is your fiancée, so perhaps she is facing her own difficulties. After such an incident, she must be feeling very upset."

Fanny stepped forward to defend Angela, looking at Christopher with clear eyes filled with confusion and a hint of reproach.

Upon hearing this, Christopher's lips curled into a cruel smile. "She will soon no longer be my fiancée."
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Aug 28, 2024 - Aug 29, 2024
A Night of Absurdities✨✨

"Anastasia, help! I've been molested at the club!"

The desperate and helpless sound of her best friend's voice was the only thing on Anastasia Tillman's mind as she rushed over to the clubhouse.

Room 808. Anastasia looked up at the number plaque on the door of the private room. It was the same room number that her best friend, Hayley Seymour, had texted her. Without another thought, she barged through the door to save her friend.

When the door swung open under her hand, she was greeted by the darkness within. Suddenly, a strong hand clasped around her wrist and dragged her into the dark room, followed by a loud thud as the door slammed shut.

"Hey—who are you, and what do you want?!" Anastasia shrieked, her eyes darting around wildly as she tried to make out her surroundings.

"Settle down, and I'll treat you well." A man's deep and husky voice spoke close to her ear.

The next second, Anastasia was unceremoniously tossed onto the couch, and before she could scramble to her feet, a lean and strong body pinned her down.

She let out a muffled cry when a pair of lips that tasted like peppermint captured hers.

The man on top of her felt burning hot to the touch. A sense of hopelessness brought tears to her eyes as she tried to struggle against the man, but in the end, she could do nothing but endure the man's ferocity.

An hour later, Anastasia staggered out of the room, looking disheveled. She had only just been through a nightmare, but that didn't distract her from worrying about her best friend's safety.

She was just about to call Hayley's number when she saw a group of men and women walking out the side door. Under the lights, she instantly recognized the two of the women in the group.

One happened to be Hayley, her best friend who had cried for help on the phone earlier, and the other was Anastasia's stepsister, Erica Tillman. The two girls walked side by side with their arms linked, as if they were the closest of friends.

Shock and rage colored Anastasia's features when she saw them. "Stop right there, Hayley!" she called out loudly over the distance as her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Upon hearing this, Hayley and Erica swiveled around to face her. Anastasia glowered at them, ashen-faced as she demanded of Hayley, "Why would you lie to me?!"

Hayley smirked. "It's not my fault that you're always so gullible, Anastasia."

"Did you have a good time with that gigolo back there?" Erica asked in a sing-song voice, smiling wickedly.

It was only then that Anastasia realized that both of them had set her up. The chastity she had held dear for the past nineteen years was now sacrificed for their despicable glee.

Presently, Hayley's eyes were frosty as she seethed, "Did you actually think I was your friend, Anastasia? I've been living in your shadow ever since we met! I hate you, and I want nothing more than to ruin that face of yours!"

Erica, on the other hand, swiftly interjected by mocking, "I have the proof I need to show Dad that you've been pimping yourself for money at the club. It won't be long until you're thrown out of the house!"

"You two—" Anastasia was so furious that she swayed. Her body was in tatters after the ordeal she had been through, and the collective weight of her friend's betrayal and her sister's cruelty nearly knocked her down.

"Let's go, Hayley! We don't want to be seen with trash, do we?" With her arm looped through Hayley's, Erica led her toward the sports car she had parked by the curb.

Three days later, at the Tillman Residence, a low male voice yelled out in rage, "You became an escort for money just because I wouldn't let you go abroad for your studies? How can I, Francis Tillman, be capable of having such a shameless daughter like you?"

"Dad, I didn't—"

"You didn't? But you did, Anastasia! How could you go to such shameless lengths? Did we starve you, or did we deprive you of anything? I can't believe you would pimp yourself to random strangers in a filthy clubhouse! For your sake, I hope you haven't brought any disease back to this house. Who knows what my daughter and I could have caught from you," the woman who was dressed in jewels and fine clothes sneered from where she sat on the couch.

"Dad, I really didn't do it. I—" Anastasia tried to explain herself.

However, Francis did not want to hear another word from her. He glowered at her maliciously as he snapped, "Still lying to me, I see. Get out of this home right now! I will not stand to have you under my roof. No daughter of mine could be so shameless. From now on, you are not my child!"

Meanwhile, on the staircase landing, Erica watched this scene play out as she leaned against the banister with her chin propped on her hand. Everything was going exactly the way she had planned. In a matter of minutes, Anastasia was going to be cast out of the house and wander around like some pathetic stray mutt.

Downstairs in the living room, Anastasia fell silent when she saw the thunderous and disappointed look on her father's face. She wordlessly rose from her seat and walked up the stairs to pack up her things.

She had only just rounded the landing when Erica barricaded her. With her arms crossed haughtily in front of her chest, the younger girl sneered, "Get out of here! Don't linger around like an eyesore. This house will never have a place for you ever again!"

Anastasia clenched her fists as she glowered at Erica's pleased expression.

Seeing the hatred and anger in Anastasia's eyes, Erica leaned forward. "What, do you want to slap me or something?" She turned her cheek toward the fuming girl and said smugly, "Go right ahead, then!"

Without holding back, Anastasia brought her hand down across Erica's face, resulting in a hard slap.

"Ah!" Erica let out a shrill cry. "You just hit me! Mom, Dad—Anastasia just hit me!" She howled as she bolted down the stairs.

Naomi Lowell quickly pulled her daughter into her arms and cried up the stairwell, "How dare you strike my daughter, Anastasia! What the hell are you playing at?!"

Francis glanced at the red imprints on Erica's cheek, and he had never been more disappointed in his life. When did my oldest daughter become so infuriatingly rebellious?

"Dad, it hurts..." Erica sobbed as she burrowed into her father's arms, taking in exaggerated deep breaths like she was in great pain.

"Get out of here, Anastasia!" Francis roared up the stairs.

Having packed up her things, Anastasia grabbed her passport and went down the stairs. Her heart grew stone-cold when she saw how her own father was holding Erica in his arms like she was something precious.

Anastasia knew then that she indeed had no place in his heart. Francis had only heard Erica's side of the story instead of asking Anastasia about the horrific incident she had endured last night.

Ever since her mother had passed, she had spent her years in this home living like an outsider, for her father had brought home his mistress and his illegitimate daughter to form a new family.

Anastasia's poor mother had never known about her husband's extra-marital affairs, not even in her death.

I will never come back to this place ever again.

Inside the house, Erica watched as Anastasia dragged her suitcase out the front door, and a wicked smile curled on her lips. I finally got rid of that useless eyesore!

Five years later, a knock came on the front door of an apartment in Dansbury.

The woman living in the apartment had been poring over her designs when she heard the knock. A little bewildered, she walked up to the door and pulled it open unhappily. When she saw the two Asian men in suits, she asked in Chinese, "Who are you looking for?"

"Are you Miss Anastasia Tillman?" one of the two men asked in English.

"I am. And you are?" Anastasia pressed.

"We were asked to look for you. Your mother, Amelia Chapman, saved our young master's life back in the day. The old madam whom we serve wishes to see you."

She frowned at this. "Who's the old madam you serve?"

"Old Madam Presgrave," the first man answered respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Anastasia understood what had brought these men here. Old Madam Presgrave was the woman behind the Presgrave Group, the foremost conglomerate in the country. Years ago, Anastasia's mother had sacrificed her life to save Old Madam Presgrave's oldest grandson.

It gave Anastasia great pride to have been born to a police officer as capable and righteous as Amelia.

"I'm sorry, but I don't intend to see her," Anastasia said decidedly. She had a feeling that the Presgraves wanted to repay Amelia's great deed, but she had no plans of accepting their gesture whatsoever.

Just then, a childish and curious voice sounded from somewhere inside the apartment, asking, "Mommy, who is it?"

"No one," Anastasia replied hastily. Then, she turned to address the men at the door, "Sorry, but I'm really not in a mood for guests at the moment."

With that, she closed the door.

Meanwhile, back in the country, a man was seated on the couch inside the villa tucked halfway up the hill. "Have you tracked her down?"

"Yes, Young Master Elliot. The girl from the clubhouse five years ago just sold off your watch at the second-hand market."

"Find her," said the man on the couch, his voice deep and authoritative.

"Yes, sir!"

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The novels
Aug 28, 2024 - Aug 29, 2024
👊😡After 15 years, he came back, saw his wife and daughter living on the street, angry on the spot, a short message to 100 billion group bankruptcy

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.

At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.

The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.

Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.

Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.

He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.

Once, he'd inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.

He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.


Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.

Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.

However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.

His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.

As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.

But he didn't care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.

At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton's business community.

With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.

However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.

No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family's eyes.

Eventually, on Levi's wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law's bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.

That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.

Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn't commit.

From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.

And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.

He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.

More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey's face.

He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.

Yet, they treated him like trash.

It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.

How he hated the Garrison family!

But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?

In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.

Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.

“How's it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.

Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I'm afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o'clock tonight!”

Ever since Zoey's husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.

Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.

And right now, the person Levi couldn't wait to see the most was Zoey.

After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn't accept nor refuse directly.”

“What time?” Levi asked tersely.

“Eight o'clock, Sir.”

“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”

Since the time for the two events didn't clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.

The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton's Crystal Palace Hotel.

With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.

The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.

“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”

Joseph's three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.

The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.

Most of the guests who attended today's banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.

“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.

“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”

“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he's not qualified enough!”

“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”

Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”

“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”

No one believed it.

In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.

“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He's on the way!”

“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”

Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.

The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.

Levi's brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi's imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today...”

“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today's the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.

“Really? Isn't that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”

“Please, please, please don't come back! He's the Garrison family's biggest disgrace!”

Victoria's lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family's status today.”

“That's what he's supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he's just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”

Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I've been interested in Levi's wife for a long time now. She's still widowed, and I'm so going to marry her!”

The man's remark caused gales of laughter.

“Everyone, stop what you're doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.

A thunderous applause was heard.

But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.

The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.

On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.

His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.

“It's Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.

Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.

“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi's adoptive parents spoke in unison.

Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.

“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”

Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.

“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph's fury sprang to life.

“Who let him in? Didn't you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”

Bryan rose to his feet. “…… are you doing here, Levi?”

Levi sized him up. “Why can't I be here?”

“Well, for starters, you're an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You'd even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”

“You've lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”

“Everyone knows why you're back. You want to leech off the Garrison family; you want our money, isn't it?!”

“You've long been expelled from the Garrison family, you ungrateful wretch! The Garrison family has nothing to do with you! Now, get lost!”

Levi's adoptive parents rose to their feet and pointed at his nose, hurling abusive remarks at him.

The Garrison family's brazenness of distorting the truth was mind-bending.

How disappointing!

He had thought they would feel somewhat apologetic after six years, but they were unexpectedly more aggravated.

They took everything from him, crippled him, and ruined his reputation, turning everything upside down and making everything his fault instead.

The Garrison family didn't have the slightest bit of compassion to speak of.

Bryan zipped towards Levi, assessing him condescendingly. “Hmph! Don't you just want money now that you're back?”


Bryan threw a credit card to the ground and lifted his foot, shaking his leather shoe. “My vamp is dirty. Lick it clean, and the one million in this card is yours!”

His words elicited a fresh burst of laughter as the crowd looked at Levi as if they were looking at a dog.

“Oh my! One million? That's more than enough to cover his living expenses. I bet he'll lick it!”

Victoria gave a wry look.

“On your knees!” Bryan roared, seeing that Levi was glaring at him. “Now, lick my shoe!”

Levi stared at him coldly and held his peace.


Bryan rushed to Levi and pressed his shoulders, forcing him to kneel, but the latter didn't budge.

“I said kneel!!!”

Bryan struggled to rivet him to the spot.

“Drop dead!”

Levi suddenly slapped Bryan in the face, sending him flying almost eight meters away.

Silence engulfed the room; one could even hear a pin drop!


Everyone in the Garrison family was stupefied.

What did Levi just do?

Did he just knock Bryan to the ground with a single slap?


Bryan was about to get up when Levi stepped on him, crushed him, and crossed over him.

Looking at the approaching Levi, Joseph instinctively stepped back.

Levi went up the stage and adjusted the microphone stand.

Everyone looked at him, wondering what he was going to do next.

“Listen up, everyone...”

“I'm sure you remember what happened six years ago, yes? For the love and care I had received from the Garrison family during childhood, I'm giving you one month to kneel before me for three days and three nights to repent your sins!”

“Remember, that's everyone from the Garrison family!”

“If I don't see any shadow within a month, the outcome is simple—I swear I'll wipe off every single one of you here today!”

Levi's voice was low and deep.

But as soon as he finished, the crowd was laughing like a drain.

“Did prison life eat his brain or what? What conceited nonsense is he spouting?”

“The Garrison family right now is a juggernaut in North Hampton. He's just a criminal. Isn't it a pipe dream to destroy the Garrison family?”

“Did he knock his brain loose or something?”


“Bear in mind that I have limited patience. You only have one month! Of course, you may gather your strengths and connections to fight against me! I'll be waiting.”

Levi then took his leave straightaway, disregarding the mockeries of the crowd.

“Stop right there, you *! Did I tell you to leave?”

Ben, Levi's adoptive father, wanted to stop him.

“Ben, let him go!” Joseph said. “It's a big day today. I don't want to see bloodshed!”

He was afraid about the impact that would bring about if the big shot saw this.

“Yeah! There are so much more opportunities to take care of him!”

“He's in luck that the big shot is on his way!”

With that, Levi left the place under the watchful eyes of hundreds of people.

After Levi had left, Joseph asked anxiously, “Jaycob, where's the big shot? Isn't he here yet?”

Jaycob looked dazed. “According to the time, he should have arrived long ago. Let me ask...”

After making a phone call, Jaycob blanched. “Dad, the big shot was here, but he left already.”

“What? The big shot was here?”

“The big shot said that the Garrison family are a bunch of unworthy stupid pigs!”

“I get it. He must have left in a fit of rage after witnessing the ruckus that brat had created!”

“He must have thought that the Garrison family disrespected him!”

Joseph trembled with rage. “That brat will pay for this!”

The multitude reacted accordingly.

Levi has ruined the Garrison family's glorious event!

He just pissed off the big shot!

That's equivalent to cutting off the Garrison family's chance to reach the sky!

Levi Garrison is indeed the sinner of the Garrison family!

At that moment, the Garrison family wished to skin Levi alive.

His adoptive parents, brother, and sister-in-law especially hated him to the bone. “Just you wait, Levi!”

After leaving Crystal Palace Hotel, the next person that Levi was going to look for was his wife, Zoey Lopez.

In this life, he owed no debt to the Garrison family, nor his friends and classmates, but Zoey.

He had been imprisoned on the second day after the wedding, making Zoey lose her reputation. That even put her through six years of widowhood.

This woman has carried too much on her shoulders for six years.

But now that I'm back, I'll hold your hand, and we'll conquer the world together!

After hesitating for a long time, Levi pressed the doorbell.


The young woman dropped her mobile phone to the ground as the door opened.

Upon taking a closer look at Levi's face, Zoey broke down in tears.

“Zoey, quick, just get the parcel and come in. It's almost time for the family banquet! Your grandfather is going to settle your marriage at the family banquet tonight. You can't get away from this!”

“Yeah! Quickly get dressed! Your grandfather is going to set you up with someone else!”

Zoey's parents' voices sounded from the inside.

“Zoey, I'm back!” Levi said excitedly, wanting to fling his arm around her, but Zoey slapped his hands away.

“Why did you come back? I've already forgotten about you...”

Zoey's voice was choked with sobs.

Very soon after, Zoey's parents, Aaron and Caitlyn, came out, looking horrified.

“How dare you have the nerve to come back? Do you know how much criticism my family has suffered because of you? Especially Zoey. Do you know how much she has suffered for the past six years?” Zoey's father, Aaron, reproached.

Meanwhile, her mother, Caitlyn, pushed and shoved Levi. “You should know that this relationship between you and Zoey is impossible in this life the moment you went to jail! You're a criminal! You're just a street rat in North Hampton! You're only putting Zoey in harm's way by coming to see her!”

Naturally, Levi had known of Zoey's sufferings for the past six years, including her refusal to remarry because of him.

Levi put on a serious face. “This time, I'm back for good. I won't leave Zoey ever again. I will grant her a bright future and let her own the world!”

Levi's declaration had Aaron and Caitlyn hooting with laughter.

“You've spent six years in jail. How are you going to give Zoey a future?” Aaron asked with a sneer.

“Yeah! With your mouth?” Caitlyn chimed in. “There's a limit to talking big!”

Nonetheless, Levi smiled. “Don't worry. I'll reclaim what I lost in those years! I'll destroy the Garrison family in a month!”

“Levi!” This time, even Zoey couldn't bear to listen to his nonsense any longer. “Can we be more realistic? It doesn't matter if you just get out of prison. Can't you just be down to earth and start anew? I believe that you will make a comeback one day, but you can't just indulge in tall talk. Do you know just how powerful the Garrison family is right now? And besides, today's era is a far cry from what it was six years ago!”

“Zoey, trust me,” Levi said earnestly. “I can make the Garrison family bow at my feet with just a word!”


Levi's bravado nearly drove Zoey and her parents round the bend.

Having been caged up for six years, did he finally lose his mind?

“Fine. If you say so,” Zoey said, shoving her mobile phone to Levi directly. “Then prove it! I'd like to see how you make the Garrison family bow their heads with just one word!”


Levi was stunned.

It was true that he could exterminate the Garrison family with his words, but he had given them one month; it would be too uneventful to destroy them now.

“See, you can't do it, can't you? Then don't you ever talk big if you can't!”

Zoey smashed the phone to the ground, marking her wrath.

Following that, her parents pushed Levi away. “Go now. You're not welcome here. We've got a family banquet to attend!”

“No. Mom, Dad, let him in!”

“What do you mean, Zoey?”

“I won't remarry. My husband is back.”


Aaron and Caitlyn couldn't talk her round, so they could only let him in.

After that, Zoey took Levi to her bedroom.

“Since you're back, you're still my husband. I don't care about the gossips. Besides, I believe you're innocent, and anyone with discerning eyes can see that it was the Garrison family who'd framed you!”

Levi could feel the warmth in his heart.

She trusted him, and that was more than enough for him.

“But you must promise me to start from zero and be down to earth. I believe you will achieve something great with your ability! I'll give you five years!”

“That's unnecessary,” Levi said. “Just give me one month. In a month, I'll de—”

“Shut up! I don't want to listen to your nonsensical and unrealistic talks! Why can't we just be realistic?” Zoey shouted.

“Even if you have nothing now, as long as you take one step at a time, I believe you'll get back on your feet!”

Levi shut up obediently.

“I bought you these six years ago.” Zoey took out a suit from the cupboard. “Change into it at once and follow me to the family banquet!”

“Zoey, what is up with you?”

Seeing Levi all dressed up, Aaron and Caitlyn were naturally dissatisfied.

Zoey clung onto Levi's arm. “Mom, Dad, Levi is my husband now! I will make myself clear to Grandpa tonight!”

Aaron and Caitlyn looked daggers at Levi, sighing helplessly, “For Heaven's sake!”

The Lopez family banquet was held at Golden Port Restaurant, where they contracted the entire restaurant.

Naturally, the Lopez family was not as powerful as the Garrison family, but they were considered above average in North Hampton.

When Zoey and her family arrived at the main hall, they were greeted with strange and jesting gazes.

In the past, when Zoey and Levi had gotten married, Aaron's family status was the highest in the Lopez family.

But after Levi's downfall, Aaron's family had experienced a seismic shift in life, and their status in the Lopez family took a nosedive as they became the subject of ridicule, especially during family events.

“Look! Is that Levi beside Zoey?”

“Yeah! It's really him! He's released from prison already?”

All eyes fell on Levi at once.

Harry, the head of the Lopez family, snorted and turned a blind eye to the four of them.

The old man's favorite now was Fabian, his eldest son, and his family.

Mainly because Fabian's son-in-law, Samuel Robertson, was of mixed ethnicity who was born rich and had lived overseas.

This time, Harry was going to set up Zoey with Samuel's younger brother, Chris, who had been casting covetous eyes on Zoey for some time now.

With no one paying attention to them, Aaron and his family could only find a place to sit first.

As they were about to take their seats, a voice was heard. “No, Aaron. You guys can't sit here.”

It was a reminder from Henry, the second eldest son of the Lopez family.


“There are sitting arrangements to the family banquet this time.”

Aaron looked puzzled. “How so?”

“There are four tables for the family banquet! And it's decided according to the family contribution!”

“For example, the first table is given to the family who contributed over five million to the family in a year; a million for the second table, a hundred thousand for the third table, and less than a hundred thousand for the last table, or should I say no contribution at all!”

Henry smiled smugly. “Our family has made good profits this year, and we've contributed just about five million to the family. So excuse me, but this table here is ours.”

“Of course, you can also sit at the first table without contributing. That is if your family has tens of millions of assets.”

“Unfortunately, we couldn't be any clearer about your family's situation,” sneered Maddison, Henry's wife. “Now that there's an ex-convict in your family, I'm sorry that you guys can only sit at the last table!”

“Mom, Dad, as far as I know, Uncle Aaron and his family didn't contribute much to the family last year,” said Shaun, Henry's son, walking over with a glass in his hand. “Their company went bankrupt, and they even borrowed over two million from Grandpa. Clearly, it's a negative contribution. It's unfair to the relatives sitting at the fourth table! I say we add a fifth table for negative contributors!”

“Yeah, I agree!”

The rest of the Lopez family concurred.

“Okay, we'll do as Shaun says! This shall motivate you people!”

Harry gave his consent.

“Hurry up and sit down. Don't just stand there and make a fool out of yourselves.” Harry glared at Aaron.

With that, Aaron and his family walked over to the fifth table quietly.

“Which table should a ten billion contributor sit at?” asked Levi suddenly, pulling Zoey's arm.

Levi was the one and only five-star God of War, and wealth to him was just a number.

In fact, he didn't know exactly how much he had, but he could still fork out ten billion casually for the family contribution on behalf of Aaron's family.

As soon as Levi said that, everyone was stunned at his query.

After a few moments of silence, the crowd blossomed into an enormous belly laugh.

“Ten billion? You must be kidding me! Even the aristocratic Garrison family may not have that much money!”

“This kid must have a loose screw in the head to come here and embarrass himself!”

“Hey, Aaron. Did you know you have a son-in-law worth ten billion? Hahaha...”

Sensing the jeering gazes and titter from the people around, Aaron and his family wished the ground could swallow them whole.

This is embarrassing!

Too embarrassing!

Zoey's temper sparked, and her eyes blazed with rage.

“Levi Garrison, is it not enough for you to talk big at home that you have to come here and embarrass me? Do you think you haven't done enough after all these years?”

Zoey trembled as tears silently rolling down her cheeks.

“But I do have ten billion!” Levi said helplessly.

At this time, no one bothered to listen to Levi's sheer bull because the star of the day, Fabian's son-in-law, had arrived.

Everyone, including Harry, went out to the entrance to greet him.

“I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting.” Samuel wore an apologetic expression.

“Your flight was nearly ten hours late. What's up with that?” Harry asked in concern.

Samuel smiled. “Grandpa, don't you know? A big shot has arrived in North Hampton, and North Hampton Airport was sealed off for eight hours.”

What? Is there such a thing?

“Who's this big shot to have the airport sealed off, Samuel?” Harry asked smilingly.

“It's not just that. It's said that a hundred planes escorted the private jet of that big shot, and there were a hundred thousand people guarding at the airport.”



The crowd gasped in shock.

“He's the commander-in-chief of nine military regions, the God of War of Erudia. Haha, you may not believe it if I say this, but I met this great man when I was at a gathering abroad, and we even exchanged numbers. I didn't expect him to take up a post in North Hampton! I'll ask him out sometime in support of the Lopez family. That way, you'll gain a foothold in North Hampton in no time,” Samuel said loftily.

“God! That's incredible! How did you even get to know someone like him?”

“My brother-in-law is so cool!”

“The Lopez family's son-in-law is one of a kind! Of course, except for one!”

Everyone looked at Samuel with veneration; the old man was all the more impressed, Aaron and Caitlyn begrudged Fabian's son-in-law, and Zoey was envious as well.

But she believed that in five years, Levi, too, could make her grandfather proud.

Yet, unbeknownst to them, Levi was actually barely stifling in his laughter.

This kid is quite something to know that I've arrived.

But his ability to make up nonsense is even more impressive.

“You're saying you know the God of War?” Levi asked.

Samuel raised his head. “Yeah, we had a drink together. Is there a problem?”

Levi chuckled. “Then why don't I recognize you?”

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The novels
Aug 28, 2024 - Present
Chapter 1 A Horrible Death

In the confines of the Restricted Intensive Care Unit of the Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Calista Stafford lay in the ward for patients with a Level Four virus, numerous tubes sticking out of her body. The pain had tortured her so much that she no longer looked like her old self, and she was close to breathing her last. She clutched the bed sheets tightly with her claw like nails as she looked straight at the woman seated in front of her.

“Everyone else with the K virus died within a month. But you didn’t just survive. You even managed to contain your virus. What a perfect living specimen! How does it feel just living from day to day for the past three years? Not bad right?”

Her evil words were a total contrast to her beautiful face. Others visited her because she was ill, but Quincy Stafford was here to kill her. She took out a syringe full of a clear, light-yellow liquid.

“Oh look, here’s the antiserum that the researchers finally created yesterday! You’ve been hanging on for dear life just for this, right? They’ve grown so attached to you over the past three years, the moment the testing was complete, the research team made sure there was one prepared for you. Once you receive this injection, you can get well! Do you want this jab? My dearest elder sister?”

Yes! Of course, I want it! Calista thought to herself as she closed her eyes and tried to hide the despair she felt.

Calista wanted this antiserum badly, but she knew that her sister would kill her the day the antiserum was created. She was certain of this – after all it was Quincy who gave her this virus in the first place!

Not only did she get this virus, also simply known as the K virus – she had lived her entire life under Quincy’s thumb. Quincy barely understood anything about medical science, and she was now a beautiful and renowned genius doctor in high demand only because she had stolen everything important from her.

Every time she thought about how she had merely become Quincy’s steppingstone to her current success, it nearly drove her to death. But she did not want to die – she wanted revenge! When the researchers saw her strong will to live, they said she was such an altruistic person, sacrificing herself for the rest of the world.

She was being self-sacrificing? What nonsense!

She clung on despite the terrible pain for the past three years, because she hoped they would be able to quickly create an antiserum. The research team finally they had a breakthrough yesterday! The antiserum was finally created, but now Quincy was wickedly teasing her with this very thing that could save her life.

She felt her anger boiling up inside of her, and the sheer amount of hate within her weak body surprised her.

Quincy saw that she had shut her eyes and ignored her words, so she went straight to the point.

“My dear sister, I know you don’t want to die, and actually I’m not afraid of you returning to the medical field because nobody will believe you anymore. Tell you what, if you tell me the code to unlock the safe of your research lab, I’ll inject you with this antiserum immediately, and then send you overseas to live quietly. How about that?”

Calista opened her eyes upon hearing these words, and with an unsteady voice, she uttered her first words, “This is the first time…I have come across…someone…so…shameless!”

Taking away everything she had was not enough, and now before killing her, Quincy still wanted to cheat her of the last thing that made her life worthwhile! Dream on, thought Calista to herself.

“You’re not going to tell me?”

There was an evil glint in her eye as Quincy waved the syringe in her hand, and she threatened her, “What is more important to you than your own life? Didn’t you hang on just for this antiserum?”

Calista laughed coldly and ignored her question.

Seeing that this did not do the trick, Quincy decided to pull out her trump card.

“I suppose you don’t know yet huh. Mr. Kallum is getting engaged today, and his partner is that childhood friend, Mirabelle! That despicable woman! She teamed up with me to gang up against you and did so many terrible things to you – don’t you want to live on and get back at her?”

The words ‘Mr. Kallum’ pierced deeply through Calista’s heart.

Even though she had not heard this name in a very long time, it was still like a sharp sword that pierced easily through an old wound that refused to heal. She could tell that Quincy was filled with regret, because Quincy herself had always dreamed of marrying Kallum Fairchild, but was now beaten to it by Mirabelle Yost. She was full of regret, and she regretted it every single day.

If she had been more alert and saw through Quincy earlier, she would not be in this terrible situation now.

If she did not fall in love with that man and did everything in her power to keep their engagement, then she would not have been attacked time and again, suffering physical and emotional hurt and even nearly being raped!

It was a recurring nightmare of regret, hate and finally despair. Was it wrong to love someone? Was it wrong to show kindness? How did she end up in this state?

“Just kill me…you liar! I know…that syringe…contains poison!” Calista shouted agitatedly, as if she was possessed. She knew that she was doomed to die from the moment Quincy entered the room, because Quincy was only going to lie to her, demean her, and finally kill her.

Upon seeing that Calista would rather die than to tell her the code, Quincy’s face darkened and her anger began to rise.

Nothing went well for her lately – that filthy Mirabelle had stolen the love of her life, and now this useless lowlife dared to go against her?

“Since you’d rather die, I’ll send you on your way! You think I can’t survive without you?”

With that, she got up and marched towards Calista, raising her hand to inject Calista with the deadly syringe. The poison in the syringe would only need ten seconds to kill Calista, and it would look like she died naturally.

Once Calista is dead, nobody in the world would be able to expose my evil deeds, thought Quincy to herself, eyes full of evil intent, not noticing the spark in the eyes of the weak woman lying on the bed.

Suddenly, Calista bolted up from the bed and ripped out the needles from her arm that connected her to various life support machines. She grabbed Quincy’s hand with all her might and pushed the syringe the other way, piercing it right into Quincy’s arm.


Quincy’s eyes opened wide in terror. The next thing she knew, the syringe was empty. She tried calling for help but felt her body go weak and staggered back several steps.

She couldn’t believe it – Calista was practically breathing her last just a moment ago!

The alarm sounded as a result of her pulling all the needles out, but Calista did not care. She finally had her revenge!

She watched as Quincy clutched her own neck and fell to the floor, her eyes wide open, the blood on her hands reflected in her terrified pupils. This was her retribution!

An indescribable feeling of joy surged through Calista’s body, and the smile on her face grew wider and wider, and she looked more and more frightening.

She was so grateful that Grandpa had forced her to train her body since she was young, so she was able to exert this amount of strength despite being in such a weak state. She had avenged herself!

Now she realized that fighting back was not so hard after all.

The room started spinning as the alarm rang in her ears continuously, and Calista fell back onto the bed. She wanted someone to save her. She wanted to survive this ordeal and start her life all over again. She was determined not to be passive anymore and not to be a weakling again, but to boldly live her life and live true to herself!

As she began to lose consciousness, she could hear people rushing into the room.

If she survived, she would no longer be tied down by family who did not love her, she would not fall in love with the same man, and she would only love herself. As long as she could live on…

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